@cobaltasaurus I actually just "What the actual Fuck?"'d out loud.
Posts made by Macha
RE: I owe a lot of people some apologies.
RE: RL Anger
@aria I did that for like the first week or so. I've done multiple political surveys in the last month, too. Because I'm not a total bitch. But.. christ on a cracker with cheddar cheese, check your rolls before you call/text!
RE: RL Anger
I have gotten four texts just today about voting, who to vote for, etc, and gotten them steadily for a couple weeks now. And all of them are address to the WRONG PERSON. I've started getting vulgar in my responses.
RE: Real World Peeves, Disgruntlement, and Irks.
@auspice My roommate bought one a while back, and he seems to like it better than the Brita he had.
RE: Health and Wealth and GrownUp Stuff
And now, Dad is no longer in the ICU, which is nice. I don't know how much better he is. Then on the tail of good news.. "Oh hey, you have four needed markers for lupus. but you also have symptons of ankylosing spondylitis. So you need MORE tests, because they don't present together often. headdesk
RE: Health and Wealth and GrownUp Stuff
So, Monday the doctor finally got me off the high sugars train... by crashing me in their office. Hard. So Tuesday, I got to go back to work - and at lunch, got a text from my sister that my dad is in the ICU at one of the local hospitals, and in a bad way. I went and sat with him, though he's sedated and on a breathing tube, and has no idea I was there. - But now my sugars are back sky high from the stress, and the high sugar headache is back. I can't win for trying, and all I want to do is crawl off and cry. I can't wait until they take him off sedation, so I can snark at him and feel like things are okay.
RE: Health and Wealth and GrownUp Stuff
I work in a call center style environment, with a supposedly business casual dress code. I rarely see anyone of consequence. The IT guy breezes in and out in slogan t-shirts, which I envy. But some of the women I work with, in my department (we all started the same time, and we're super small) show up in yoga pants, flip flops, slides, tank tops, etc. I don't wear that stuff to WALMART, let alone work, and I can't understand it. Jeans and t-shirts, I miss, but.. sweatpants and tank tops?
RE: Health and Wealth and GrownUp Stuff
Got dehydrated because I had to fast - sugars up over 500, directed to the ER. Sat around, they discharged me while still high sugars, didn't do anything. No insulin, (I had injected before I got there, and then they wanted to do it too soon, then didn't do it at all), and now I can't get my sugars under 250. (which is still pretty high), and have a sugar hangover. Fuck this shit.
RE: RL Anger
So now they have sent me an incomplete accommodation document, are dodging straight questions about how they expect me to handle my glucose testing, injections, and bathroom breaks beyond the eight minutes we are allowed. They seem to expect me to use my fifteen minute breaks or my lunch to do these thing. I test five times a day during work hours. I can not time when I will need the lavatory or have a sugar crash/spike if I have one. Yesterday I had a crash ten minutes before the end of my shift. Clearly my breaks and all of that were past time. So wtf. I can’t wait for them to strike out when I add the ADA considered reasonable accommodation that will let me leave to recover if I am in a bad way.
RE: RL Anger
@misadventure I was on my phone, and it didn't show me all the posts. I thought you were trying to say MY company was being compliant. Sorry!
RE: RL things I love
@jinshei high pitched sound like a leaking balloon
RE: RL Anger
@misadventure except that they are not really willing. They expect a timed response and recovery to something that cannot be timed. They are not willing to allow me the time to leave for recovery as is considered a reasonable accommodation request- as in when I have two sugar crashes in less than eight hours- they do not want to give me the leave to rest and recover. They insist I clock in and out for every glucose check, injection and bathroom run - which handily eats up the thirty minute unpaid break they are willing to give me every day to handle my ‘issues’ - and leaves me no room if I do crash or spike. They also expect to come in and makeup that time. Which since I need those things everyday- means there is no way with the scheduled hours we are open etc for me to ever actually ‘make it up’ without cutting into the lunchtime
RE: RL Anger
Just got off the phone with Hr. This isn’t going to be pretty. The dr put in that I might miss up to four hours a month for appointment/treatment. They listed times they offer appointments. Which is during my nine hour workday, Monday thru Friday schedule. “Can’t you schedule outside of work hours? Can’t you schedule ahead and use pto?” This is for emergency treatment sort of thing. I can’t schedule that. They blew right past the time for recovery possibly being more than the break they want to give me, as pointed out by the accommodations. They’re calling this my ‘requests’. No bitch this is not a request
RE: RL Anger
@ganymede you’re amazing. It’s nice to know that there really are real protections for me.
RE: RL Anger
@ganymede I’ve been trying to get in touch with the ADA to see if what they’re doing is all above board. I honestly feel hounded when I sugar crash to get back in queue. My diagnosis changed six weeks ago and my treatment is still being adjusted so this will not be my normal, but jeez.
RE: RL Anger
The anger continues. I haven’t heard back on the hr thing, I got sniped at by a nurse at my pcp’s office who insisted I had to call the satellite office, which was wrong. I had to argue via email over pto to go for some tests later this week. And my job has the accommodations paperwork that tells them I may need more time and more frequent bathroom breaks as a diabetic. Because I drink a ton of water to help stay hydrated and keep the sugar balanced. They are still trying to keep me to the same measly minutes they allow as a baseline. My doctor was furious to hear they only wanted to allow me fifteen minutes to handle a crash. I need fifteen just to let glucose tabs work. Now they will let me clock out for up to thirty minutes, and expect me to cut my lunch short, give up breaks and come in early to ‘make up’. My doc sent new accommodation orders, telling them I need time for dr appointments every month and a day I can take if I have had a bad crash and need to recover. They got this Friday and keep emailing me that they will call me. Nothing yet. When they felt there wasn’t much there they had it all discussed with me and my supervisor same day. They always had a mini fridge but it took three faxes from my doc to make them admit it and show me where it is so I can keep unopened insulin I might need cold. So pissed off with the bullshit.
RE: RL Anger
I'm angry at myself. My body, my stupid fucking body and it's dumb auto immunes that have me sitting here, feeling completely incapable of getting up and going to work like a grown up. It's already obvious it's going to be a high pain day, and with the contacting of HR yesterday for the douchebag screenshots (I'm waiting on a return call) I know my anxiety is going to be high and that shit never helps. My one doctor made it clear to my job in the accomodation paperwork that I would likely miss one day a month... but HR is dragging their feet over that paperwork suddenly, and haven't even 'discussed it' with my supervisor, so I don't dare use it. I'm just.. I need a day. I need to rest. And i can't. And it makes me angry, and still just want to cry.
RE: RL things I love
@jinshei Makes all the appropriate squealing noises SO cuuuuuuuute.
RE: Buying Shit
@zombiegenesis Can I ask how the foot rest thing works for you? I have enough room under my ginormous desk to put my feet up, and I should more, so...