Hemlock Grove is terrible in all the right ways... I know what I'm binge watching in about twenty minutes >>
Best posts made by thebird
RE: Good TV
RE: RL things I love
I set up my PS4 on the tv downstairs that has our ridiculously awesome surround sound, to play a game with friends this weekend.
Just played Destiny, with surround sound...
It brought a tear to my eye, I kid you not.
I may be in love.
It's the little things, guys... -
RE: RL things I love
Excellent nurses. Specifically those of the ER variety.
Husband had a, as it turns out, gallbladder attack so bad that we had to go to the ER on Saturday night/Sunday morning. Emergency surgery and everything. We just got home yesterday afternoon, and the thing that has stuck with me the most was how totally awesome the majority of the nursing staff was. I know that's not always the case, so I'm super grateful for them all.
RE: Where the hell is everyone?
Definitely sounds like you might need to branch out a little more Good you're willing to do so, though!
I only know of two people I flat out avoid, because of legit crazy/stalker tendencies, in the over-a-decade I've been at this RP thing. I'm totally way too shy for my own good and really have trouble getting out there to RP as a result, but I'm willing to RP with anyone. It's just a matter of catching me when I'm not at work (rare these days), or feeling less anti social/shy than usual >>
That said, if anyone is still giving Fallcoast a go, feel free to look me up there as Red. I can usually think of a reason for her to be anywhere/when. -
RE: Henderson's Playlist
You weren't on Star Wars: Age of Strife, were you? Lorana sounds suuuuper familiar, in the context of my past Star Wars rp...
RE: RL Anger
RL anger:
When people assume I'm being a snarky bitch, or lying about my sincerity, when really I'm doing neither of those things.
Happened multiple times today about varying topics. Maybe I have more of a case of resting bitchface/attitude than I thought? But damn. Chill out people. I'm chilled, I swear.@Sunny
So sorry to hear about your mom/family
Never feel bad about venting here. I'm pretty sure that's what all of us at different MU*s (and by extension MSB) are doing in some shape or form, anyway. Hope things start looking better soon! -
RE: Storytelling
Exactly that.
I used to be on and available for RP basically all the time. Even at work, since I had a desk job for a few years. Now I work retail, have a second job, and my hours fluctuate like crazy. Times have changed, and I miss being able to go do All The Things, instead of having to resort sometimes to an @mail of "Hey guys, my char did this"
It's definitely changed the way I RP and what I consider to be worth my time, too. When you only have about two hours of RP time before the majority of people have to bail for sleep, you do what you have to do.
I think a lack of OOC awareness did generate more RP in my earlier years of RP, but I suspect for many of us, that's just not much of an option anymore, if we want to get anything done IC.
The trick is finding that happy medium somewhere. -
RE: What Do You Love About WoD?
When looking for places to play, I always had a really hard time getting behind places based on movies, tv shows, or major book series like Lord of the Rings, because they never felt as open ended to me. I feel like the major stories there have already been told and exhausted (generally speaking), so I'm less inclined to even consider those options. *
As a result, I was dragged to an oWoD MUD (that really only did rp and ignored the MUD aspects after a while. It was silly) by a good friend from where I'd been wading through RP in Yahoo! chatrooms and IRC stuff. Never thought I'd stick around, but the appeal of creating an entirely unique character, in a setting that is open ended enough that you feel like you /can/ do anything if you wanted to, got me hooked on WoD. I'm also a sucker for urban fantasy (and post apocalypse, but that's slightly less related), so that really helps. Playing the monster is a big draw for me, too. I don't tend to read too in depth the stories provided in the books, because of what I mentioned earlier with the stories already being told. Other than maybe a quick skin for theme/feel, but really I rely on wikis from the actual game for most of that.
A big factor for me, too, is that my circle of friends (albeit very small these days), play WoD, so I've kind of kept to the genre because of that. The option of splats to play, often on the same game, is a big draw for me as well. Always did like the cross-sphere rp.
I guess the TL:DR version of that ramble would be: **I feel like I can be more creative with my characters in a WoD setting. ***With the exception of one Star Wars game from a while back - Star Wars: Age of Strife
RE: RL Anger
It's something about the smell and texture? But if I don't know it's on something until it's too late, apparently it's great. -
RE: FOMO and MUSHing
I also agree about a twelve step program, haha. I am usually logged on for long periods of time while at work when I can't rp, just to chat, though, since I can't just text someone (or whatever) all day long.
But I totally loathe those days where nothing goes on, and you've inadvertently used the MU* to procrastinate, and then you hate yourself for doing nothing and starting nothing on the MU* and also for not getting rl things done. Cue massive amounts of self-induced stress. -
RE: Does size matter? What about duration?
About the time/mechanics...could be? They're definitely more "mechanics lite" than MUDs, in my experience. After a while, when I get used to a certain group of players, I tend to find people who are good at "fudging" the mechanics, within their sheet's abilities. Like... not necessarily rolling all the time, but only in scenes that are PrPs, or when they "feel" like it "really" matters. Again, feel I'm explaining that poorly, but ah well.
I tend to try to play my characters up to the dots they have in certain abilities, so hopefully that means I don't have to use the mechanics/dice all the time. I think that helps a lot with the time factor, because then there's not as much discussion about what's going on, and things can happen more fluidly. Improvising.
RE: RL Anger
@Coin said:
@tragedyjones said:
Semi-random venting:
Date girl for a few weeks, have slight falling out, remain friends. Feelings grow, she gets a boyfriend. See each other, romance rekindles much stronger. Wait too long, she is afraid to leave her boyfriend and I won't see her while she has one.
Cockblocked by my own morality.
Been there, done that. It blows.
Hate when I'm a good person, sometimes, too
(Legitimately. Not sarcastic) Totally blows. -
RE: How did you discover text-based gaming?
When I was a kid, I was sick a lot, and got it in my head that I was going to make a Sailor Moon themed website via Yahoo/Geocities. Couldn't figure something out, so I went to the help chatrooms, and actually met my very first and longest online friend there. They introduced me to RP in the Yahoo! chatrooms, when I told them what I was trying to do with the website. We both told each other we were 16. Years later, when we were actually 16 (I know, I know...I was one of those unintentionally creepy too young kids in the 90s...I didn't get it then, but totally do now) we confessed our real ages (same age), have been good friends ever since, and floated around various text games in chatrooms until high school, when I discovered MU*s, and they developed a hobby of rock climbing.
And here I am o.o
RE: Does size matter? What about duration?
God yes, about the dialogue. I second that so much. So much. I even prefer to write more about the body language, than the dialogue. Kills me when there's nothing but talking, since in RL I don't tend to talk a lot (Shocker, right?), and as a result my characters don't tend to speak all that much, either.
RE: RL things I love
One of my best friends since high school finally has a girlfriend he feels is ok to bring around the rest of us. He Moved in with her and everything, which is a super big deal for him. She is awesome and I really hope they stay together. I've been the only girl in our group of friends for 12 years....which is fine, but sometimes it's nice to have some more estrogen around, haha.
Just got called to do an interview for a job I applied for. It's a video interview, which I suck at more than rl interviews (sad), and is totally going to be terrible, but I'm excited anyway. Need out of this retail food industry bs!
I sent a portrait of Rhett and Link from the YouTube channel Good Mythical Morning, in the hopes that they like it enough to show to the world, and it should arrive there todayish. I'm just excited that I had the guts to, more or less, advertise myself, haha.
I seem to have dragged myself back out of a depressed rut again... Totally going to take advantage while it lasts! Life is slightly less awful than I usually perceive it to be, today! Yay!
RE: What are you playing...?
When I can, I'm playing on BitN. Might be playing at FC again, but not sure.
Exclusively daytime weekdays EST though. -
RE: Does size matter? What about duration?
applause So very much that.
RE: CoD - Victorian - Penny Dreadful-ish.
If this went Mage, I'd be all over it. More than I originally would have, haha
RE: RL things I love
So, I drew a portrait of Rhett and Link from Good Mythical Morning on YouTube, as mentioned before (I think?) ?
And they put it on their Facebook and Instagram page! I'm so excited! =D
I'm so excited that I'm posting it everywhere ever, don't judge me =D