@Hella Fixed.

Posts made by Mercutio
Need Your Help: SharpMUSH
I am working on a newer generation of Open Source MUSH, featuring the kind of more modern features like you see in AresMUSH and the like, while having a best-effort compatibility layer for PennMUSH code - with things like syntax highlighting, a web portal, etc added.
This is a good ways out still, but in order to prioritize the work I am doing and making sure I produce a product people actually want, I have created a simple set of surveys:
One for players: Player Survey
One for Wizards / MUSH Coders: Wizard SurveyI would love your help on this!
For more details, check out the Documentation Page, the GitHub Code page, or our Discord:
RE: Serious Question About Making A MU
I feel like this is a required response.
RE: Shadowrun 5e - Logger for karma - post to web functionality?
@thenomain said in Shadowrun 5e - Logger for karma - post to web functionality?:
I hope to be Volund when I grow up.
There's no day like today.
Multiple MUSHes use width() for sizing various things. Don't stop doing that. -
RE: Shadowrun 5e - Logger for karma - post to web functionality?
@jennkryst said in Shadowrun 5e - Logger for karma - post to web functionality?:
There is auto-log-posting stuff on Exalted-MU... Let me see if I can dig up the coder's... er... code page.
That's Volund's stuff.
https://github.com/volundmush/mushcode -
RE: Inspiration material for your current game
For my current project, Tate no Yusha no Nariagari would be one of the many titles that one ought to give a read.
RE: A New Star Wars game? (Legends of The Old Republic (Name pending))
@faraday said in A New Star Wars game? (Legends of The Old Republic (Name pending)):
I'm a casual Star Wars fan, which is to say I've watched the movies and played a few of the video games. I know jack about whatever time period y'all are talking about here. Jedi Civil War? Mandalorian war? Revan? No bloody clue, and I'd frankly be uncomfortable trying to jump into such a setting.
If you are interested, watch the following video. It 'summarizes' the matters of the era quite well. And honestly, if one transcribed this (something that probably already exists), it'd make a suitable History/Timeline file.
https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=KeboxMqdXdE@faraday said in A New Star Wars game? (Legends of The Old Republic (Name pending)):
But that's kinda my point... "Star Wars!" to me is Empire vs Rebels or (to a lesser extent) Clone Wars. Anything else may as well be an original theme for all it resonates with me.
I would say that The Old Republic times is /quite/ different from Empire vs Rebels. It's far closer to Clone Wars in that regards. Mysticism, turning dark to light and vice-versa, massive wars, and force use on a massive scale runs rife.
RE: A New Star Wars game? (Legends of The Old Republic (Name pending))
@seraphim73 said in A New Star Wars game? (Legends of The Old Republic (Name pending)):
@mr-johnson said in A New Star Wars game? (Legends of The Old Republic (Name pending)):
@mercutio The thing is, there's a big part of me that wants to focus on the people who did have a reason to be a part of the Mandalorian war, make the game more focused by requiring characters to have some connection to the war. I think by having everyone having picked a side one way or another or just plain being connected to it you've got some built in plot hooks right off the bat. But that's just me.
Yes. Yes. Please. Tie the characters together as neatly as possible. Even if they're all on different sides, make it so that all the characters have an explicit tie to the war, so they all care about events there. The smuggler who wants absolutely nothing to do with the war and ignores it? Is going to be ignoring most of the other PCs too, which is not good.
I agree absolutely that it is desirable for people to make characters who have an explicit place in the war. But say you create a Jedi, (disclaimer, working off of memory here), you now have no reason to be involved in the Mandalorian War unless you are part of the... what were they called? Interventionists? [Not specifically the Revanists]. This pidgeon-holes you into a certain concept space.
I'm not saying that rewarding this desirable quality is a bad thing. It's just that you want to have a plan in place to aid people in having reasons to be there. In a perfect world, every player would constantly bring a good reason for their character to be there. But we don't live in a perfect world, and it generally is the role of the theme/plot/head-wiz to try and assist its players at least somewhat in this.
Additionally, you have the idea that writing a plot isn't about a straight line towards the result - having offshoots that spiral together into a path is generally what you 'want' to aim for. Though, admittedly, that can be difficult unless you have a larger sum of players & admin.
RE: A New Star Wars game? (Legends of The Old Republic (Name pending))
You run into unfamiliarity issues. And often, people do want to be part of some of the amazing scenarios brought in with the timeline. -
RE: A New Star Wars game? (Legends of The Old Republic (Name pending))
Knowing the code at play, kits could be done in cg. Create a character, set them up, copy the _saga attributes to some object. Done.
To apply it, just use the code found in the clone room, and copy from those objects.
Basically you are creating NPCs from the npc list, and setting them Visual. Just be careful with the XP that gets copied over.I'd put your focus on making sure past mistakes are not repeated and to actively be involved with focus, to have some good staff plot runners, avoid favoritism, and have the opening plot well outlined for the variety of factions that would get involved.
{Sidenote: on the last attempt of a tor game, the opening plot focused on the Tingel Arm, and would open out from there. Initial opening was giving people a good reason to be there. After all, plenty stayed out of the Mandalorian War.}
RE: A New Star Wars game? (Legends of The Old Republic (Name pending))
@tinuviel said in A New Star Wars game? (Legends of The Old Republic (Name pending)):
Oh. Another... suggestion. Don't limit prestige classes (specifically in CG) based on stupid reasons. "Oh you can't take the Jedi Knight prestige class in CG because you need to get knighted IC."
As the guy that runs a game that does this due to policy inheritance - I echo this.
You can make the applications stricter around more difficult concepts if needed. -
RE: A New Star Wars game? (Legends of The Old Republic (Name pending))
@mr-johnson said in A New Star Wars game? (Legends of The Old Republic (Name pending)):
@Seraphim73 Honestly I was thinking of allowing people to have 4 alts but only ONE can start at 8 and the rest at 3 giving people the chance to level as they go if they want...
Might I recommend a 3-5 or 5-8 split? Lower the 'distance' between the 'low' and the 'high' of initial application. 8 is a typical choice for the prestige classes it brings. So it depends on what kind of game you want to run off the get-go; a heroic higher level romp, or a start-from-nothing type.
(And know that you can, over the duration of the game, raise these starting levels as your needs change)
As usual, I agree with the level 12/13/14 absolute halt, as SAGA breaks down severely after those levels.
RE: Star Wars?
I'd like to say that can be a bit poor design on the part of the GMs / admin if that is the case. It's really not /that/ hard to adjust for that. (Unless they just allow for max level 20 doods to mix with level 1s. You don't want THAT big of a disparity.) -
RE: Travel Times - Enforced?
I'll just pipe in with a tiny short tidbit that I've learned, and tried to keep in mind when designing MUSHes.
The amount of barrier between two people being able to RP together is in an inverse relationship to how much RP will occur.
Aka, 'RP should have as few barriers to entry as feasible'.
RE: PennMUSH Code Help
It's the LANG option in the 'restart' file. Set it to:
En_USDepends on your distribution.
Use the accent() function to test.
RE: Singularity: an Eclipse Phase Game
Consider the Nova Praxis reputation system. It's however aimed for a singular society and for Tabletop; you may want to identify some Social Circles to create separate Rep Circles for that interact with each-other. It's not perfect, but then, nothing is. But it could create an interesting dynamic you are looking for, regarding replacing the credit system with Networking / Reputation.