I don't have any real love, or hate, for clues. Not because I think they're bad, but mostly because I'm just so outside any realm of influence, they don't really apply to me. To the people that love them, gathering them like Pokemon and getting a better understanding of the lore and world, go my child, have at it.
While I absolutely love reading lore, and more importantly, creating lore, this isn't my lore, so I doubt I'll ever write a theory simply based upon the fact that this isn't mine. Maybe it's just me, but there is just some kind of mental barrier between taking something that I didn't write and trying to make it my own, and something I wholly created from inside my head. This is for the same reason I don't pick up roster characters, I will never be able to play a character as intended, and the perfectionist in me demands that.
But to those of that are more than willing to share clues? Good on you. For awhile, it seemed like unless you were the most bestest of bosom buddies with someone, or some group or circle or whatever, you weren't getting jack. That attitude seems to of changed and that's for the better.
And FYI, I can count my clues on both my characters with two hands. Not sure if that's either a point of pride or shame.