@FirePuff WNOHGB and HT would be what now?
Posts made by Glitch
RE: RL peeves! >< @$!#
@Luna Seriously? I usually go about 5 over, but I don't rage against people going the speed limit. Maybe they have kids in the car, maybe they just got a speeding ticket and have toned it down a bit, maybe they just don't care to break traffic laws. I'm sure the last thing that'll make that situation better is some gun-wielding nut in a truck, riding their ass for not going a minimum of 10 over.
RE: Some features
A stupidly long list of emoji has been added. Just click the smiley face in the text edit menu to be annoyed by the ridiculous number of emoji available.
RE: Some features
To display an image in your post, you can use the regular link icon in the edit options, but just precede it with an exclamation point.
Which produces:
RE: Code in the forums
@Chime said:
Or even a prettyprinter that puts it in expanded form.
Pretty print would require a parse plugin of some variety for nodebb itself, whereas adding syntax highlighting shouldn't be as big of a deal. Though copy/paste spacing is preserved. So you could go to http://muxify.serverglitch.net/editor.html and paste compact form mushcode, explode it and then copy/paste the left pane results here:
@Desc Housing Directory= [u( f.header )] %r [iter( filter(%vb/fil.ownable, search(type=room)), [ljust( name(%i0), 30, . )] [if( hasattr(%i0, owner), name(get(%i0/owner)), No one )] , , %r )] %r [u( f.footer )] &F.FOOTER Housing Directory= [ljust( ansi(h, | [words( filter(%vb/fil.ownable, search(type=room)) )] Housing Builds On Grid |), 78, ansi(%va, -) )]
ETA: Or any other pretty printer you prefer, of course.
RE: Code in the forums
Remarkable: https://github.com/jonschlinkert/remarkable
For syntax highlighting, looks like it uses: https://highlightjs.org/
Adding languages: http://highlightjs.readthedocs.org/en/latest/language-guide.html
RE: Code in the forums
Man, it appears I didn't even have to do any work. To get a code block, use three backticks (```) in the line before and after the code.
var str = "String", ind = 0;
&d.name me=Glitch
It will try to automatically determine language (not available for MU of course), but to specify, use: ```<language name>. For example: ```html
<div class="col-md-7"> <p>Foo</p> </div>
Code in the forums
To post code in the forums, you need to put four spaces before the line. It's a little klunky, so I will see about adding in some wrapper tags to do so automatically. For now, however, it's how it needs to be done.
-------------------------------| Housing List |------------------------------- Limbo.........................Cobalt Conference Room...............Tributary Staff Lounge..................Cobalt Newbie Room...................No one Theno's Closet................Thenomain | 5 Housing Builds On Grid |-------------------------------------------------- @create Housing Directory=10 &F.HEADER Housing Directory=[center(ansi(h, | Housing List |), 78, ansi(%va, -))] @VA Housing Directory=<COLOR YOUR WANT> &FIL.OWNABLE Housing Directory=hasattr(%0, ownable) @VB Housing Directory=#<YOUR HOUSING OBJECT> @Desc Housing Directory=[u(f.header)]%r[iter(filter(%vb/fil.ownable, search(type=room)), [ljust(name(%i0), 30, .)][if(hasattr(%i0, owner), name(get(%i0/owner)), No one)], , %r)]%r[u(f.footer)] &F.FOOTER Housing Directory=[ljust(ansi(h, | [words(filter(%vb/fil.ownable, search(type=room)))] Housing Builds On Grid |), 78, ansi(%va, -))] @set Housing Directory=INHERIT
RE: Steps in deciding to run and setting up a MUSH
@Thenomain said:
@Corruption said:
- Hire Coder. Give coder all needed "We need this common code, we need this customized code."
Be careful about asking a coder if it's okay that their code gets shared. Tell them that the code is for the game, regardless what happens later, even if you won't share it. Staffers are contractors; build and code staff doubly so.
I don't generally like this comparison. There is no actual contract, so treating coders and builders like contractors fails almost immediately. When people throw their time and effort into your game, they or you can quit at any time, there are no real timelines, it's all a dance of falling in and out of passion with the work by all people involved. There are expectations and hopes and fights and drama, but there are no contractors, just people working on the things they're passionate about until such a time as their interests no longer align.
RE: Steps in deciding to run and setting up a MUSH
Giving everyone a wizbit is not a good idea at all. It is the same reason you don't give anyone other than owner and possibly sitewiz/coder the server login: That level of access isn't needed to fulfill their duties.
It may be easier than setting up powers, but it certainly isn't recommended or good starting advice.
RE: Greetings and Salutations
@Cobaltasaurus I meant more graphic/web designer types, or a good amateur. There wouldn't be any coding involved, just CSS.
RE: Coder for Fantasy Mu*
Hey, just to help coders decide, you should probably put up a list of the code systems you'd like to use. For example: an events system where people can post events into particular categories, sign up and unsign up and post to a bboard announcing the event with a command to list all current events.
Do that for each thing you want and it'll likely help you find the help you need. A priority list would also be good.
RE: Greetings and Salutations
Simple answer: I'm attracted to shiny things.
More informative answer: I very much like the use of websockets for realtime notifications, chats, etc. The plugin system is also pretty robust with simple events for some of the easier stuff and then straight exposure to core through a module.parent without modifying existing core. Lastly, I'm tired of php.
RE: Greetings and Salutations
@ixokai There have been several requests for this, or at least mentions that the brightness is too strong. The next version of this forum software is supposed to come with a new theme that is gentler on eyes sensitive to the whites.
Also, if any of you are designer types, I'd certainly be willing to do some overrides to lessen the glare. Only thing really holding that back is that there is not an option for individual themes, everyone has to share, so it can't be pure WoD black or something either.
RE: Book suggestions
@Coin I've read Dresden, Pratchett, the Percy Jackson books and the Death-Gate Cycle (which I read when I was a lot younger and thought it was great). I also read the Earthsea Cycle even younger, but I don't remember that one as well. The tropes site is a good place to look and I'm browsing through it now.
@2mspris I got Dead to Me just now and will give it a read. Thanks!
Book suggestions
I'm looking for suggestions for stuff to read. I like urban fantasy, but less of the high-heels romance sort and wasn't too keen on Iron Druid. Alex Verus, Midnight Mayor, etc, is more my cup of tea. I also like high fantasy (Way of Kings, Warded Man, Codex Alera), but don't really have an interest in books like Game of Thrones.
Anyway, here's to hoping!
RE: Overriding Global Parent Room?
@Rainbow-Bright Hopefully you'll get a better answer from someone else, but it should work the way you describe, at least for attributes. @formats might be special, though. I only have two possible suggestions if nothing better comes up:
- If it's a one-off room, don't parent it and just copy the parts you need from the parent.
- If it's for several rooms, have a parent chain, where the first parent room only has the formatting common to all rooms and then two (or more) sub-parent rooms for more specific use.
Sorry if you've already thought of this, just throwing out ideas.
RE: MediamotherfuckingWiki
@Darinelle The css settings for those tabs are in vectorTabs. So look at the css for the div, ul, li, a, etc settings for the vectorTabs css (background-image is your main problem with the color) and then override them in your custom css. CSS that comes later will take precedence over css loaded earlier.
RE: Greetings and Salutations
@silentsophia We can't do anything about the missing stuff, unfortunately, but we've got the Shout in the Dark category if you want to put out a call.