Best new cartoon ever!
Posts made by ThatOneDude
RE: RL peeves! >< @$!#
@Luna Canned air is where its at, naturally sparkling and salt-free...
RE: Good or New Movies Review
@Templari John Wick FTW, how many head shots were there in that movie? Must be like at least 1 for every dude he killed.
RE: RL things I love
Big Trouble in Little China <nuff said>.
Jack Burton: Oh, my god, no. Please! What is that? Don't tell me!
RE: RL peeves! >< @$!#
@Olsson said:
Apparantly I need a new CPU for Witcher 3, which also probably means I need a new motherboard which will cost me. And on that note I still seem unable to gain employment over the summer which makes problem A a bit difficult.
I get the dilemma, but, at the same time its why to me it seems like going with a console over a gaming PC is where its at. I know that doesn't mean anything to you now, but, maybe when future costs look to cost the same as that PS4 / xBox One you could make a change. If anything its cost of ownership is basically the cost of the console to replace it every n (5-10?) years. There are some other accessories you will want/need but nothing to major. Games and such will run close to the same price and possibly less if you do the used/sell/digital dl sale ect. Just food for thought.
RE: Staffing Philosophy: Action vs Procedure
@Misadventure Agreed, and the one thing that irks me as a player and more so when I would be in staff positions is other staff forgetting what its all about. If you have a game, chances are you want to facilitate a game and/or a place for people to RP. If that's not what you are trying to do, then, I wish games would just post it out there.
/Hi - we don't care about players that aren't the alts of my people on staff and / or in our circle of trust. Play at your own risk fucker./
To me that would be cool, cause, then I'd know not to expect anything from staff unless I'm down with circle.
RE: RL peeves! >< @$!#
@2mspris said:
Going into the season where I REALLY wish that I could ask people to leave the library if they haven't had a bath in the last week. Particularly since we have a lot of Amish patrons. I get it, it's planting season & farming is sweaty work but when you've done hours of field work, over several days, and come into the library to use the computers in a public space for whatever reason - if you smell so strongly that it forces other people to leave, or at least put a significant distance between themselves and you... Just no.
What?! The Amish use the computers?
RE: RL peeves! >< @$!#
@thebird said:
Th-that's a thing that happens? Humans are so strange...I didn't know it was a thing until yesterday, but, I have seen people do what @Luna said... Ohhhh, maybe they are the same type of person. Out at the cube the buckle is undone and in the space between the cube and toilet the button(s) / zipper is undone and BAM! Dick in hand pre-privacy barrier...
But I'm curious if this is actually worse than the dude that comes and takes up a place right next to you when there are 3+ other urinals open... More so when its the type without the privacy wall/pee shield.
RE: RL peeves! >< @$!#
@Derp said:
@ThatOneDude said:
RL Peeve: Dudes that run at the urinal next to me with their dick in their hand before they get to a point of privacy behind that divider that separates the urinals.
I could see how that would be somewhat unsettling, but I also have to wonder why were you looking in the general area of another dude's dick if you didn't want to see dick? That one seems like blame could be shared.
What...? There I was, minding my own business and giving my business that last shake before zipping up and turning out of the "stall" when old "holds his dick while he runs" comes barreling at me full speed. I was the VICTIM HERE MAN!
RE: RL peeves! >< @$!#
RL Peeve: Dudes that run at the urinal next to me with their dick in their hand before they get to a point of privacy behind that divider that separates the urinals.
RE: [Ethnicity Thread] Who Do You Think You Are?
FYI - I'm white because I'm middle eastern, my family never owned slaves... Unless, back when Persia was great like in the 300 but those were probably other Middle Easterners. Anyways I digress. I'm tired of being lumped in with the White Man (except for when it counts like when I fly, or w/ skin heads that think I'm mexican). FIGHT THE POWER!
RE: RenoMUSH - The Biggest Little Game on the Net
@tragedyjones said:
@Thisnameistaken said:
I recently tried to make a character here. First, upon logging in, I didn't get so much as a hello from anybody. I figured ok, people are busy and don't have time to greet new people, and went into CG. I finished CG and the +job has sat completely untouched for 5 days (and counting). Not a 'we're working on this' or anything.
So... looks like I will not be playing here.
I am highly sorry that this occurred, and I will look into what made this happen. I understand I cannot undo what occurred but I can attempt to not make it happen again.
Yeah, I had a like experience with Reno for sometime. I kept thinking it was just me
Anyone know of a mu* that runs a little like tabletop (events, plot) while also having a few people that like to RP around said events and plot along with just basic RP scenarios?
With what've seen and granted it could be the time constraints that my time has been under, it seems like we almost need events to be the draw to make sure people are logged on to have "things" happen to RP about. I mean chilling out in a coffee shop is alright but as a vampire/werewolf/splat it'd be nice to have something to do related to that splat and the XP investment that comes with it.
RE: Eldritch - A World of Darkness MUX
@Thenomain Mage is the best, I don't get everyone's dislike. FURTHERMORE, with nWoD 2e, I'd bet everything is much more in line sphere/splat wise. It always feels like people that dislike mage usually don't understand it or dislike "that one type of mage player" which is a kind of player you find in EVERY sphere/game/insert some shit here.
RE: Game Design as Applies to MU and STing
@Coin said:
@Arkandel said:
Because it does, and because (as noted elsewhere) people are promoted to the level of their incompetence - it happens everywhere, and it absolutely happens on MU*. Of course it's dumb but the world is full of excellent number-crunchers and workhorses who rose to become managers only to fail utterly.
But aside from all that... you have this person who's your builder, right? Just by being listed on +staff, talking on the staff channel and having access to staff-only boards - which they don't need to dig exits in rooms or check how descriptions conform to game-wide standards - they are exposed to conflicts of interest. People (rightfully or not) see them as staff, rulings in their favor are viewed in a negative context, etc. Plus it's one more person to manage; it's always easier to not hire someone than to fire them if they screw up or just aren't doing their jobs.
And for what? What is the upside of a builder having access to more resources than their function requires?
You're still assuming that it's easier to "fire" them if you don't give them a staff name. People are still going to make a huge fuss if you one day tell them "you can no longer do this". Also, other people's misconceptions is pretty much the worst reason not to do something. No, hire a builder and then you tell them: "you are a builder, if people ask you about things other than build, you pass the buck. Don't read +jobs; read +jobs/mine which is what your staff job entails".
Let's stop reacting to undesired behavior by trying to avoid it and start acting upon it and forming the sort of structure we want. If we do what you're suggesting, we're not actually advancing and progressing towards a better structural system for MU Staff, we're outsourcing Staff functions to players without actually giving them the authority to do things within their field.
It's also easier to divide what you do when you have a separate bit to do it in. Even if you're a job monkey, you don't want all those jobs showing up in your player bit, so you get a Staff bit you log on when you are doing jobs, and that you can log off when you play.
But seriously, my issue with this lies almost entirely in that your suggestion basically plays into people's insecurities and undesirable behavior instead of addressing them in any productive way.
Agreed, I've always hated how most Mu*'s are run. One thing I think should be addressed as well is who a game is designed for. I've seen a number of games that seem to think they are not there for the player. The player becomes "unimportant" which seems strange to me.
RE: [Ethnicity Thread] Who Do You Think You Are?
@Luna said:
White people love to know they're part Native American. I don't know why, but they love it. It's at least one thing to say you have some blood and another to claim crazy bullshit, but even that gets irritating. I have mocked and unfriended idiot white girls who are 'super in touch with their minority status' but don't even belong to a tribe. Stop it. Just like I told my cousin to stop when she found out we qualified for stuff. Shut it. You're white as hell.
I think it's in part because we don't have any culture. Yes, arguably we do but it's not 'cool' so white people try to find other things to 'be'. Also, it seems to be a way to skirt racism. Look, I'm not racist, there's brown people in my ancestory.
I come off as very very white. Like clueless white suburban bitch, despite the fact that I've had experiences otherwise. So that's how most people treat me. It's less about what you are and more about how you're perceived. My half Irish half Sicilian best friend is often taken as Mexican, even by Mexicans, despite the fact she's white. She just has dark skin. @ThatOneDude is white to me, but he's not really likely considered so in the eyes of some. There's a lot of technically white people that white people don't consider white.
You only call me white because I'm well educated and successful! q.q
edit: And additionally... In Cali I'm just another hispanic that probably can't speak english and am probably illegal or a gangster of some sort and when I fly... Oh lord, even with TSA Pre I'm RANDOMLY SELECTED!
RE: Sexual themes in roleplay
@Sunny said:
I cannot imagine playing a character without some sort of genuine emotional investment in it.
Agreed, now to qualify this... I have characters I enjoy playing and various "tropes" that I enjoy. But I never get to "attached" that a PC death "reaaaaallly" bothers me or that I'm to scared to play a game as a game. Nor do I think I'm really this PC, but, when I play a PC I put myself in that character's headspace and RP. When I step away from the game or talk OOC, I am me though.
As for crazy stalker types or whatever, they shouldn't be lumped in with the people that enjoy your company or would want to play with you. I know with people I enjoy playing with, I try not to express to much of that sentiment in fear they will think I'm "stalking" them or "took it to an OOC level" when I guess I have. Because I like to RP with this player/character.
When I hear people try to be "better" then other people because of lack of TS or whateves it just smells of "DOUCHE". Its one thing to say "this isn't my thing" and another to say "LoL ya'll stupid". I don't like RPing parenthood, I'm a parent IRL and get my fill, no need to do it in my "me time", but, I don't talk shit to the people that enjoy it.
tl;dr = Treat people like people and assholes like assholes and remember, we're all people behind the PC even when we want to PK you... Its just part of the game (I'm going to get my revenge on Unmatta and Roisin as Dolos... MARK MY WORDS!!!)
RE: [Ethnicity Thread] Who Do You Think You Are?
@Cirno said:
@ThatOneDude said:
@Cirno I know, but the point is both don't mean shit or shouldn't. I have black friends and friends of the ethnicities you point out.
But not a lot. I'm willing to bet money on these two things, too:
1.) Your friends of other ethnicities most likely avoid your black friends. and would never invite them to their houses.
It's a subtle form of racism, not letting black people in your house. It is frequently practiced these days, too.
2.) You probably avoid going to their neighborhoods. I wouldn't be surprised if you did, though.
Dude, I live/work in Compton. Let's do the math...
RE: [Ethnicity Thread] Who Do You Think You Are?
@Cirno I know, but the point is both don't mean shit or shouldn't. I have black friends and friends of the ethnicities you point out.
RE: [Ethnicity Thread] Who Do You Think You Are?
@Cirno said:
Some trivia:
In my 25 years, I have had the racial epithet "nigger" directed at me by:
- Whites
- Chinese
- Japanese
- Hispanics
- Native Americans
Yes, I am, in fact, keeping score. I am indeed one of those Tremendously Bitter Black People who sincerely believe that other races are openly hostile to us.
Wow, WTF... No black people tossed that word at you? I'm not black and I get called nigga on the DAILY.