RL Sads
He was a kick ass RPer and storyteller and an even better friend, and will be deeply missed. And you are so very loved.
@sunny I am so sorry for your loss. If there is anything you need, please let me know.
@sunny I am so sorry for your loss.
This post is deleted! -
You have my condolences for you and your family. No words will really ever suffice, but they are there.
I am so sorry for your loss Sunny. You are always wonderful to speak with. I don't have the words. I am very sorry for what your loss what what are going through.
- topic:timeago_later,4 months
My parents and youngest sister just got evacuated due to a fire near their home. I know it is out of an abundance of caution (after the Marshall fire last December no one in Colorado is fucking around) but still nerve wracking. Doing my best to sit and wait calmly.
Edit: They are safe and back home. It really was just out of an abundance of caution.
@silverfox The wildfire that destroyed a lot of my, uh, census designated place in 2013 killed a couple of people who were refusing to evacuate because they thought it was too early. Caution for the win.
I'm glad your folks are safe.
My friends. Not just the ones from childhood but later in life as well.
My best friend until I was... 14-15 used to be just a bit of a rebel. He wanted to date very badly, as soon as he was old enough to drive one he bought himself a motorcycle to impress chicks, he got into the tourist industry and was eager to work toward becoming a concierge.
Now he's a priest, extra right wing, making borderline racist anti-immigrant posts on social media.
My best friend from my postgraduate degree was always a bit of a jerk. I lent him money to fix his car (never saw it back
), and had a reputation for cheating on his girlfriends - I still remember going to watch Blair Witch Project with him and his gf at the time asked him to put me on the phone to verify he was actually out with me.
A few years ago he got a girl pregnant and ended up marrying her. We talk very rarely these days but he started messaging me out of the blue today to convince me vaccinations are evil and made some weird comments about God's judgment - I dunno.
Sigh. That actually upsets me.
- topic:timeago_later,about a month
Goddamn, this is from a sewing machine manual. It's not even some misguided magazine article or anything.
Apparently it's real, too!
When you remove the rampant sexism, it's not terrible advice. Sewing machines are kind of dangerous.
(Warning: link does contain a graphic injury.)
@ganymede True of most of life remove the sexism.
I am unable to sew and I don't now why. I can do lots of other crafty/domestic/eye hand coordinated things (cook, garden, wound care, etc). I even am wound vac expert which has some skills in common with sewing!
I think it is more of a mental, don't like sewing than a true /can't/ sew. I get super bored and the more bored I get the less careful I am with keeping the fabric pressed and the more funky my sewing gets.
Also as a person from a poor and strange background, we were encouraged to sew, sewing your own clothes is a virtue, fixing things to rewear is a virtue! No I hate sewing so much, I won't even sew a button back on protest. I am like sewing - I work hard and got out of poverty, so I can do things buy clothing and not sew!
I wish I could sew. My dad was apparently amazing at it (weirdly, because he always acted like he disdained anything like household stuff as 'for women'). I don't know what happened to the sewing machine, or I would try to teach myself. But I can't afford one sooo yeah.
Because it would be really nice to be able to hem stuff, because I'm too short for regular length pants, and a little too tall for petite. Bah.
@kk Try weaving as an alternative. I was taught to sew my own stuff at home then in the military, but I enjoy weaving sometimes (but I'm also an artist/teacher so I may be inclined to enjoy these sort of things).
My grandma taught me how to sew when I was younger and when she went blind she gave her old Singer machine to me. It's a really great machine, works as good as the day she bought it (some 50+ years ago) but can confirm, the manual is full of sexism.
- topic:timeago_later,15 days
On top of every shitty thing going on in the world are the sometimes-reminders that there's still normal, everyday shitty things happening.
My son had a close friend. Said friend rolled their car off the highway and died. It's the first time he's lost anyone close to him. He's dealing with it very well, but I'm finding that my normal anxiety about him getting hit by one of the idiot drivers around here has ramped up considerably.
(Editing to add:) He's got an auntie who's a hospice nurse and I've dealt with death on numerous occasions, so he understands he's got resources on how to deal with it and support. And the option of therapy if he decides he wants to give it a go.
- topic:timeago_later,about a year
I hate asking for help but...I'm going to post this here anyway. Thanks for reading.
For those that don’t click the link:
Dev’s cat needs emergency, life-saving surgery. Regardless of our personal opinions of each other and the tribalism that comes of it, our furbabies have always been a rallying point for the community. I hope that they can continue to be. Please help if you can, and even if you can’t, please share the message. This is the worst situation for a pet parent to find themselves in, and I know that we can pull together to help a kitty.
@Devrex I wish I could do more, I really do. I did share the link on FB so hopefully that helps. Thinking good thoughts.