Posts made by Livia
RE: Real World Peeves, Disgruntlement, and Irks.
@Auspice Yikes that sucks.
I don't understand why places make it so hard to receive money.
RE: General Video Game Thread
@Ghost Except that for me, personally, modern world of warcraft is not that interesting of a game. Leveling all the way to 120 is an intimidating of a number, until you learn that leveling is laughably easy. Classic WoW has the nostalgia going for it, as @Jaded mentioned and nostalgia is a powerful thing. Classic WoW is a challenging experience in ways modern WoW is not.
Not that I'm playing either of the games so what do I even know! But I'm far more likely to play Classic than the modern offering. It interests me more as a gameplay experience.
RE: General Video Game Thread
But honestly it's a surprisingly different game now than it was back then, and a lot of people didn't like the direction it went and just wanted to play it the way it was. Saying it's 'The same WoW' is not really true.
Like I'm sure all those other reasons are spot on the money (heh!) but still.
RE: What do you call fizzy, non-alcoholic drinks?
Very occasionally do I use soda which is mostly just when speaking to people online so they know what I mean, I think.
Mostly I call 'em 'soft drink'.
RE: StargateMUSH
@ZombieGenesis I don't really expect it to be hard, I just have managed to avoid it so far and it's new and different! I haven't gone out of my way to avoid it just nothing I've wanted to play that uses it
RE: StargateMUSH
I'll have to learn Ares stuff finally, but I'm looking forward to it!
RE: What Types of Games Would People Like To See?
@Runescryer Wait, CoH rebirth?!
RE: The Esports thread
I used to watch a lot of NA LCS but have kind of stopped recently. (Competitive League of Legends in OCE isn't very ... good.) Sometimes I also watched a bit of the LCK when I was REALLY into it, but these days I only really try to watch Worlds. Sometimes MSI. Very occasionally the NA LCS finals, depending on who's playing. I'm a Doublelift fan too but also was generally more interested in C9, the original C9!
I also watched a bit of CS:GO and even started playing the game a bit just to understand what I was watching more. These days I don't play either and I find whem I'm not playing League, my interest in watching it also wanes.
RE: Fringe/Weird RPGs
Ohh, another place where I'm definitely going to mention Phoenix Dawn.
It's a fantasy war story type game. The EVIL is sweeping across the land and regular folks really can't stand against it. But there's the Phoenixes, people who have lived their regular lives and somehow come back. People who do come back as a Phoenix have ... seven (I think off the top of my head) lives and they are all that stands between the kingdom and the darkness.
It's a true war story and it's about heroic sacrifice. Not only do you have multiple lives, dying is how you level up.
Also it's diceless, and uses deckbuilding like mechanics. Each class has special class cards, there are three stat type cards, your deck is made up of two of them (Grace, Intellect and Strength) ... the cards have some amazing artwork. It's neat because you can generally plan out your combat actions knowing what cards you have in hand and figure out what to do without worrying about luck. But you have to plan around what you get in hand and have to play through your whole deck before you see your best cards again.
RE: What Types of Games Would People Like To See?
@Jennkryst It's pokemon driving the mechs! Pokemon Pilots.
RE: What Types of Games Would People Like To See?
I've wanted to try and get Phoenix Dawn working online for a while now. As a setting it's great, themes of war and heroic sacrifice -- you play as a Phoenix, a member of a military order, someone who lived their life, died and were reborn. This doesn't happen to just anyone, but now you have seven more lives before you'll be done, and those lives belong to the state in fighting back the Unstoppable Evil. You level up by dying. So it really is the game about heroic sacrifice.
System wise it's a weird and very fun deckbuilder style of game, where you have cards in three stats (Grace, Intellect and Strength) to do your actions, and is pretty darn swell.
RE: General Video Game Thread
@Wretched said in General Video Game Thread:
@Livia Remember Anthem
I don't! I didn't preorder it, buy it, or ever play it! Bullet dodged!
RE: General Video Game Thread
@Wretched said in General Video Game Thread:
@Auspice I have had similar feelings. But the no Pre order rule is in effect... so far.
I like the no preorder rule. But this one is so tempting ...
RE: Echoes in the Mists - Discussion
@Ganymede Ventrue Sanctified is like my favourite combo ... and now I miss Jehanne!
RE: General Video Game Thread
So retro game randomizers seem to be popular or something lately. Something I've been enjoying is a weird thing. SNES games The Legend of Zelda: A Link to the Past and Super Metroid stitched together into a combo randomizer.
Example -- watch for a few minutes and you'll get the idea! https://youtu.be/BH1C0_ziMa0?t=45
Surprisingly fun. Takes a while tho.