@ganymede My cousin's daughter thought the same about GoldenEye 64 when she told me was 'really good at old shooters'.
Dear child, you come at the king, you better not miss.
@ganymede My cousin's daughter thought the same about GoldenEye 64 when she told me was 'really good at old shooters'.
Dear child, you come at the king, you better not miss.
@arkandel I think that was the right call. I had noticed Old Man acting oddly, and while I had an eye on him, I didn't take when I should've.
He old, I thought he was just doing his thing where he just stares at people. He would do that. But when I picked him up, he just so limp. I didn't realized something was truly wrong until he hissed at me. And he had never hissed at me in his entire life.
Should I have taken him sooner? Probably. Would it of saved him? I honestly don't know.
The fact that you tried speaks volumes. You made the right call to take him.
@arkandel It's coming up on a year that I had to say goodbye to my Old Man. He was old, though I never knew how truly old, his ranges between 17 and 20 since I found him as a stray in 2005. So his passing, while not surprising, gutted me regardless. With that said, I feel like it's even worse when it's a younger pet that you don't expect to develop something like that.
Seizures took him one night, December 3rd. I remember sitting in my car with my fiancé for hours, waiting to hear from the vets in ER. I thought he'd pull through.
It still makes my chest tight thinking about that night. I don't think I had loved something, animal or human, quite like I did for him. Because I'm fairly sure that cat saved me from doing things I'd otherwise regret.
He's the reason I get all messed up when I hear Somewhere Over the Rainbow. But I'm glad you were there with him, in the end. I don't know if Old Man knew I was there in his last moments, but no pet should leave this world alone with someone they don't know.
I deal with chronic nerve pain in my right arm due to a rib that doesn't like to sit where it should in my spine.
Regularly seeing a chiropractor had helped alleviate this pain by a large margin. But there are time when he adjusts it that it doesn't pop back into place like it should.
And when it doesn't do that, I get tingly pain all down my arm into my fingers. It's not debilitating buy it does really suck.
And I just wish someone would take a bat to the back of my shoulder.
@saosmash With the amount of people walking away from fast-food or delivery service jobs because they believe they're worth more than the pay they're given(they are worth more), I'm not surprised that the quality of delivery has gone down in the last couple of months.
Two days we got Taco Bell because, well, it was late and neither of us really wanted to cook. I just wanted something simple. Three soft shell supremes. Did I get my sour cream on my tacos? Of course not. It's not the end of the world, but ffs. I did four years of Taco Bell in my teens, and for as much fucks I never had for that job working there, I at least did it properly.
@arkandel said in Forum wonk:
@testament Sure! It really is up to Gany.
The DB dump contains everything on the forum, including private messages, and it could be used to spawn clones of MSB (even though why someone would want to do that is beyond me ).
I can only give it to whoever I'm asked to, especially since once it leaves my custody I can no longer control who else might also get a copy.
It'll take me a little bit to get it all put together. I know I have enough spare parts to build another rig, but if I'm going to building something that's solely going to be designed around deep storage and heavy RAM use, I'll have to adjust what I'll need accordingly.
I was going to use some of this into an stupidly overwrought and extreme Ryzen Threadripper build, but I feel like this might be a better use of the stuff I have.
I could potentially increase the data storage to 15 TBs if I can find the one HDD I had laying around that I didn't think I'd ever need that much storage for.
Anyways, @Ganymede, the offer is there.
@Arkandel I haven't caught up on all of this just yet(at work), but I have enough parts laying around my workshop from previous computer builds to put together a computer that can act as a storage for the website. I've never done a VM before, but I'm fairly certain I could work my way through it.
I can probably get enough stuff laying around for a about 64 GB of RAM and 4TBs of data storage.
....I build a lot of computers. But I freely admit I'm far more knowledgeable on hardware than I am on software.
@insomniac7809 When my fiance was finally diagnosed with a adult ADHD(which in of itself was a trial), she had to go to a psychologist to be properly prescribed Ritalin, which was eventually switched to Adderall.
Her consoler couldn't even prescribe that, she had to refer her to a literal psychologist in order to get a proper medication.
Not believing ADHD is a thing is just kind of mind-boggling. Do they believe in leeches as well?
On random occasions, I'm looking through the member list here on MUSB and come across his name. I'll glance at the last time he logged and what his reputation is.
I often sometimes think about randomly upvoting old posts of his but, I never do.
Miss you, friend.
And on the flip side to this, there are simply staffers that are terrible GMs and storytellers and don't deserve to get paid for the effort(or lacktherof) of wasting player's time. So no, I don't think paying people to be storytellers would solve any issues.
So while yes, you'd remove the gripe that staff throw out(I don't get paid to entertain you) and then you're adding players becoming more entitled than they already tend to be. Now you just have entitled players and staffers. Granted, you're going to have that regardless of if you pay people or not, but I can just see it being so much worse.
@rucket said in Paying for a MU*?:
I am reminded of Wes Platt and Chiaroscuro and Otherspace when they tried to add microtransactions to MUing. If there was a "Donate for Hosting" button on a wiki, I might pitch in $5 here or there and I'm sure others would too, but anything beyond that, I dunno.
To his credit, he was doing microtransactions before they were ever really a thing. But that doesn't mean it was a good idea.
I do know there were a lot of people who dumped tons of cash on it. You know because they gave out badges to players like they were some kind if achievements. It was a wild time.
That said, I do really miss Chiaroscuro. It was a fun game.
My cats.
Bubba(otherwise know as Bubs, Mr. Bubbles, Bubba-wabba-ding-dong, Babaganuche, and DAT BOI) : Ear-clipped rescue I adopted as an attempt to have company for my Old Man(who passed away last December). Bubba was from a hoarding situation and was super skittish for about a year and a half before warming up to me and my fiance. He now is one biggest cuddle bugs ever, throwing himself into your side. He loves all other cats, and he is never the problem when introducing new cats, hoping to be friends(which gives evidence that he came from house that hoarded cats). Still is terrified of plastic bags, loud noises, and people he doesn't know. Has the most perfect beans, but beware, they are extra spicy beans.
Zuchinni(otherwise known as Zuzu, Zuzubean, Fluffernaut, Precious-Baby-Angel, She Who Cannot Be Contained, and "She is Baby") She is the youngest of the three and also the oddest. The kind of cat that loves to be pet, but haaaaates it if you pick her up, as the crying will start. She was the runt of her litter, so she has a large body, but tiny head. She also the best trained, because she knows her name perfectly and comes when called. Also likes to play fetch with some of her toys. Is the one that instigates most chasing time with the other two.
Fuzz(otherwise known as Fuzzy, Old Man Fuzz, Mr. Fuzzles, The Most Tired One, and Dapper Dan): The oldest, and the resident Old Man of the house. We adopted this old 14 year old cat because partly because after losing my cat of 16 years, I wanted to adopt another senior cat because I felt that more older cats deserve a good home in their twilight years. And the other part was simply because there was a hole left in my heart from my Old Man's passing. And we just like having three cats. Fuzz has taken awhile to acclimate to the house, but seems to like it here. Granted, he has this thing where he has to sleep on clothes. Dirty clothes, clean clothes, doesn't matter, so long as he's sleeping on clothes. I have found him in the most interesting places because clothes happend to be there. It has thus proven that for as slow moving and sleepy as he is, he can be energetic, he doesn't choose to very often.
@derp To be fair
I pick up everything to usually deconstruct it. Because them mats doe.
@pyrephox I guess that doesn't really bother me as I've never played MMOs until ESO, so I never really had an experience where it wasn't like that. I'm also one of those weirdos that loots everything even when he doesn't need. Nor do I run past mobs, I fight the ones I see. Which does make the game take longer, but I don't mind that.
Really, I'm just here for the stories on the game and ESO lore. I tend to ignore the other players unless I need to do a arena or trial or group dungeon.
@tinuviel I'm sure I'll find a reason.
@ganymede said in Real World Peeves, Disgruntlement, and Irks.:
None of us are good, really.
I'm equal opportunity. Everyone has equal opportunity to let me down. Doesn't really matter what you are.
Don't worry, I tend to hate everyone. I'm inclusive like that.