Okay. For the third time. No Kith 'always' belongs to any Seeming. Because Dual Kith. It let you pick and choose which of the 7945 flavors of Changeling you wanted to play. No Contract (aside from Court Contracts) was ever closed off to a player because of the Kith they chose. Or the Seeming. Picking certain Kiths could gain you -affinity- costs for a specific Contract, but you weren't ever told 'no, you cannot has this Contract, you are not X'.
2E Changeling will not likely be able to keep even all of the Kiths in the CtL core book since they are making Kith take the place of Seeming. I'm going to bet there will be no Dual Kith as there was never a 'at the heart of things... you are two different things'. Maybe a Dual Seeming. SO. Chances are good that the bulk of the Kiths people enjoyed? Going away. Contracts that were available to anyone with the xp? Now dictated by Seeming. How is this more varied?
@HelloRaptor While I can take or leave the CtL PTSD origin story, I still prefer it to CtD's 'we're magic fairies and brownies and elves, etc. from another wooooooooooorld' origin story. It went from Disney to Sin City. I'm okay with that.