It's not like the monuments are from the time of the Civil War, either. Some of them go omg so far back in history to... the late 1970s.
This alone should prove the intent behind them.
@Jeshin said in Real World Peeves, Disgruntlement, and Irks.:
I just want to know if I'm a bad person for liking the s' instead of s's
It makes you a good person.
It makes you a righteous person.
Strunk and White's overhyped pocket book is a collection of idiosyncratic preferences boldly presented as universal truths and stodgy rules so removed from the English language as it's used that the authors keep breaking them even as they present them.
@Rinel said in Real World Peeves, Disgruntlement, and Irks.:
I'm not so much principled as I am chaotically pretentious.
Chaotic pretentious is my new favourite D&D alignment.
IIRC they use the passive voice to or three times on the page where they prohibit its use.
(People do overuse the passive, but you can bet your ass it has a time and a place--namely, whenever somebody is alleging one of my clients has committed a crime.)
Setting aside all arguments about what the Confederate flag does or does not represent (racism, guys, the answer here is totally racism).....
<deeeeeeeeeeeeep breath>
Bitch, you're from Pennsylvania. So are your parents, your parents' parents, and their parents. Pennsylvania is north of the Mason-Dixon line. Pennsylvania was a Union state. A critical Union state. Your Civil War "heritage" is the Confederacy occupied York, we got all kinds of worked up about them bringing their shit up here, and less than a month later kicked their asses right back down to Dixie.
Put that on your fucking Facebook page, Christina.
@TNP If y'all want to start naming shit Optimus Prime High School instead, I'm honestly sort of fine with that. Especially in comparison.
I literally had that same comment when I was venting about someone on this topic. I mean, different state, but still. I was like.. you've never lived there?!
It's not like the monuments are from the time of the Civil War, either. Some of them go omg so far back in history to... the late 1970s.
This alone should prove the intent behind them.
Optimus Prime would be a great role model to name a high school after!
@saosmash said in Real World Peeves, Disgruntlement, and Irks.:
Optimus Prime would be a great role model to name a high school after!
Indeed. Three pieces of wisdom from OP:
@SinCerely said in Real World Peeves, Disgruntlement, and Irks.:
The housing market.
What about?
@Ganymede said in Real World Peeves, Disgruntlement, and Irks.:
“Megatron must be stopped, no matter the cost.”
@Ganymede Sellers market with very little competition.
Unless you count the buyers.
This is the case now, yes. Guess it depends what you’re looking for right now, and where you are looking.
You know what is legitimately the worst thing about being trans and having serious mental illness? It's not the lack of safety (though I miss that). It's realizing that I am almost certainly going to grow old and die alone.
This is not a good year for me.
I love that we're living in a new golden age of board games. I hate that I have to dedicate a whole room to the kick starter games that I have/am getting. I just recently got my Gotham City Chronicles season 2 stuff and I'm looking at the Zombiecide and Bloodborne KS games that are coming in a few months and I'm seriously pondering building an add-on to my house.
@RightMeow The really good ones are when you see it in West Virginia...
But yeah, here in PA? Half of the southern border is with Maryland, which was loyalist but only kinda. (Their state song is still a call to secession complaining about the tyrant Lincoln.) The other half is West Virginia, which at the start of the war was just Virginia. Our heritage was getting invaded by traitors and being the place where they got slapped down.
Look, I can point out an abuse of power that someone I don't happen to be sunshine-and-rainbows with and it doesn't have to be personal.
Expressing that I genuinely hope they've made a point of learning from their own mistakes as well as acknowledging the flaws in the environment around them is not equivalent to me running around shrieking about an incident that happened literally decades ago and airing dirty laundry.
Hayfever and sinus pain. Come on, it is my first day off from doing all of the work for ages... Give me a fecking break.
A very petty peeve. So, a bunch of a new shoes came out today from Nike, and there was really one particular pair I've had my heart set on ever since I saw them.
Those, for those wondering. I think these are absolute hot and I had assumed that these, like so many other new releases would instantly sell out on various sites and apps. This is almost what always happens.
Turns out I'm completely wrong. So instead of paying retail like I normally would be able to($130), I ended up paying presale value to guarantee I'd get a pair before the price skyrocketed like any other new release does.
Turns out, looking at sites this morning, they're still for sale. At retail. So I paid $50 more for a pair of shoes than I normally would. This is mildly frustrating, but isn't the first time I paid more than what I had to. And there are some pairs of shoes I've picked up where they were not worth the price I've paid.
That said, I'm not angry just...mildly disappointed in myself. Usually I can tell what will and what won't sell out. And I almost certain this one would be sold out by morning. Oh well. They're still amazing and I can't wait to see them on feet.