@redbird It's 100% possible to play an Ares game in a client like any other MU* without ever touching the web portal! At least, I can't currently think of anything you can only do on the web, just a few things you can still only do in the client.
Posts made by Ninjakitten
RE: Redbird's Playlist
RE: Dead Celebrities 2021 Edition
@littlelizard Aw, man. I like those. And I'm sorry for the loss of your memorial tradition.
RE: The ADD/ADHD Thread (cont'd from Peeves)
@macha Y'know, the rest of that line I knew (organizing, which I'm not so terrible at but it has to be its own Thing I Am Doing, and estimating time which I am virtually incapable of) but somehow not the 'getting started'. It makes sense. I just never put that one together.
(Similar situation with seeing 'sustaining processing speed' there in 'effort'; that hits me right in the RP and I really want to smack the 'I'm in this photo and I don't like it' image here now.)
RE: The ADD/ADHD Thread (cont'd from Peeves)
@macha #1 Ugh, that kind of micromanaging esp on things we can't help sucks.
But #2 wait is the slow start one of the executive dysfunction things? Man I thought that was just me. >_>
RE: MU Things I Love
@crawfish I see your reactions to this situation are tangled.
RE: Real World Peeves, Disgruntlement, and Irks.
@grayson ...did your SO get the job?
RE: The Work Thread
@aria I think it's a good sign. Also, FWIW, I definitely got hired at one job because I emailed the interviewer afterward with a solution to a problem (in this case one that wasn't even 'real', just part of the interview, but I thought of a better way to do it on my way home). Good luck!
RE: Seeking Partner for Gray Harbor Concept
@Cobaltasaurus I also kind of love this, and I wish I weren't already a fair bit past my current limit for Things I Should Be Doing/Scenes and Poses Owed/Etc, 'cause if I had the bandwidth at present...
RE: How to BeipMU: The best MU Client for Windows
Well, I've been pretty remiss here. Since my last post, we've been through .297, .298, and .299, and here we are at 4.00.300!
If you haven't been keeping up otherwise, here's what you've missed out on:
4.00.297 (2020-7-4)
- Added Donate link on About screen, plus Help->Donate... menu item (So for those of you asking about making donations, here you go!)
- Merged About and Welcome windows to just the About window
- Added 'all' parameter to disconnect and reconnect to make things consistent and flexible
- Fixed a bug in Pueblo tag parsing where relative font sizes were treated as absolute (so <font size=+2> was size=2). They're ignored now.
- Fixed a maps bug where 'Set Text Color...' didn't work on labels
- Fixed a glitch where zero sizing a docked pane makes it lose its title bar
- Fixed a crash if docking a zero height window
4.00.298 (2020-7-28)
- Added GMCP protocol support
- Added subset of MCSP protocol support (Mud Client * Sound Protocol) -- just the basic load/play/stop commands.
- Added WebP image link detection for the image viewer
- Fixed potential race condition in async downloads (Might explain some image viewer glitches/crashes)
- Fixed bug with puppets on startup, where puppets might not link with their character and will not function
- Fixed crash in maps when trying to undo/redo an operation that is not on the map that is currently visible
4.00.299 (2020-8-11)
- Fixed a small annoyance with spawn captures, by killing any active ones on disconnect and after a restore log replay
- Fixed store issue where the configuration can't be saved if the app is installed on a different drive (thank you Dranyth!)
- Fixed a bug where MCSP sounds can hang when disconnecting
- Fixed a bug where // to bypass command processing both sends and processes the command (which doesn't recognize it, so you get an error)
4.00.300 (2020-9-24)
- Added Important Activity notification in trigger actions (number in red box on the tab) (So you can set things up to be told which activity you really care about)
- Added screen reader support for the output window (one big step towards visually impaired usability)
- Added 'beip.stats' GMCP package (see documentation)
- Added '/repeat' command to easily repeat something multiple times
- Added '/naws' command to send a telnet NAWS (Negotiate About Window Size)
- Added repeating timer support to '/delay' plus ability to kill individual timers
- Added imgur link handling to the image preview window (it's a hack but it works)
- Tweaked hash trigger coloring to be on the text being replaced, not just the first subexpression matched (Now if you're looking for the same word in different contexts in one regex, it will come out in the same colour in each! Bug introduced with using it with the 'whole line' recolouring, which will be working properly again in 301.)
- Changed tab control to have a modern flat look (mostly visible with tabbed spawn windows) (Better matching the rest of the previous design adjustments!)
- Changed tabbed spawn windows to have no outer padding (Saves space!)
- Changed Pueblo links to show what will be sent, and to add it to the input history when sent
- Fixed bug with restore log repair: when deleting unused restore log entries it would change the order of existing entries
- Fixed a bug copying a server in the connection dialog: it would copy the restore log entries and cause a repair leading to the previous bug
- Fixed a bug in ansi code parsing with ansi reverse: any color changes within the reversed block had foreground/background swapped
- Fixed a crash when closing a window with splitters in the text windows
Due to several requests over time, as well as the ability to donate via subscription in the program itself, there now is a Patreon! If you can't or aren't inclined toward that, one can always feel free to express appreciation by dropping by the Discord to tell the dev 'thanks'. Or to ask for new/adjusted features. Tomayto, tomahto...
As always, if you don't have it or it hasn't updated itself yet, you can grab the current version from the Microsoft Store (preferred), or alternatively from the github.
RE: Critters!
@Auspice If they haven't, I know someone who may have appropriate contacts to help -- I don't know for certain, but if it's still needed I can attempt some pointing, at least.
RE: The ADD/ADHD Thread (cont'd from Peeves)
@Macha Just out of curiosity, what/where's the test?
RE: How to BeipMU: The best MU Client for Windows
Been a little since the last update, but the dev's been busy and now, 4.00.296 is upon us!
4.00.296 - 2020-6-20
Lots of mapping improvements (images, labels, rotation, z-ordering, easier exit naming, save as png, and more!) -- (...for real the maps are pretty neat. >_>)
Changed input window to allow applying bold & italic font styles to the display font
Changed Triggers/Macros/Aliases to allow all to be open at once (instead of just one of them)
Changed pueblo processing to eat xch_page and img xch_graph tags -- (If you are on a Pueblo-enabled game and run into weird tags, please come to the Discord and tell Bennet about them! It's not entirely standard between games so he has to add a lot of them individually.)
Changed disconnect due to network error to connect again after connect timeout
Improved spawn 'Copy Line instead of move' to also work during a spawn capture
Added animated gif support in the image viewer pane -- (I know some people definitely wanted this! If you don't like them moving, you can right-click your image pane and untick 'Animate gifs'. )
Added new option, 'send unrecognized commands', to bypass needing to use the // prefix to send a line starting with / directly to a server
Added Hash text coloring option to triggers (colors the text based on a hash value of the matched words) -- (you can create highlight triggers based on patterns and let them pick their own, consistent colour for each of the things that match, such as channel names.)
Added global shutoff for restore logs (Options->Logging->Restore Logs->Enabled)
Added auto folder creation to logging (if a log filename has folders that don't exist, they're created automatically)
Added global logging default (with variables to auto generate nice folder structures)
For example:%userprofile%\Documents\Logs\%server%\%character%\%date%.txt
-- (This pattern would get you things like C:\YourName\Documents\Logs\Servername\Charname\2020-06-20.txt [if you have your date format set to yyyy-MM-dd, anyway]. You can repeat variables if wanted, so if%date%.txt
were instead%server%_%character%_%date%.txt
, you'd get files like Servername_Charname_2020-06-20.txt.) -
Added margin settings for the input window
Added 'null spawn': if a spawn has an empty window title, it starts a spawn capture to the main window (useful to stop other spawns between two match texts) -- (very useful for that. Now I can keep things in help files and bb posts from setting off my spawn triggers!)
Fixed bug where docked windows in a new tab don't re-layout properly until closing and reopening tab
Fixed bug where output windows don't update with new content when an OS dialog is up (file picker, font picker, color picker, etc..)
Fixed crash when resizing from tiny window size on boot (not sure how it can get into that state though)
Fixed crash in maps when creating zero sized rooms
Fixed crash in maps when trying to speedrun without a current room
Fixed hang when using 'log from beginning' on a full output window
As usual the preferred mode of grabbing it is the Microsoft Store, but it's also available from github! The Discord server is still a great place to go for general questions, trigger help, suggestions, or anything else related, too.
RE: Diversity Representation in MU*ing
I appreciate the diverse array of kitties already represented in this thread.
RE: Welcome to the Euphoria!
@sibermaus Yup, all the p.frontpage are inside .jumbotron. I suggested the way I did because it would leave other things (like the picture) still centered, but changing the alignment on .jumbotron itself definitely handles it too!
RE: Welcome to the Euphoria!
@Cobaltasaurus If it's the bit I think you mean, try:
p.frontpage { text-align: left; }
RE: The ADD/ADHD Thread (cont'd from Peeves)
@Wretched My thing tends to be that I carefully plan everything out to be sure to be early or at least on time, then either fail because of sleep issues (a separate problem) or I get started on schedule and then suddenly somehow an hour disappeared somewhere and I'm late anyway. There's a difference in motivation... but rarely in actual outcome.
RE: The ADD/ADHD Thread (cont'd from Peeves)
@Auspice Wait, you mean you're somehow not late to the things you do want to do?
RE: The Anxiety File
@surreality eeks and offers hugs I hope it's transitory and he'll be fine almost immediately.