Only problem is that 1st edtiion rules are clunky. ( At least in my opnion, mind you haven't play 2nd ed yet (I kickstarted it.)
Posts made by Songtress
RE: 7th Sea 2nd Edition
RE: CoD - Victorian - Penny Dreadful-ish.
Elizabeth from Bioshock! I'd play that in a.. heartbeat! a Columbia/Rapture hybrid in its prime.
RE: CoD - Victorian - Penny Dreadful-ish.
I think others have covered it, but modern-isms are going to work their way in. PCs will always want to break conventions and norms. I played on Victorian Reverie & The Greatest Game briefly and I found myself stilfed and hamped in two ways:
I play female Characters
I play non -white characters
Generally speaking, I had to try and figure out what made sense for the era, and then work within it. And that became harder, when you did the actual research and found out... well there are exceptions, but they were like.. connected to Queen Victoria ( a young woman of African descent was her goddaughter, or ward, and it looked awesome, and then realize... she's only pictured and dressed all 'proper' because she was the QUEEN's Ward.)
Kind of hard to pull off, in a MUSH.
But something to consider. As someone said: Women's Lib was farther along in this alternative timeline? Did they pull a (was it Finland?) basically al lthe women just stopped working, stopped boning and said: We'd like our rights now, no sex, no work is done until we have them. And the men gave in REALLY quickly.)
RE: CoD - Victorian - Penny Dreadful-ish.
I love the concept, but I vote
Altertative History London
Smaller Spheres (Mortals + Vampires, or Werewolves, OR Mages), but not all three, not even two, actually MAGES would be epic).
Those are my two cent. I do heavily vote Mages, with the 2e book out, and it being 'compatabile' with 1st Edition Nwod!, DO IT!
RE: Angel's Legacy: Seeking Help!
Ok. That's good to know @Cobaltasaurus . Cause OMG... Anita Blake levels of (SUPER SPECIAL EXCEPTION #387938289347293-- is old).
Alright cool. I just wanted to check. Cause I haven't read the series, but I also know that ALOT of books like that ,slide right in 'Anita Blake Territory' but I am glad this doesn't.
It does sound like an interesting series makes an ote on Amazon
RE: Angel's Legacy: Seeking Help!
Also a we need to outline what Angels are? Do they reproduce? (With themselves with angels, with mortals? (half angels?), or do they do something different? Or drop out of ether if another kicks the bucket?
I also assume: That this gamesi s going to make choices aboout the 'games Canon' being different' from the books?
RE: Coming Soon: Arx, After the Reckoning
Ok, you've hooked me @Apos, consider me at least, looking!
I think I'd reallyl ike more House lore, (as I sit down at the game and start reviewing as Guest, I see house names mentioned by no.. on game access to that info. ( I mean, their holdings, physical attributes, Pantheon afflitations, that type of stuff.
RE: Coming Soon: Arx, After the Reckoning
I am loving this idea!
So tell me:-
Is it possible to raise and breed animals for better yield of materials or better horses? (like specifically breeding 'Far Strider' horses that can't carry a lot but could indeed go farther in a day that a 'normal' horse?
Housing and home? I know on Firan if you didn't know the crafting system inside and out you couldn't really do your IC job, which meant no money which mean.. you'd loose your housing and no access to the baths.. which meant you smelled. (down down the drain). until some noble took pity on you.
How do you prevent that from happen? -
Are we purely locked into having characters from a Roster who don't belong to players? Or are those just examples?
RE: Cobalt Streams A Thing
Yeah. Sometimes that happens too.
Tell the tits people to go. You are there to GAME and show it to the WORLD -
RE: Cobalt Streams A Thing
Good Job Cobalt! *sould stream some stuff.. at some point.
*ponders a all Female Gamer stream setup, because there are never enough Female gamers streaming.,
RE: Kinds of Mu*s Wanted
An Alt-Pern Mu (i.e Not Pern but drawing from it) . The Last one I played on Was Dragons of the Mists. long long ago. ( I miss my white Griffin Quina... so much) Yeah that's how much of an impact it made on me. I still remember after all these years.
RE: I will design you a MUX
We shall see. @Bobotron rings the summoning bell
What say we make Houses of Blood into just this.
RE: I will design you a MUX
A combination game:
Post- Apocolyptic CoD 'Rome".
Humanity screwed up and now Vampires 'rule' and some of the oldest have decided that the way Rome was might be better.
Oh wait... nevermind @Bobtron and I have this convered it seemeds.
RE: Dune Coda Stuff
We should enjoy this Dune and support it. Though I do wonder if it might be better to 'file the serieal numbers off' and create something 'original. In a sense.?
RE: Destiny - A fantasy MU*
Themeatically, you could have it be that Noblity is an position earned, so that if your 'born into ' or rise to it, culturally you're expected to continue.
If you're an excellent weaver, you're expected to continue to weave, or a farmer, you're expected to continue to farm?
I do like the idea.
I guess my next question ( as I build Worlds for fun), becomes:
Magic? technology? what is the flavor?Are we talking Steampunk? Or Neolithic? Bronze or Iron Age? Future space age? Or a world that was once 'High Tech but has been knocked into a kind of REtrofuturism?
If there is Magic, how does it work?
If there is technology how does it work?Are the two mutually exclusive?
Can Nobles not have it but commoners can? Or there way around.I would be interested in helping to theme such a world, but it might also go over board. But I can at least help build out the basics?
Like I know I lately having been jonesing for particular flavored MU* but it might not be to your liking?
It does seem to hit alot of those notes you were talking about. -
RE: Destiny - A fantasy MU*
Interesting. But why?
What made the worlds?
What did you like about Firan?
What did you like About Shangrila, and Fall coast?How can use the things you did like, and draw on themp to better you game?
RE: LFS: Eclipse Phase MUX
@Jennkryst But that is not what Eclipse Phase is about. There are not Faster Than Light ships.. its all horrible slowlyish.