@greenflashlight I am absolutely going to make that now.

Best posts made by Too Old For This
RE: Recipes and Shit
RE: Critters!
@arkandel Ahhhhhhhh, yes. The race for the last pee before the NEW LITTER drops. Then it's the stalking wait to drop the first turd into the NEW LITTER.
RE: Real World Peeves, Disgruntlement, and Irks.
@arkandel I'm not ever 'bulking', but I do like using a good brown or wild rice with my chicken breasts. My son is on a jasmine rice kick.
RE: Real World Peeves, Disgruntlement, and Irks.
@mietze said in Real World Peeves, Disgruntlement, and Irks.:
After a very hard day at work, I ordered pho delivery. It came without the broth.
SACRILEGE!!! They owe you broth!!
RE: Real World Peeves, Disgruntlement, and Irks.
@saosmash said in Real World Peeves, Disgruntlement, and Irks.:
Initially read as 'pho breath' and haven't stopped giggling for five minutes. XD
RE: Recipes and Shit
@aria You have to FEEL the measurements with your heart!
RE: Critters!
@silverfox That is the face of a cat who is about to tell you all about the Grand Mouse Conspiracy. XD
RE: RL things I love
@ganymede Look. There comes a day in every child's life where they have to realize that 'growing up' with a game means different things to an 8 year old than a 38 year old. My kids like to try to school me at games now and then. And then I remind them that mom has been gaming since she was old enough to hold an Atari joystick and Nintendo gun. And that while they grew up with games that could be paused and saved or the ability to avoid characters that are annoying... mom grew up with games that HAD to be won in a single run, and that damned dog snickering every 90 seconds.
RE: Real World Peeves, Disgruntlement, and Irks.
TBH, I mostly have Netflix as a one-stop repository of a lot of the older shows I enjoy (mainly old versions of Star Trek). If they ever drop Star Trek from their lineup, I will likely let the account lapse.
RE: The Work Thread
@faraday Charter schools are choice schools, but there's still only so much space for kids in each school. We have to apply for charter schools because there are SO MANY parents that want their kids in charter schools (they have a reputation for being 'better' than just whatever school happens to be yours by district) that they couldn't take every kid if they wanted to. So, applications. Preference is given to kids that have siblings already attending a charter school. So yes. Charter schools are 'Choice' schools, but if all the charter schools are full (as they inevitably are long before the school year even begins) then you still can't join it.
@silverfox This isn't scary for me. This is infuriating. You have choices for your mental health, for being able to take an administrative position, or move jobs. He doesn't get that option. I am his police wellness check, and I'm here, every day, watching his mental health deteriorate because he is every bit as cognizant of what's going on but has zero agency. Be in school or fail and have to repeat his senior year. Those are his choices. No appeals. No other position, no other job. Be present or fail. That's the choice he gets. I am sorry that your mental health is in jeopardy. So is his, and he has infinitely fewer options on what to do about it.
RE: The Work Thread
@kk The sad reality is that changes are rarely made until people are willing to leave over it. The squeaky wheel really does get the grease, unfortunately that squeak usually has to be represented with two week's notice. And what is getting sadly even more common is the willingness to let good people go so they can hire on someone desperate for less money and who will risk more for longer before complaining.
RE: Random funny
@ganymede said in Random funny:
@hella said in Random funny:
You know, in case you ever wanted to hear Nickelback's 'Rockstar' as a slappin' sea shanty.
There's sea shanties, and there's sea shanties.
And then there's SEA SHANTIES.
Have fun getting this earworm out of your head. >.>
RE: Good or New Movies Review
@Arkandel I didn't even notice. I just wanted to give a nod to his performance in Knives Out.
RE: 2022: A New Year, New Dead Celebrities
An eternal hat tip to the late Mrs. Jessica Fletcher. May you finally see Frank again, and not have to solve anymore murders.
RE: Learning how to apply appropriate boundaries
@ganymede I'm old, but I still try to stay current on happenings! The ducky pajamas thing was strange enough to stick in my mind. >.> But if you like we can get into a conversation about how each of John Hughes' movies is just him bitching about how no girls liked him in high school and how he's trying to make them all feel bad for turning him down way back when.
RE: The All-New Down With OPP Thread
@Ganymede I tried to flirt with your female vamp! She just.. never really took the bait. Probably because I'm terrible at flirting. >.> But you do play an exceptionally good psycho, whichever the gender.
RE: General MSB announcements
@wizz Its okay. For the first DAY I didn't get the line either. Then it just APPEARED and the format changed and I went 'ohhhhhhhhh, so THAT is the line...'