I even had appointment setting software that would send emails/texts 1 week and 3 days before and then morning-of reminders, but would have no shows on occasion. Some people I know require cc on file for first time/unknown appointments so at least they get some compensation, but luckily I always got most of my biz through word of mouth so that helped.
Posts made by mietze
RE: RL Anger
RE: MSB: The meta-discussion
Having read electric soup at its most active, more or less the same pattern took place there without the distraction of poop throwing.
And as we have also seen time and again, there are definitely people who are bound and determined to show you how much of an ass they are even if they never break a rule. Including anti-profanity and anti-attack.
I think having "no negativity" can be a problematic descriptor because that's definitely in the eye of the beholder. Waxing poetic about how superior one's play style/conduct is has no negatively per se, but it's certainly been used here and elsewhere to beat people with or attempt to intimidate them. Fortunately those folks tend to be just as easily spotted.
I think once you've played on 3+ games, it's pretty intuitive to take ANY review or issue, positive or negative, with a grain of salt. It's why I think very little harm is done to games by "negative" reviews. I do think damage can be unwittingly done by a stampede/rush/extremely high expectations based on a positive review though.
So it would just plainly be better if people just read things as opinions. I'd say leave the princessing or the eeyoring out of it all, but that's just a personality thing that you'll never be rid of. It's not super hard to just read and get a feel for folks.
RE: MSB: The meta-discussion
I know some people that are coarse as can be here (though I wouldn't term them mean or anything, but blunt yes.), but in game they are even keeled, polite, respectful, dare I say professional in dealing with others. And there are some people here that talk up positive things that they have a history of crapping all over in game, and can be downright nasty and destructive.
But this isn't a thing unique to here. I've met enough mushers to have folks I adore ooc and RL that I don't click with or relate to in game and vice versa.
what I have enjoyed most is the fact that most people are willing to disclose who they've played. While that has sort of happened on previous boards, it really was so not a safe environment (because of the doxxing and multi platform harassment amongst other things). So it's nice to see that people are willing to share who they've played.
RE: Why do you play? (Or not.)
Collaborative storytelling and ooc socializing/community with peers (people who enjoy collaborative storytelling and RPGs). Since I can't really do a tabletop every other week or weekly due to life in general, breaking that up into chunks while the kids are asleep or when I had time was really enjoyable.
I find mushers tend to be really interesting people. I have friends that I've now had for like half my lifetime now, because of mushing, seen their kiddos grow up, etc. I have friends I enjoy talking to now and then from all over the world. When I was a kid and college student I used to have many pen pals (I still do have 1 of them!), and honestly I think the connection is much the same.
Why I don't play now?
Twofold. One is basically life. My oopsie baby is at the age that makes playing pretty hard (unlike the noob grub stage where I mushed almost as much as my earliest days because all he did was sleep, boob, and poop, so I could babywear with my laptop). I'm also involved in the local political scene so many nights/weekends are occupied. And I'm trying to soak up as much time as my teenagers will allow me to, with them: I'm launching 3 young adults into the world in less than 4 years. I have some health issues that complicate things too that I don't wish to subject people to that aren't close friends!
The other is that I had a situation that was a close mimicking of what made me step way far away from mushing after Ashes to Ashes; I don't really feel it's fair to play if you cannot be open and cheerful to new people and not viewing all interactions through the lens of a hurtful situation. So it's easy (however much I miss telling stores with my lovely lovely partners and meeting new people) to just bow out for the moment. When I was ready to come back after A2A there were a lot of new things (like wikis, no masq, new editions of game rules, etc) but it was easy to join in the fun and the new stuff was pretty neat. So I'm not worried about entering back in when the time is right and I will have the right attitude.
RE: MSB: The meta-discussion
In real life too, how you say something or what you write has huge impact into whether or not people perceive it like you meant it.
I mean is that not communication 101? If you word your criticism full of passive-aggressiveness or condescension, is it surprising if it's not heard beyond that? If you want to tell someone they're uneducated about something but your letter is full of misspellings and grammatical errors, will it be taken as seriously? If you retell a story for the benefit of others, leaving out key details and/or very deliberately minimizing an ugly role you had, should you be surprised if people who're also involved come forward to correct the details (or present another side) even if that side story was just meant to be entertaining and not the main thrust of the conversation?
I am not sure I can fault MSB or any text medium for being a place where you must either be very clear or willing to clarify (both of which need thought and some degree of care) when you post. I am not sure I can think of any place as an adult that's a meeting of passionate peers (with no hierarchy or unifying expectation, like a workplace) where that's not the case, tbh.
RE: MSB: The meta-discussion
Or getting pissed/indignant/betrayed when it does.
To be fair, this happens in every organizational adult group I've been part of too. Workplace, PTA, professional associations, political parties, animal rescues, blah blah blah.
RE: MSB: The meta-discussion
Nah, it's not the only one. I've seen some whoppers told, which takes brass ones since they're told in the presence of those who know differently.
I think probably 10-15 years ago a hair pulling eye scratching fight might have broken out; but as I said the vast majority of people mushing these days have lives, jobs, families, etc. Even the crazy and/or habitually princessing ones.
Also that's just stupid. Everyone knows that everything you say in skype and all always gets back to people eventually. Always has been the case for off-mush communications in my 20 years of mushing.
RE: MSB: The meta-discussion
I have yet to see doxxing here or RL pictures posted or encouragement for people to go outside MSB to harass someone (if there's even a whiff it gets slapped down). Saying here is as bad as WORA is hyperbole, to be honest.
In fact, I see people calling each other out on their personal hypocrisy far less than they could. And generally there's a devils advocate or challenger for every negative thing said.
I am pretty sure this is largely due to the aging of the mush population and everyone even those dreaded shut ins having lives and options other than mushing, so people just let a lot of shit go. Which is good, imo, even if not always appreciated.
RE: RL Anger
If I ever have an ice cream truck I want it to play that!!! Or the bumblebee song
RE: RL Anger
For fucks sake, how can two pairs of panties of the same size/make/model/fabric type/style have one color that fits super cute and comfy and then the other one falls off my ass after I walk for 5 minutes with nowhere for an emergency yank up? Whhhhyyyyy? It's annoying enough that size is a suggestion rather than an actual measurement across brands/styles with brands for women's clothing. I hate reverse wedgies/droopy drawers.
RE: PC antagonism done right
I think a lot of the time it's less intentional bad intent but more of the "wow finally I get to DO something actiony and important and my PC gets to be The Hero!" without thinking of things as collaborative story. Which is why I think staff is key to make sure there's lots happening for people to do and 15 people don't need to glom on to everything perceived as a scrap. Will there be scene/plot/action hogs no matter what? Yes, but. I think things are compounded when people have to fight and pounce on everything if they ever want to be in on action not of their own Temp Room making.
RE: How do you keep OOC lounges from becoming trash?
I think there is often a difference between ooc rooms in games that are small enough for everyone to be known to each other vs huge games. It seems to me that people get more stressed out when they have no clue who Mr. Woe Is Me I'm In A Crisis but less so when it's someone who everyone knows is a habitual whiner/attention seeker/let me masturbate my RL stuff real or manufactured all over you and this can be ignored without feeling bad at all.
RE: How do you keep OOC lounges from becoming trash?
I would run like hell from that sort of presumptuous ooc demand! That's a huge red flag.
RE: RL things I love
Making the nice young man (who looked like half my age) behind the counter blush when I asked if you could buy only chocolate starfish (at the Godiva store).
Only way it could have gotten better is if I had been actually meaning to be embarrassing! (Or if my teenagers were behind me).
RE: PC antagonism done right
I have seen rivals/antagonists played well.
I've been fortunate enough to get to have that RP with others (that I did not know oocly before, even).
While this can be done organically, I think it's most likely to happen either with very mature RP groups (very rare) that can fend off rescuer players (and even then it's a huge risk--I've seen a single PC destroy months of setup and wonderful RP between two other PCs because they wanted to throw their big bad/white knight dick around, unasked)...or more realistically it's only going to happen with very attentive and active staff.
That's a very high bar to clear, especially being fair to all. Staff are people too and they're likely to let some people (unlinked or less likely to ask for help etc.) slip through the cracks.
Also I think a lot of people like the idea of pc antagonists but aren't willing to give up the agency and control and extend the ooc trust that you must to really make that stuff work. When it happens it's golden though.
RE: What do you WANT to play most?
I don't care what it is. But I would like to play in a congenial ooc atmosphere, regardless of ic stuff.
I love Fading Suns, but I'm not sure due to like 15 years of baggage that it's possible for some of the people that would come to play to be oocly civil to each other.
RE: Names
I have not played on Shang but I love the descriptions over the years. How can you not like Baskin Robbins? Compared to everything else that gets shared here, I dunno, I thought it was really cute and almost sweet!
RE: Names
If I was gonna do something like that it would have to be vanilla soft serve ice cream squirting. Nothing can top Ms. Baskin Robbins.
RE: Names
Now I kind of want to create a female PC and name her Penisse.
RE: RL things I love
Plus Christians are doing an awesome job of destroying Jesus and his teaching now. Maybe he's just jealous!