All I ask from my RP partners is that they give me something to work with in their poses. I hate flat poses or poses where they just respond to what you've done and add nothing to the narrative. So long as you're interactive and not trying to dominate the scene, I'm all for people RPing however they want.
I often ask my partners what they want to get out of a character or scene or plot so that I can be sure to keep those very things in mind as I play opposite them. We all have something we want to get out of RP, be it just a fun night of monkeying around or something more specific and focused. Again, so long as that doesn't lead to you prioritizing your fun over others? I don't see a problem with it at all.
In regards to Striking Looks/Attractive type advantages in a game, I just treat it like any other "striking feature" a character might have. My character may notice that someone is "hot" or whatever their thing is but that doesn't mean that they're attracted to them.
My only real issue with it is that everyone wants to be "the hot one" and when everyone is hot then that becomes the new average. We're RPing on a CW show and every character has the Striking Looks(Hot) merit. I get it, my character will notice, but it's hard to make that character feel special because, as we've said, everyone has that merit.
That's one of the reasons I think it's good to have a circle of people you can trust and rely on for things. I've had a partner come to me and say, "I really want to play a bombshell character who makes someone's nose bleed just by entering the room." So I was like, "Oh, okay. I can make that character for you." Then we can discuss how we see things going, whether it's short or long-term RP, etc and so on. I know what they want to get out of the RP, they trust me to respect whatever boundaries they have, and, hopefully, they have fulfilling RP as a result.
That was a long ramble and I apologize.