Wow. Just... wow.
Okay. Since this thread is my fault (@Ganymede #sorrynotsorry cat bot- I am wondering a little bit if the convo about that holy shit wtf character should get moved over to the Arx peeve thread(s)), lemme see if I can steer it a little.
This question takes a few caveats. So to begin with them:
- These questions do not relate specifically to ANY game. Please respond with generalities that could fit MOST games.
- These questions are divorced from plot related reasons (aka, Arx not allowing Asian concepts because they are over there and don't have contact with atm, yes, I could be wrong, please correct me via PM, that's not what this thread is about).
- These questions are divorced from games that put limitations on groups to keep them from being over-represented in their particular sphere. (I can't think of a race example here, but like Gray Harbor had concepts they limited or didn't allow because they were overplayed.)
With that said! The QUESTIONS:
What minority groups don't have particularly good representation on Mu*s right now?
What are the barriers that keep them from being represented?
When you think of representation is it an IC (the characters we app/desc/play) or OOC (the actual ethnicity/sexual orientation/(insert other minority groups here) question? (Aka, should we have more characters of color or should we as a group be actively trying to advertise to diversify our playerbase?)
What are some typical stereotypes of that particular group that you have seen, and what are some resources we can use to combat those stereotypes if we choose to app a character in that subgroup?