@Testament from what I've heard, she's very busy with RL stuff currently but @jibberthehut would know best, so tagging her
Posts made by Hella
RE: Marian/Skye @ Arx
RE: Favorite/Most Memorable Childhood Books
@Herja I will never get rid of them
Edit: can't figure out how to get the pic to show but it's just a boring picture of my books
RE: Favorite/Most Memorable Childhood Books
Did no one else read Shel Silverstein or Roald Dahl??? Paper Bag Princess ftw. Also, back then 'Sick' (by Silverstein) was just funny but now I truly get it.
RE: Dead Celebrities 2020
I'll take deaths that break your fucking heart for $1000
RE: Dead Celebrities 2020
@Macha said in Dead Celebrities 2020:
And Tony Lewis, from the Outfield Your Love - the video is embedded in the article.
Ooof. That one hits right in the feels. Damn.
RE: MU Things I Love
@Fang You are wonderful the RP gods definitely blessed me when they were like "I think you need this person in your story!" Yes. YES I DID!
RE: MU Things I Love
Great scenes and great friends
The brilliance of clues and finding one that you'd forgotten about that provides you with interesting RP and theories and direction
The decision to get matching tattoos -
RE: MU Things I Love
This week has been FILLED with amazing scenes and events that drive my character's story forward in tandem with others' stories. There are brilliant people on Arx who can string together IC knowledge and make connections with that info that boggles my mind, and I'm grateful to them.
RE: Fantasy Avatar Generator
I don't play Mo anymore, but this was too fun not to do it.
RE: MU Things I Love
When some sort of IC drama that involves your character has apparently been going on for awhile and pops out of the blue to take you COMPLETELY by surprise, and you find yourself laughing and thinking 'omg how did I not see this coming?' but then feel mostly proud that it was such a non-issue for you.
RE: Buying Shit
I bought this one a few weeks back and love it. Comfy while still being good support, and the arm rests go up and down!
Don't know if it ships to the US though.
Have you ever cosplayed as your/a MU character?
Just like the title says.
Have you ever made a cosplay costume based on a character you played on a MU? I've some inclination to do this, and wondering if others have and any handy hints or tips!
RE: MU Things I Love
Planning a smaller-scale event and having it be AMAZING. And way less stress. People really make all the difference
RE: Real World Peeves, Disgruntlement, and Irks.
POF dude whose screen name is 'Murder'. Just why.
RE: Potential Buffy Game
@wizz said in Potential Buffy Game:
@ixokai said in Potential Buffy Game:
First of all I don't see this big distinction between the two. Angel's out of school and the tone goes a little more serious and dark, but not a lot. Angel's primary difference is the team is a little more formalized: the scoobies on Buffy are her friends, on Angel they're kinda employees, but since he's usually just employing any friend who can handle knowing anything.
The only serious difference between the two shows, to me, is that Buffy happens in high school and the main character makes a lot more jokes.I don't think you understand the thematic differences of the show if you think you can break it down with "one's set in high school and has a higher joke ratio." Like, at all.
Angel has a completely different tone, a different message, a different storytelling style (can you tell me with a straight face that you think Buffy is noir?). Angel goes to very, very dark places and stays there, where Buffy dips its toes occasionally. The shows end on completely different pages.
That's what Ark is referring to, they're set in the same universe but they're capital-letters Not The Same Kinds Of Stories.
From an article that kind of highlights this point:
Unlike Sunnydale, Los Angeles actually exists, and the real-world setting completely changes the subtext of Angel’s fight against the demonic. In Sunnydale, demons are outward manifestations of universal anxieties and fears, preying on the vulnerable but otherwise remaining hidden. In Los Angeles, they walk among us, smiling as they take what’s ours and lure the opportunistic and amoral into their service.
Angel finally finds away to confront the Senior Partners of Wolfram and Heart. Accompanied by the undead lawyer Holland Manners, Angel enters an elevator that will presumably take him to Hell, where he can win the fight once and for all. But things aren’t so simple in the Angel universe.“We have no intention of doing anything so prosaic as ‘winning,'” says Manners, scoffing at Angel’s efforts. “For us, there is no fight. That’s why winning doesn’t even enter into it. We go on.”
And then the elevator doors open, and Angel is back where he started: Los Angeles. Earth. Hell.
If Buffy the Vampire Slayer is a show about becoming, then Angel is about something far more challenging: existing. There is a rot to the world, one that threatens to infect us all—not in grand, dramatic ways, but mundane ones. Entropy and inertia are the natural order of things. According to Holland Manners, the world doesn’t work in spite of evil—it works with it.
I think we disagree about whether or not they can coexist on a game, because a game is going to have more than one storyteller and a whole heck of a lot more points of focus than one insular cast, but to dismissively handwave away the differences is really weird to me.
I'm with you and Ark. I think they are VASTLY different shows with completely different tone and focus (and Buffy clearly had way better writing cough).
RE: Potential Buffy Game
@hedgehog But Kendra didn't have access to much until she came to Sunnydale. She had a stake... did she come with other weapons? I don't recall them, can't remember her talking about them.
And yeah, she had the Watcher's Council.
RE: Potential Buffy Game
Has any ever set up a Buffyverse in a really /really/ small town? I'd love to see that played. Population 500 or less, where it's harder to come across all the cool army base things they have in Sunnydale/LA etc. Kind of a stripped down Buffyverse, and far more dangerous for the lack of resources.
RE: Amber: Why Can't I Quit You
I've always wanted to set something in the Courts of Chaos. I think that sounds pretty 'new' in terms of Amber while still retaining the same world and vibe.
RE: RL Anger
And now this. Twitch is trying to pull down the clips as fast as they can. But just... I hate people right now.
Shot heard, camera faded before, but apparently could see a laser going over heads right before.
The podcast was awful.