Feb 1, 2021, 5:57 PM

My oldest dog, Daphne, has gotten quite old. She's almost 17 now, which is hard to fathom since when we picked her up from the streets as a stray dog she was limping and didn't know whether she'd make it through the week.

In fact Daffy was always a runner and she managed to escape on a number of occasions (running beneath my feet while carrying groceries in, finding a couple of doors open in a row all the way to freedom, etc) so I always thought her end would be met much sooner underneath a truck or something.

But my badass bitch can't walk very well any more and lately she's had a couple of seizures within a few days. I've been more than happy to carry her in and out of the house since she can't handle stairs very well but it's getting to the point where a call needs to be made and I don't know quite how to process that.