@HelloProject Sincerely, don't be too hard on yourself, man. We all have those moments. Been having plenty of them myself lately, anyway, so for what it's worth, there's at least one person who gets it. (And I would bet a lot more than one.)
Take the time you need for you. Everybody needs that sometimes, too.
Some folks may think they're entitled to be gatekeepers or whatever, but nobody really is that. Heck, even the folks almost universally on record for doing massive harm or have an intent to do harm as predators don't get blocked out of participation save for by a small few, in the end.
By comparison? A random argument on a forum's pretty much nothin', and perspective's a thing.
It'll be ok, even if it doesn't seem like it right now. Be good to you, dude. If that means taking time away, that's cool, but don't convince yourself you have nothing of value to offer here or that everybody's gonna hate you forever or something and let that keep you away if you decide you want to come back some day.