...so is this where the betting pool will end up being on how long after 9pm EST it takes for HBO GO's servers to go down like the Hindenburg tonight?

Posts made by surreality
RE: Good TV
RE: Forum Factions
@WildBaboons There should also be a 'I love making characters places then never get around to actually playing them' faction.
I ended up doing a fair bit of this trying to get interested in something before I gave up, but I know a few others have mentioned really liking the idea of coming up with a character and building it, but then kinda hit the grid and suddenly everything's a bit meh.
RE: Forum Factions
@WTFE Among the less than three that won't be up against the wall when the revolution comes?
RE: Forum Factions
(Less than three.
Admittedly I liked Ninjakitten's interpretation which I think was 'I conebutt you' or something like that. Whatever it was, it was adorkable and endearing as hell.
RE: RL things I love
@tragedyjones OMG FLURF FACE! Ahem. She is adorable.
RE: RL Anger
@Paris It is a long term known thing. Messed with me since I was a kid. #1 reason that despite knowing all manner of folk with various interests in recreational drugs of nearly all kinds at some point or another, you really just couldn't pay me enough to ever try.
RE: RL Anger
@Derp Irony: this is hydrocodone. Which knocks normally people flat to snooze off whatever. Me? Nawp. All the awake all the times. So glad yesterday was the last of it. I'mma sleep all tomorrow if I can. Dumbest biochemistry ever.
RE: RL Anger
...five days with no sleep. FML.
...knowing that sleeping for 2 days straight once this shit wears off is not permitted by, oh, life in general. FMLx2.
RE: Coming Soon: Arx, After the Reckoning
@Aria Autocorrect is quite possibly the devil. But that's a good one.
RE: Forum Factions
@Bobotron 'As the World of Darkness Turns'
'There is no Dana, Only WoD'
@Sparks ...and I was totally going to make an edit with that! Ha! Yes, I have to agree. Seriously, if I had to say the thing I am working on is NOT WoD/CoD or using its rules! one more time... well, I guess I did shelve it, but one more time and I would have then if I hadn't.
RE: Forum Factions
We need a 'argue every general concept/game policy/house rule/poweridea/game pitch as if it's WoD by default' faction, but it needs a better name than that.
It would, I think, be quite large.
RE: RL Anger
@Pandora That seriously blows. I'm sorry you have to put up with that kind of stupid.
There's a reason I default to bureaucrazy as an intentional spelling lately, and that is a damn fine summary of why.
RE: Forum Factions
There should, indeed, be a hivemind faction.
...no one should be permitted to join it.
RE: Good TV
@Ghost There is a pic I found ages ago of a female wrestler that I was like... 'I need to sculpt that' as a 3d thing, back when I was doing that. It was just a shot of her bare back, wearing jeans (so nothing naughty), and I was like: "Dammit, that is epic barbarian queen girl power awesome right there, I approve really a lot."
Seriously, this (questionably work safe) is going in the PB file for the next time I need someone with muscles, if I ever play somewhere again. (The original image I had found was the one in the center, and just everything about the photo itself is wonderful, from the pose to the composition, just... art geek happy sigh. Even those jeans are frickin' cool.)
RE: RL Anger
@Catsmeow I admire that sort of honesty, personally.
Most folks wouldn't have the courage to say it, even if most of us would be thinking it.
RE: RL Anger
@Ganymede Yup, exactly. In the case of actual emergencies, it's so obvious there's zero need to ask. Like, 'I just got a call from my brother who needs to be taken to the ER' or some shit, there is zero need to ask.
RE: RL Anger
Agreed with Gany on this one.
It's one of those questions you can't say no to without being the bad guy, and those suck.
Like, I get shit being derailed for actual emergencies, but that doesn't strike me as an emergency.
And, really, in an actual emergency, nobody's stopping to ask if anybody else is cool with dealing with it, because the need to deal with it is self-evident from the jump.
RE: RL things I love
This is not a recent thing, but a discussion with a friend and sorting through the yarn for the dye room re-setup brought it to mind.
The (late) Ancient Cat once had the best queen of all the cats moment. I had this big wheel of yarn, on a cone. (Basically, picture a roll of toilet paper 8 inches high and over a foot across, but the 'toilet paper' is wound yarn.)
She pranced downstairs, and saw this. Her little kitty eyes just went wide and she staaaaaaaared. And then she hopped up on it and muffin-posed with her little feet tucked under her fluff and began purring SO loud with the most pleased-with-herself look ever. She was all, 'I have the BEST yarn of all the cats, I have a yarn THRONE!!!' <smug>
It was perhaps one of the most jaw-droppingly adorkable things I have ever seen in all my life. We never had the heart to even use that yarn after that. I mean. How could we steal the queen's throne? She perched on it every time she was in the room until it eventually moved, at which point she would stalk around the room crying piteously until after a day or two of feeling like the worst monsters that ever lived we bought her a little stool to perch on as a new throne.
RE: Forum Factions
@WTFE I hate them, too. So fucking much. I actually have a very bad reaction to them, but they're the only option that doesn't involve way too much on the NSAID front, which I can't do for liver reasons. (Which are not booze related; liver stones are a thing. It solves the mystery about why my cholesterol levels are amazing good, I guess.
Opioids don't make me mellow, it's like punching the red aggression button like an impatient person trying to call a slow-moving elevator to their floor. As a kid, I was given them at one point for something and apparently didn't sleep for three days after one dose.
Needless to say... DO NOT WANT, but. It's that or feeling that the face is throbbing and whatnot, and nngh. I'm a wimp on mouth pain. This shit's worse than the major surgery was earlier in the year on that front.