Ah, understandable. Was just curious. Remember playing with you a couple times on TR a while back. Nice to know.

Posts made by Tempest
RE: RenoMUSH - The Biggest Little Game on the Net
RE: RenoMUSH - The Biggest Little Game on the Net
Wait, is @surreality staff on Reno?
RE: Blood of Dragons
I will never understand why people need 3-4+ alts on games like this. Even games with multiple spheres shouldn't have that many alts.
RE: Blood of Dragons
Wow, this guy is a serious asshat. Can't imagine playing on a game run by him and some chick that is a legendary level PHB.
RE: Optional Realities & Project Redshift
On the topic of grinding, I think the biggest thing that'd help is finding a way to make progression more natural. Note, -not more realistic-. Just more, that it happens over time without you having to consciously as a player go 'i want my character to have X-Skill at a level comparable to the players who know how to game the system, so..how do -I- as the player manage that'.
One of my favorite things from my brief stint on the SoI reboot, was that I made a stealthy hunter type character, and...my core skills just went up, while I was out doing what my character was supposed to be doing. Sneak/hide/longbow/butchery/tracking (which I didn't even have at first) all progressed wonderfully. And it felt great, not having to worry about purposefully trying to improve myself. Sneaking around the woods and exploring while there were wolves and boars visible in three different directions, being an idiot and sneaking into the orc cave.
Crafting is something I imagine shouldn't be hard to make less 'omg I have to spam practice', it just needs appropriate scaling of how hard it is to pop a skill-up, and maybe scaled the chance much higher with more costly crafts. But combat-related skills are obviously something that would really benefit from somebody coming up with a less 'you need to game the system for skill-ups to be competitive' way to handle. On the stealthy-hunter character I mentioned above, I wanted to learn dual wield and improve at short blades, to help with patrols, which....resulted in me changing my solo hunts from bow-use to jumping out of the bushes at deer like a ninja, stabbing them, then hiding/trailing them after they fled, ninja'ing them again, /repeat until dead. And it just, honestly felt kind of stupid. But, the alternative was to go do "sparring rp" 3-4 times A RL DAY, and hope one of those RP sessions would result in a 1-point skill improve, which jesus, no.
RE: Dust to Dust (Formerly the nWoD grenade thread)
@Thenomain said:
I will set up my chargen system, but that's it. My New System Coding is reserved for the day that more than three people want @Ganymede's Mass Effect game.
I have been answering questions about the 7th Sea framework, and likewise, but Eldritch is eating all my code time.
I'm sure more than three people want Gany's ME game to become a real thing!
RE: [REQUEST] Comprehensive MUSH experience
@Chime said:
- MUX has many of the more commonly used Rhost/Penn features (not the Rhost security model sadly), and generally better color support.
256/hex-a-whatever colors. drool
Admittedly, a pretty moot thing, since colors don't get used very much on 99.99% of MU*s and some clients don't support it. So much pretty stuff made on Firan though.
RE: [REQUEST] Comprehensive MUSH experience
Yeah, I don't think any of the hero games even use numbers at all these days. All consent and +sheets are at best a paragraph describing various 'abilities' or 'flaws' your character has.
Marvel Untold used some old Marvel RPG system once upon a time, I don't think they do any longer, and 9 times out of 10 it only came into play when some body was being a twink.
RE: [REQUEST] Comprehensive MUSH experience
Shame Firan is dead, you'd probably find it an interesting experience (one with admittedly, 500 metric tons of staff-and-culture-related problems, but still).
Aside from that, eh. A WoD MU is a WoD MU. As much as I'd like to sarcastically recommend trying to get politically involved in a mage/vampire/etc sphere, I'm not sure the..uh..experience is worth the time investment required.
And there doesn't seem to be a ton besides WoD these days.
RE: Optional Realities & Project Redshift
I suddenly find myself intrigued by Sindome. Time to look around.
RE: Optional Realities & Project Redshift
I realize I'm not the one being asked, but personally, I do not like FS3's automated bits. I like the +sheet code fine (with appropriate restrictions and game-specific gauges) as an alternative to WoD sheets for other genres to use, but not the combat code. If combat is coded to be more than +rolls, I'd rather it be coded more fully than FS3.
RE: Optional Realities & Project Redshift
I'm assuming coded support to mean actual commands (kill joe, forge sword, track jane, search couch), and not just 'you can roll dice and have a +sheet'.
RE: Optional Realities & Project Redshift
@Jeshin said:
You know it only now occurs to me to comment on this but....
If you are a roleplay focused game.
If you have automated system(s): this can include crafting, exploration, combat, medical code, etc etc. Doesn't have to be all but you have to have one or two.
If you have perma-death defined as the ability for story, characters, or the environment being able to kill off your character permanently without your consent.
Than you too can be listed on Optional Realities and I shall traverse the internet for you as well! I know that list may seem controversial but all of the games (including the 2 Moos and 1 MUSH) share those traits giving our users a guideline for what they can expect.
Firan (now dead) is the only thing not labelled explicitly a MUD that I'm aware of having all those coded systems. And goddamnit, the only thing I truly miss about Firan is 256-color crafting. LE SIGH.
RE: Optional Realities & Project Redshift
@Jeshin said:
You are aware that it was the codebase of AtonementRPI and a mirror setting of that game after it closed?
I am. Actually, the only reason I ever wound up on PRPI was because a MU* friend dragged me there. She'd played Atonement, and had pretty much all good things to say about it. She tried to drag me to Haven too, but I never managed to get my teeth into it.
We poked at SoI when it rebooted a year ago or so, too. I doubt I made any friends among staff either place, because I got rather annoyed at some IC-affecting staff decisions that were made based on OOC reasoning, and the fact that OOC frustration about those decisions just got waved off with shouts of "handle it IC" if not outright ignored.
I did however, really like the codebase. It was very unique compared to anything else I'd seen. To be honest, it kind of reminded me of Firan, what with the amazeballs crafting system and what not.
RE: Optional Realities & Project Redshift
I didn't really mean to go off on a hate rant about MUDs, which it seems I did, so I apologize. Most recently (been a while now, admittedly), I really enjoyed my time on ParallelRPI, which is the same codebase as SoI. More, I think RP MUDs would greatly benefit from a weakening of the 'Everything is IC 100% of the time' super barrier which seems to be ever present and obscures a lot of stuff. But, that may very well just be a personal taste thing and MUSHes have spoiled me.
RE: Optional Realities & Project Redshift
Idly, on the topic of MUDs. I've played all sorts of MUs, from no-RP levelling grindfest nonsense that's basically just a chatroom (years ago, in the beginning), to RPIs like Shadows of Isildur, to Firan, to WoD MUs, a handful of comic MUs, various anime-themed things (some Naruto MU and the SRT game), etc, etc.
For me, MUDs never really seemed to mature. The staff of MUDs always seem to be stuck in a bygone era where there's a curtain between what they're doing and what players need to know, where they're the kings of their world and god be damned if they're going to care what players they aren't buddy buddy with think. Any clique-esque problems or staff 'problems' I've encountered on MUSHes (ignoring the atrocity of Firan, anyways, which was almost more MUD than MUSH/MUX, anyways, especially in terms of its culture), I've encountered 10x worse on RP MUDs, and I can only suspect it's because they lack the openness that MUSHes tend to have. Things like OOC global channels, an ooc bboard, the page command, logs posted, awareness of who staffers play and what factions they're involved in, etc.
RE: Star Wars: Age of Alliances
Ever since I started MUSHing, I've had a love/hate relationship with SW games. I love the idea, but never seem to last. I've never managed to stick around very long on any except a couple of the d20 SW Legacy games (or whatever it was called), and mostly because I love that game system.
Not sure I've played one set in Movie-time (it kind of has a crippling effect on character options, hate to say it but force-fu and lightsabers are the main draws of SW games for me), the d20 ones usually seemed to be set in KOTOR-esque times.
But...intrigued. Will poke at the game, thanks for posting. If Miraluka are a thing, I'll probably be forced to try and make something. (They probably aren't, alas. Extinct in movie era, iirc. Poor blind people. But, will take a peek and see what's what anyways.
RE: RenoMUSH - The Biggest Little Game on the Net
@Thisnameistaken said:
I'm West on Reno, by the way. Vampire char. Feel free to poke me for RP, BG hooks, or whatever else. I'm friendly.
Oh, didn't realize. We haven't played yet, but glad you did stick around.
/me am Selina, for anyone who cares.
RE: Atomic Highway: How Granular To Go?
ERRRRRR! Derail.
The fuck. A zombie MUSH? Any good?