While I would love to see a Dark Crystal game, I would NOT want to see it from someone whose primary interest is in making/running a WoD game (or any other game). I'd rather see someone who is interested in doing a Dark Crystal game do it. They're not even similar themes.
I find this kind of suggestion kind of jerk-ish towards those people who are putting the time and effort into making a WoD game. It's not what I want? But obviously if they're going through the immense undertaking of making a game, that's what they want to do, and being a snoot about it is just blech. Even in light humor, I think it's a lot meaner to say than people realize it is.
ETA: Leave people making WoD games (or any other genre the general 'you' is not a fan of) alone. Let them make whatever game they want. If you think there should be a different type of game than what is being offered, telling people who are making another type of game to change what they're doing...is not the way to go about it, and is unkind.