@nemesis said in Skills and Fluff in WoD:
@surreality said in Skills and Fluff in WoD:
WoD is the example I know we're discussing here, but... damn, it's such a bad example in some ways.
This is a company that basically went, "Game balance? ...is that like, weighing the book on a scale? How do you do that with pixels?" years ago, and I'm not talking about 'decided to switch primarily to pdf'.
I don't think that's really fair.
The oWoD (not nWoD 1.0 but the really really old thing with V:tM and WW:tA etc) started out in the late 80s, before public internet was even a thing.
VtM1 came out in 1991. I know this because I bought the first edition V:tM sourcebook the moment it hit the shelves, and I had just graduated high school at the time. I read the fucker on the plane to college (which I started that summer).
About the rest: they have said they really don't give a crap about balance -- one game line being more powerful than another, or one clan being more powerful than another. This is not random guesswork and it isn't just a factor of crossing the streams. It's really just not so much a concern to the creators; they're not even especially trying for it. It may be a consideration, but it's not a primary one.
In part, yes, because you can go back to 'if you don't like the way this balances/works/whatever else, tweak it' is rule 0 (aka 'rule "Duh!"', because no tabletop GM with any experience doesn't know this already). Also in part because it really isn't one of their primary objectives and they've said as much. If they're saying it about themselves, it's far from being an unfair analysis on the part of someone else.