Sep 30, 2020, 2:49 AM

So I'm not sure that I should share this here. Small world and all... But I feel like I'm at a cross roads with this hobby. I think I still have friends here, but the last time I played a game where I didn't have at least one person making it an exhausting tight rope walk was over 5 years ago. So I thought maybe someone out there might have some advice.

There's a thing that keeps happening to me over and over and over... I will be having fun on a game. All feedback from fellow RPers will be positive. Then out of the blue, some other player will decide they don't like me and start a passive aggressive campaign to make it difficult for me to RP (usually without a single conversation with me directly), no matter how hard I try to please them. Usually they are friends with staff. Sometimes they actually ARE staff.

Usually I think everything is perfectly fine until suddenly, I find out they have been trying to convince other people that I am the devil, without ever even having a conversation with me to discuss their grievance. To the credit of the staff of most games, they seem to recognize this behavior as childish and inappropriate, but the only staffer who has been willing to handle it in a way that doesn't effectively kill the game for me is Fara. (Thanks Faraday!)

I used to get angry. Then it started being funny. Now I'm just so weary of having an otherwise healthy and fun activity turned into the opposite of fun.

Normally my solution would be to avoid the troublemaker. But somehow it always seems to be the most active person on the game (I am talking like present for 90 percent of all rp that happens on the game...) Since my RL job makes my availability limited, if these people don't choose of their own volition to take a break during the limited days I can play, I have to either court trouble by joining a public scene knowing they also want to join, or just skip that day and know it will be a week before I get another chance.

My question is, is this just me? Does this happen to other people? How do you handle it, if so? Is there an option besides just giving up on yet another otherwise fun game?

I'm not down for forcing myself down the throat of people who don't like me, but it's also a bummer to constantly feel forced off fun games by active people who hate me for reasons they won't share, and refuse to address like adults.

Does this hobby just not want me here and most people are just too nice to say? Or am I just having bad luck with nonconfrontational staff who don't know how to deal with toxic members of the community?