When I had a gym membership I did many things at the gym that I could probably have done at home but forcing myself to go to the gym also forced me to actually do those things.

Best posts made by saosmash
RE: RL Anger
RE: The Game Game
@Derp Nice job citing the quotes without the context that differentiates them.
RE: RL Anger
My point was certainly never that anyone has to be offended by the word cunt. It WAS that that was a huge freaking escalation. And then people decided to go hurr durr he said cunt now the feminists gonna be mad and we got into pages of argument about that.
I mean the fact is ... there's a difference between "You must be offended by this" and "You must acknowledge that this is offensive to others" which I feel like is where the communications breakdown is here.
I'm not offended by cunt when it turns up in smut. I prefer it to pussy which I feel like is the least erotic word ever. It's not like the argument was ever that context doesn't matter, though.
RE: RL Anger
@Ghost Thank you for apologizing. I appreciate it. In turn I apologize for snarking at you initially because it is clear that what I intended to be mild snark came off in a way more nastily than I intended.
I genuinely have no memory of any past axe ground between us before this incident so if there was something else coloring this for you I assure you there was not for me.
RE: Diversity Representation in MU*ing
I think it is valid to challenge yourself by playing (respectfully) outside of what you know. I also think it is valid to not want to do that.
RE: RL Anger
Ps I pretty much always want to be Vir.
I also do not want to be the only lawyer who knows what the fucking rules are for therapeutic court in this county but I don't get to have nice things.
RE: Diversity Representation in MU*ing
i hear someone wants more kitties
RE: Diversity Representation in MU*ing
@mietze In my jurisdiction at least, we have ensured that if the Department respects no other wishes of the bio family, they get a voice in hair. Uhh, and religion. Hair and religion. That's about it, but they're pretty significant to people.
RE: Sensitivity in gaming
@sunny Ares does have a system for tagging warnings but getting people to be consistent is... another... thing. Mostly in my experience this just means we have to tell people not to use warnings for stupid jokes.
RE: Paying for a MU*?
As much as I ordinarily agree that the entitlement problem is the main reason I wouldn't want to let monetary exchange happen ...
With the shoe on the other foot, I cannot tell you how much more entitled, obnoxious and rude my appointed clients who pay nothing are than the clients with whom I have entered into a contract to pay me money. The people who get my time for free treat me like garbage and almost without fail, the people who pay $175 a billable hour for what I do treat my time with respect.
I don't know that I'd want to apply this paradigm shift to my MU life - for one thing I definitely don't want a MUSH to cost like a lawyer costs, lol - but I don't know that it would actually be as horrendous as we imagine.
RE: Halicron's Rules For Good RP (which be more like guidelines)
@bored I use meta a lot, but usually it's to make fun of my own characters or to add much-needed levity to a pose that would otherwise be too much sturm and drang. Esp when I am playing the lawful good paladin whose weapon of choice is the crossbow of regulatory minutiae with the a quiver full of the bolts of red tape, sometimes you gotta do something to remind people that you've got a sense of humor even if your character does not.
I also sometimes will spend more time describing a physical action, but only when I'm deliberately drawing attention to something in my character's body language that might otherwise be revealing -- I hate thought posing, but if I think my character's mood is readable, I use his physical body to betray the details for people who feel like paying attention to that kind of crap. IDK. There's no set rule of NEVER SPEND EXTRA WORDS but I share the antipathy to length for its own sake. It's not the size that counts, it's technique! And so on.
RE: Coming Soon: Arx, After the Reckoning
I've only RPed a couple of times since I apped due to general busy, but I'm also having fun here and apparently trying to drag all my friends after me by their hair, so.
RE: Coming Soon: Arx, After the Reckoning
I love @randomscene for breaking me out of established rp patterns. Adding new pcs to the list to specifically reward players for hunting down newbies and pinning them to the nearest butterfly board was smart as hell.
RE: Coming Soon: Arx, After the Reckoning
I can't believe we're on page 47 of this thread and the prostitution conversation is happening again. Hold me, somebody.
RE: Course Corrections
I find it totally immersion breaking when people do certain types of stupid wrongfun but I do tend to generally grit my teeth and bear it unless it is actively impacting my RP (for example, when people do dumb homophobic and/or sexist shit on Arx).
RE: Season of Endings
So like...
Is @il-volpe trying to avoid getting moderated for personal attacks by just making their personal attacks so inexplicable no one can understand them? Lol.
Tinuviel left. Leave him be.
RE: Something Completely Different
@lotherio Auspice was removed as admin based on her actions. People reacted badly to things that she did. Not to harm her or coerce her, but to stop her from continuing to hurt people.
Actions have consequences. I'm not party to what happened amongst the admin, but I do remember at least one hurtful lie that she spread about me personally that I was shocked and upset to discover evidence of, so ... I'm not at all sorry that someone who behaved that way is no longer a mod here.
Are you saying you are a neutral party? Because that's definitely not the perception you are conveying.
Your position on discord is weird. I gave out my discord ID because people I otherwise don't communicate with were banned or left the forum where I usually communicate with them. Now I talk to them on discord. Curious??
RE: Stepping Down
@mietze I'm sorry that you feel as though there has been any failure here on your part. I don't think it was ever reasonable to expect you to come back and magically fix all the issues that occurred in your absence. Please continue to take care of you.
RE: Mass Effect MU*?
@ganymede honestly in multiple years of running a game in the universe most people played humans. My main alt was a quarian and the other one was a turian but I mean normal people.