I got my uni degree in journalism and spent the first five years of my working life as a newspaper reporter. It was around 2004 when I graduated.
I laugh because I weep at the dying industry, and such.
I didn't get furloughed or anything, but when I was looking for The Next Job I realized that, with five years experience, I'd still be making shit money and living in another shit town if I wanted to keep doing this, and I was coming off a job that had made me pretty miserable. So I started looking for alterna-jobs, and kind of fell into fraud review for a financial outfit. This was 2009, right after the crash, so there was a scramble to hire anyone with any kind of investigative experience, even if it wasn't financial industry specific. I'm doing pre-funding reviews (basically, liar loans) for a bank right now. I like the puzzle aspect of it a lot and it's great experience for this kind of thing.
I'd like to stick my head back into freelance non-fiction writing now that I'm settled enough to have some flex time. And I miss journalism, but the current media landscape freaks me the fuck out and I'd never want to go back full-time.
ETA: My first job and one I had on and off through college was as a barista, and it's still The Dream to open a random coffee shop with my retirement money. It'll be next to my hermit cabin.