I love being able to surprise people with compliments. Or when people notice I notice/remember/incorporate little details from previous scenes with them (or who do the same for me!). It's really fun.
Posts made by mietze
RE: MU Things I Love
RE: RL Anger
Man, the longer I am a parent the less tolerance I have for shitty parenting that sets up innocent children to be entitled, socially blind asshats.
RE: Coming in 2016 - Bump in the Night
@tragedyjones I have been in STed scenes ran by other people since I rolled Toni (not counting personal RP) and gotten to use more skills on my +sheet since I rolled Toni at about the same level that it took about a year on other places. It's recharging my batteries quite a bit.
RE: Coming in 2016 - Bump in the Night
BITN does have a different groove, at least that I've seen. Maybe it's the elimination of supernatural splat pissing contests, or cross sphere dangerousness where you never know when people are going to like that or think it's an excuse to PK or what. I've not spent a lot of time in the OOC room so I don't know how "bad" it is, but generally when I've said somthng on pub channel (!!!!) I normally get at least 1 nibble that's not from someone who knows me! I've also seen a bigger mix of grim and humor AND grim humor than I've seen in a long time, and that makes me very very happy.
I love srs bsns stories, but my main play for the last two almost three years has been /vampire/. So--it's nice to play things that can shift over into something pretty funny (to me, I don't know if other players appreciate my version of funny) AND serious, as the situation/adrenaline merits.
RE: Coming in 2016 - Bump in the Night
A generic entrance pose to me is "so and so enters the coffee shop, <insert description of PC and clothing since nobody seems to read them on PC objects> and pauses for a moment, taking a look around as the fiddle with their coat."
My god that is horrific. What a total scene stealing asshole!!! Good on you.
Half the time when I have encountered these terrible people that enter a public room without begging permission or checking +where, I'm the one giving them the scene set when 2 people pose on by totally ignoring them and giving no info after taking a long time. So. I could see tossing something like the above to let people know the PC was incoming and waiting for a bit of a scene set, and to also test for activity.
Yeah, that is so totally the biggest fuck you ever.
No wonder people camp the ooc room and act like they're frightened to interact with anyone they don't know.
Edited to add: Sorry @arkandel , I misread your post, obviously. I'd blame no coffee yet, but honestly, I'm pretty much just in a mood today. Leaving this as is though because erasing it seems to be a wimpy thing to do. But yes, people totally ignoring everything to have things setting on fire or a robbery in progress disrupting everything is a peeve of mine too. I'm sorry I snapped at you, it was uncalled for. I can already tell--it's gonna be a /day/.
RE: Three Cheers for Staffers!
We've had a rash of inexplicable downvotes lately. While I don't think it's horrible, it does seem to be kind of weird that the downvote is anonymous. It's why I don't use it, while I guess one could argue that just upvoting something is just as dumb, usually if I'm upvoting it's for support or agree which doesn't always mean I have much to contribute beyond an "I agree" or "Wow, that was said really well and in a way that I think is even better than anything else I could say" or "That was funny!" while if I am going to bother to express disagreement or whatever, I'd prefer to do it less anonymously and more outright.
RE: Coming in 2016 - Bump in the Night
But why the /assumption/ that anyone that poses into a room that you're camping out inappropriately (if you cannot bear to have anyone else in that public room) means that they are demanding that you entertain them? That's the part I don't get. You can ignore them. For all you know, they're planning on meeting other people. Why must anyone assume any ill/princess intent of anyone in the first neutral pose?
I'm starting to think this attitude of assuming the absolute worst of everyone you don't already know is the hugest problem in MUSHing by far. Whether that's OMG if I go to a public room and run into people by god they're going to rip me a new asshole so I better only sit here in the OOC and make sure anyone who I go into RP with I triple make sure that they really REALLY do want to RP with me and never accept on first invitation because I need it in triplicate, to the OMG that shithead dared to come into the cafe and make a pose, who the fuck do they think they are, some kind of lord god king princess?
RE: Coming in 2016 - Bump in the Night
Why is making a generic entrance pose to a public room expecting that everyone will drop everything to entertain you, rather than to gauge what the other people are doing and if anyone seems to be open to interaction? Hell even when people have oocly agreed to meet there's often a neutral pose first if they don't know each other ICly if it's just a bump into scene?
RE: Coming in 2016 - Bump in the Night
That could be part of the disconnect too, if people think they are expected to somehow IC include the other people in the public room. If I come into an open scene, then honestly, I've always felt it was on ME to figure out some way to connect with the others, if I wanted to and felt like it would be appropriate, rather than them having to figure out how to include the newcomer.
By the same token, I'll often try to include wallflowers or incoming people if I'm in a public place and they seem to want to be there. But that's a personal preference, never an expectation, and I don't expect the same in return!
RE: Coming in 2016 - Bump in the Night
@Sammi I feel that, but honestly--I think that's when you politely say "Oh oops, sorry, but we should have moved to a RP room, we will now, hope to catch you later!" and then do so, not bitch out the other player immediately for daring to enter a public space that's labeled as a hangout for anyone to RP at.
RE: Coming in 2016 - Bump in the Night
I totally agree on having open IC hangouts. Though I do think that people need to remember that there's a variety of "cultures" when it comes to joining a scene in a public place. I had my ass handed to me once when I showed up at a public coffeehouse (I did not see that anyone was in there actually) because I dared come in there when other people had started to RP before I did (and I didn't have a chance to oocly say hey there, can I join before getting yelled at). It shocked me, because I'd always come from a culture that if someone doesn't want people wandering into a public gridspace then it's on them to leave to a private room; but obviously other people come from the opposite! So even if you have visible hangouts, some folks may feel like they can't go there if there's already people there because that would be rude--or people who assume that they're always welcome in a clearly marked Come Hang Out Here place may get a 'welcome' that kind of shoves them away from wanting to risk it at all.
RE: Coming in 2016 - Bump in the Night
I have a PC that can go to anyone at any time just about (purposefully created to be that way). Even Hunters need a jump start/have a crappy day/might have gotten their car towed. Now, if you're looking for bang bang shoot 'em up play that's super deep and revealing the mysteries of the soul in the first scene--probably I can't help there. Or if you only want to play with a certain type of PC. (Hey, that is all legit IMO).
I'm tossing out an open invite though to RP with me. Don't care who you are/what kind of PC you have. Maybe we'll click, maybe we won't--but if I can possibly RP (and because of comments here and elsewhere I've tried to avoid logging in anywhere to just hang out lest I contribute to the crickets problem) then I will--and I can come up with several scenarios for those challenged to do so.