Hey, hi, hello.
Doing a small update to this thread as I slowly plow my way forward on this. I still need to finalize a list of key action skills and also figure out exactly HOW I want to handle things like channeling, talents, and if some sword forms should be implemented as 'stances' for combat. Like, if you wanna go super aggressive +5 attack, -5 defense, swap to Sheathing the Sword or something. Just a thought!
Anyway, I am working on a list of concepts, especially stuff that should be restricted or banned. And by banned, I mean things that are there for Reasons. Like no half-Aiel, or no Shadowspawn (sorry for people who were itching to make Trolloc PCs, haha). Also some really specific stuff, like if someone is playing an Aiel, then obviously that chracter would be completely averse to using a sword. Just stuff that makes sense in the context of the game world.
There's some other stuff, but I figure it would be interesting and fun to open up a wide variety of concepts. So if someone wants to be Aiel, sure. Or a Darkfriend/Black Ajah, which would be a dangerous concept to play, but the notion of coming back to the Light could be cool. Or just a temporary type of PC who subtly tries to cause problems.
If folks have ideas or anything that they wanna toss my way, feel free to put them here or hell, toss me a PM.