So, survey says....absolutely nowhere but The Reach?

Posts made by Tempest
Is there anywhere to play nWoD Changeling at the moment besides the Reach?
RE: Game of Bones
When I realized DUMB HO wasn't going to make that the moment she decided to step the fuck up and do something for once, I was completely and utterly disappointed.
RE: Game of Bones
@Coin The end of the last episode, specifically? Yeah, was a little unnecessary.
RE: RL things I love
I love daytime thunderstorms. Something about it is relaxing.
RE: Sexual themes in roleplay
@Coin It's more the attitude/personality for me than the occupation, necessarily. Maybe I'm in the wrong, but I'm possibly going to take your grumpy badass slightly less seriously if the badass' wiki feels like it's oozing "fuck me".
RE: Sexual themes in roleplay
@Coin I personally understand the thoughts behind that second blurb, and kind of feel the same way, though I can see why other people wouldn't care.
I don't really care if your tough, never smiling, growly rough and tumble sniper chick has a porn star PB and all the pics are needlessly on the verge of NSFW, but I'm probably going to roll my eyes.
RE: Sexual themes in roleplay
@Arkandel said:
The only things I begrudge wikis for is that people use them instead of descriptions (in fact for many wiki pages there's nothing in there other than pictures and a name) and that occasionally there are these absurd - even for MUSH low standards - arguments about who has the 'right' to a likeness.
Strangely, I still always write descriptions myself, and usually 2-3 decent paragraphs worth, but..I rarely ever even remember to look at other people's bits, generally just using their wiki pics as a judge.
RE: Sexual themes in roleplay
@Derp Definitely. And I know I saw that done occasionally on The Reach, which is fine. I don't think I'm a prude, but I also don't think PB pics need to be half-nude and showing a ton of cleavage/whatever.
RE: Sexual themes in roleplay
@Coin said:
I would actually really like it if we could tag NSFW pages with a Category:NSFW and it would make anyone going to one of those have to go through a filter page that says, 'are you sure you want to see something NSFW?'
That would be ballz. Especially if you could opt out.
I wish games were more strict about character wiki pictures. It's like some people have no common sense when it comes to their "pb pictures" or I guess just can't play a sexpot without nearly erotic pics to support them. Sure, maybe they don't post outright nudes, but goddamn some people come close.
RE: Sexual themes in roleplay
Slightly off topic. I have no problem with TS, in some sort of context, I don't even care if there wasn't any lead-up RP besides one pose saying "joe and jane met in the bar and went back to jane's place", but I get really bothered by people who send random semi-sexual (or blatantly) pages or ooc poses/etc when in the ooc room or alone in some room for whatever reason. And there seem to be quite a few of them.
RE: Vampire Time Scale MU
This is a pretty cool idea, I agree. Not sure on the specific example mentioned, I definitely do like the idea of maybe skipping 50-100 years a pop or just to specific eras in time. For me at least as someone in the not-yet-30 club, there's not enough of a difference in 1920-30-40-50-60-70-80-90 to make me interested in putting in the effort to research every decade to make sure I "fit".
RE: The guy who coded Kishi Kaisei MUX [L5R]
I love the idea and mechanics of L5R and the MUX definitely had a great set up, but for me I couldn't get into the social RP of the setting, and sadly 75% of anything you do on a MU is likely to be barchat/etc. Can't remember the guy's name, but he was definitely good people. If WORA and the Firan threads were still around, I could likely browse and find/remember it, but alas. Then again, if they were still around, the ad for Kishi Kaisei would be too.
RE: Books, baby!
Some of those definitely look worth a peek, thanks folks.
RE: Books, baby!
@Arkandel In some ways yes. Most blatantly, the Krasians might as well be Aiel in almost every way, and hilariously as the books go on the small number of things that made them different from the Aiel starts to disappear. But part of it is I just think the fact that there's so many fantasy tropes. The whole small village spawns the prophecied hero thing/etc.
I wanted to burn book 3 in a fire for starting with like 210 pages straight of Inevera's childhood (who I hated at the time), but amazingly, the character has grown on me. That itself reminded me of numerous chapters in WoT I gave zero shits about, like the hundreds of pages a certain bird-named woman spent imprisoned and her wolfman spent looking for her. (Strange because I like that particular female character, but goddamn that is a painful chunk of book to struggle through.)
Other books.
I'm sure they're both already hugely popular with everybody who pays any attention to the Fantasy genre, but.
Brandon Sanderson is my favorite author. Mistborn made me fall in love with him (Been hesitant to read the post-original-trilogy book, anyone have comments on it?). Just recently read the Stormlight Archive books (only two out, sadly), which are, again, Wheel of Time-esque in nature, but pretty amazing and it sucks that book 2 was JUST really getting into things. (Book 1 spends a lot of time with the main male character in some situations that weren't particularly exciting to read about, I hate to say.) Or the very boring and numerous chunks that tend to come from Egwene/Nynaeve/Elayne POV chapters.
Patrick Rothfuss' 2 books were pretty fun, though I'm not really a fan of the story-teller telling stories style of writing.
I'm actually in the middle of working back through the WoT (between other books) because I still haven't read the final 3 (done by Sanderson and not Jordan of course), and figured I needed a refresher.
Currently debating if the Sword of Truth is worth another read or not. I left off somewhere around like book 8 or something.
RE: Books, baby!
Idly, back on other books. Just recently read the first 4 books in Peter V. Brett's Demon Cycle series and they were pretty great. Along the lines of your typical Wheel of Time-y Fantasy sort of stuff kind of but with some unique representations that I haven't seen done before. The ending of Book 3 made me want to slap somebody, but in a good way. Went out and spent 30$ on Book 4 (which is still relatively new I guess and only in hardcover), when I pretty much just always buy paperback. (I can't do the e-reading. Give me a fking book pls.)
If anybody has any Fantasy series to recommend, lemme hear 'em.
RE: Good TV
@Sunny said:
I know zombie is overdone and such right now, but iZombie is actually a cute little show. I'm enjoying it, at least.
iZombie really is cute, and for me, an amusing/entertaining twist on the dominating tv theme of "OMG COP SHOWS" and also on the theme of zombies. They basically took Zombies and made them like the uberpopular vampire theme. Olivia (the main character) definitely disappointed me last episode. Stupid, stupid girl.
RE: RenoMUSH - The Biggest Little Game on the Net
@Thisnameistaken said:
I recently tried to make a character here. First, upon logging in, I didn't get so much as a hello from anybody. I figured ok, people are busy and don't have time to greet new people, and went into CG. I finished CG and the +job has sat completely untouched for 5 days (and counting). Not a 'we're working on this' or anything.
So... looks like I will not be playing here.
Sadly, sometimes stuff just gets mishandled because A thinks B is handling something, and B thinks C is doing it, while C thinks A is doing it. Yeah, app-waiting sucks, but I wouldn't give up over that if you're actually looking for somewhere to play.
Slightly related --despite my only being back briefly, Reno seems oddly quiet (channel-wise, and that's not necessarily a bad thing) for a MU its size, but when people do talk, they seem friendly enough.