I have pneumonia and I'm just going to be honest I do not have the energy to be chasing after this dingle berry this time, but my red flag is also going off on Arx RE: DWOPP.
Also, RE @Lithium. Funny enough, they were accused of being DWOPP on the previous MSB/Hogpit for the SAME TYPE OF BEHAVIOR as DWOPP . Probably why they are a little touchy /now/ or something. But. I'll say it again.
Not the same. Lithium was banned on 7/20/2018 from Arx, playing Barric and Cleo for "Had a tendency to be passive aggressive, guilt trip, or 'joke' in ways that made other players feel uncomfortable when turned down for RP or excluded in any way. Was warned a couple times about minor instances. When confronted about another instance and warned it could not happen again, ragequit."
Can 100% confirm that's pretty much to the point but with a distinctly rapey vibe that DWOPP didn't have.