The best is when my office has a company paid for lunch thing and they get all huffy when I bring my own lunch because their vegan options always boil down to an apple and some carrot sticks splashed with ranch dressing that you can totally just wipe off. Like, just fuck off, if you're not going to spring for actual options, don't make this shit mandatory to attend and then get bitchy when I bring my own food.
RL Anger
I very nicely decline free office food that isn't suitable for me. Or I pick the mushrooms off the free veggie pizza.
Honestly though my team rules, sometimes my manager just brings up an electric griddle and makes waffles, or grilled cheese sammiches, or monte cristos. There's a distinguished southern gent on the team who bakes a lot. We also have two guys who make chili regularly. I am rambling about my team with enthusiasm and affection in the RL anger thread, I'm sorry. I'll show myself out.
@Kanye-Qwest that makes me RL angry.
I won't even go into my team. It's bad.
My company sometimes gives us $25 gift certificates to the company 'zazzle' store.
that's our 'special bonus'
My company sometimes...
I've got nothing. My company gives us absolutely nothing.
My clients give me free food and drinks all the time though. So there's that.
But I swear to god, people who are just picky eaters who want free food catered to their preferences drive me up a wall. Esp. the 'I only eat like a five year old' types.
I'm sorry. Grow up. Learn to try new foods. I was never more offended than the time my roommate wanted to introduce us to his girlfriend, we invited her to dinner, I cooked a big meal, she showed up... and snubbed the whole thing and refused to even try any because 'I only eat pizza, nuggets, and burgers.'
I have to put a hunk of the blame for that diet on the parents, I would not have gotten away with that even at five. Dinner was made if i didn't try something the option was not eat. My parents would never have forced me to eat something and if I tried something and didn't like it that was one thing but if I just straight up refused to try something I would have not eaten that night.
I am afraid if I invited an adult to dinner and they did something like that i would just shrug and eat and not for a second feel bad about it. -
@ThatGuyThere said in RL Anger:
I am afraid if I invited an adult to dinner and they did something like that i would just shrug and eat and not for a second feel bad about it.
Me too.
"Sooo... what you're saying is you're not gonna eat that? . . . Dibs."
Pro tip:
If you're on an online dating app/site, don't tell the chick that actually stuck through your 'I'm feeling suicidal' episode (out of legitimate concern) that 'women are fucking bitches who won't talk to me.'
Pro tip:
If you're on an online dating app/site, don't tell the chick that actually stuck through your 'I'm feeling suicidal' episode (out of legitimate concern) that 'women are fucking bitches who won't talk to me.'
Correct response:
Every Tuesday at my old job we used to go to this amazing smokehouse place for BBQ... burgers, wings, the fries were incredible. It was the highlight of the week for the 3-4 of us who went regularly.
The new QA person back then asked if she could come along and of course we said yes... but on the way out she told us she didn't want to eat meat. She only ate meat on Fridays or something. But she didn't ask to come on Friday, she asked to come on Tuesday, and she wouldn't switch the days around.
So Thai Express it was. Thai fucking express. Two years later I still rage about it.
The best is when my office has a company paid for lunch thing and they get all huffy when I bring my own lunch because their vegan options always boil down to an apple and some carrot sticks splashed with ranch dressing that you can totally just wipe off. Like, just fuck off, if you're not going to spring for actual options, don't make this shit mandatory to attend and then get bitchy when I bring my own food.
Pro tip:
If you're on an online dating app/site, don't tell the chick that actually stuck through your 'I'm feeling suicidal' episode (out of legitimate concern) that 'women are fucking bitches who won't talk to me.'
Correct response:
Yeah, don't do that. If they actually kill themselves you could be charged with criminal solicitation or manslaughter. There are Supreme Court cases about this. Don't do it.
I randomly came across a book on something my wife would love to read about. I made a mental note to go look for it, made the decision to go physical copy instead of kindle, but ... forgot what it was before I got to a computer to order it.
I can't tell if it came up from a topic related article, or randomly on some other article I read, or in conversation or listening to podcasts.
@Arkandel that is dumb. I'll spare jumping to the conclusion of whom I'd imagine were the loudest or most enthusiastic haters of the attire.
Pro tip:
If you're on an online dating app/site, don't tell the chick that actually stuck through your 'I'm feeling suicidal' episode (out of legitimate concern) that 'women are fucking bitches who won't talk to me.'
Correct response:
Yeah, don't do that. If they actually kill themselves you could be charged with criminal solicitation or manslaughter. There are Supreme Court cases about this. Don't do it.
I didn't. I couldn't have it on my conscience even if all I did was walk away. I talked to him. For hours. I even offered to hang out with him sometime.
I began suggesting things for him to do. We began talking because he's also an aspiring screenwriter. So I was like 'Well, I'm gonna volunteer with the Austin Film Festival, maybe you should too.'
Stuff like that.
And then he went into the 'all women are fucking bitches who won't talk to me' spiel and that's when I walked. Because motherfucker I just wasted six hours of my life talking to you and you're gonna pull that?
I'd given him, btw, one of my throwaway email addresses because I was gonna help him go over some of his writing to help him decide what stuff is good for submission to publications, give feedback, etc... And yes, he's already emailed it throwing tantrums and having fits at me for being 'just like all the rest.'
I think I'd rather be a lonely, crazy cat lady than deal with people like him (or the other common type I get on dating sites: the 'you're bi so you'll be a third for our threesome fantasy right?').
I think I'd rather be a lonely, crazy cat lady than deal with people like him (or the other common type I get on dating sites: the 'you're bi so you'll be a third for our threesome fantasy right?').
And in my experience, it's always the husband contacting you.
Which means it's his threesome fantasy.
And of course, his wife doesn't know he's talking to you.
Dating sites are why I decided to give up on dating and just occasionally fuck a friend for about two years in my twenties.
@Aria Two years? Christ, I hope you brought snacks.
@Thenomain said in RL Anger:
I need a link to where this shirt can be purchased and I'm not kidding. I'm buying it.