Umbrella Academy was so good that I fucked my sleep schedule up over it. I'm not 100% sure it was worth it, but, goddamn, I love that show.

Posts made by Saulot
RE: Good TV
RE: NOLA 2: Back in the Vieux
I said it privately to a few folks, but since that cat's out of the bag let's just be real. It's fetish bait, and it's old hat at that. Seeing that it might be someone bringing over a concept from Shang et al explains things. It explains a whole hell of a lot. I've been told by two people that he meant no harm in it, and that he would have changed things if asked in a way they prefer (more oldies but goodies). I wanna give people the benefit of the doubt, but that's one of hell of a coincidence to fall into all of that all at once. It ain't impossible, but I'm betting on improbable.
Anyway, the Nubia bit depends on who you ask and their age. Short of young cats it's a thing about beauty or empowerment a lot f the time. Eg, my Nubian queen/king. Also in the name of one of my favorite acts outta NYC with Brand Nubian. Note, the beauty and empowerment thing can be taken to ridiculously stupid levels with NoI, 5%ers, and hoteps. I'm well aware that I don't speak for all black folks, but Nubian ain't much of a word of contention.
RE: Real World Peeves, Disgruntlement, and Irks.
@Ganymede said in Real World Peeves, Disgruntlement, and Irks.:
“Megatron must be stopped, no matter the cost.”
RE: Diversity Representation in MU*ing
I know I'm late, but I wanted to throw my 2 cents in. From my experience in MUSHing primarily in WoD spaces there typically isn't a lot of representation, but that's usually due to locale. Especially those set in New England and the Pacific Northwest. However, when I see games set in places with large black and other POC populations it always struck me as weird that every NPC was white. It's not a crime nor do I think there's even a hint of anything malicious, but it always looked weirdly, I guess, colorblind. I do have to admit that the majority of my experience with MUSHes are in WoD until relatively recently.
In the non-WoD and rostered games I've tried there's rarely non-white options on rosters or regions. I can't speak for Arx if anyone wants to bring them up as I only poked at the place for a few weeks before dropping off the planet. The more bothersome bit is what I see in fantasy games regardless of the medium. Essentially shoving Arab and Sub-Saharan cultures together, and calling it a day. I guess it bothers me because I don't see it as much for other locales and cultures. An easy example of this, if you don't mind the tangent, are the Redguards in The Elder Scrolls series. I won't lie. I'll take that over black folks not existing in a universe more often than not.
What @HelloProject was talking about is also something I've seen and known quite a bit in role playing when it comes to POC playing white characters. Before my time in MUSHing and in java/iirc I would sometimes get shit for not playing a white character in a predominately white area (seriously, something is up with WoD players and a love of New England), not typing out AAV (even if that's a large part of how I talk ooc), or, my favorite, not understanding why I really don't care for the vast majority historical settings.
In case it does need to be said: I've never felt attacked or like my presence wasn't welcomed on a MUSH due to my skin color or that of my PCs. I'm black, the vast majority of my PCs (I know I have had too many), and the only times anything troubling has ever come up is the typical "why would someone of this ethnicity be here!" or some of the typical exoticism. I also don't fault or think there's anything wrong with white folks wanting to stick to playing white PCs because it's what they're most comfortable with. On the flip side, I don't think there's anything wrong with those that wish to play a POC. I just think that, as HelloProject said, you need to learn to hold that L if someone points out that your portrayal is backwards, fucked up, or just outright ignorant.
RE: General Video Game Thread
I got pulled back into the League bubble last year (God, help me), and then kinda saddened when I couldn't really branch out again since MOBAs have more or less died except for the top dogs (LoL, DOTA2, Smite, HotS).
I've been introduced a good amount of new artists since the quarantine started, and in large part because friends were bored with nothing to do when stuck at home. I usually listen to rap with a smaller mix of prog and math rock, but I've been introduced to a lot of new acts. My favorites have Seaux Chill, Don Tolliver, and 36 Crazyfists. On top of all that I've fallen in love with the Deftones all over again.
RE: Real World Peeves, Disgruntlement, and Irks.
I shaved my head, and the temperature took another heavy dip back down. I hate going outside now, and all I know is regret.
@Tinuviel said in Real World Peeves, Disgruntlement, and Irks.:
Oh hey! I have an actual peeve, that also amounts to a serious case of the First World Problems (is Australia even in the First World anymore?)
No, Spotify. Just because two artists have the same name doesn't mean they're the same artist. Stop it.
That's kinda common, and very fucking annoying.
RE: General Video Game Thread
That, Outer Worlds, and Cyberpunk are the major things I'm looking forward to. I lose hype just by my nature, but those are three I just love oh so much. Except Outer Worlds kinda spurned me with being Epic and Windows Store exclusive. I guess I can and will tolerate the latter.
RE: Good Music
A different, lovely interpretation of Aria de Mazzo Carattere.
RE: RL things I love
I finally for my brother's crazy cat to learn to use the litterbox, and it feels damn good.
RE: General Video Game Thread
@Tempest Because Bungo, I guess. There's been an issue with leveling since release, and it hits at every major update save Curse of Osiris (it sucked so it doesn't count either way).
RE: Historical MUSHes
@Ganymede the history channel said the Nazis were there, and that ancient aliens caused it.
RE: General Video Game Thread
Double post time. As a heads up to anyone playing Destiny 2 the soft cap got fucked up. Its supposed to be 690, but Bungle fucked up and it's650 instead. The worst part is that it likely won't be fixed for another two weeks at the earliest.
RE: Good TV
Just got into iZombie thanks to a coworker nagging me about it, and I feel like I was missing out now. In retrospect I'm kinda glad that she did now that I'm on season 2.
RE: General Video Game Thread
@Too-Old-For-This oh nah. I rush in with a shotty or smg most of the time. Occasionally I'll pick people off from afar with my bow. I do enjoy being stealthy sometimes with the judge. At least until I found out who he was. I must say that Pastor Jerome feels worthless a lot of the time. Even when he gets his Molotov and incendiary ammo.
RE: RL Anger
When you have to deal with that one friend that doesn't know the vibes, and they don't get it no matter how you put it.
RE: Historical MUSHes
@Seraphim73 I know I sound like a pessimist, but I don't think there is a happy medium. You gotta accept that you can't please both audiences, and will have to cater to one. I may be wrong since I haven't been mushing for long, and there may have been games that have accomplished it.