@tragedyjones I've been watching Flash since episode 1 but lately I'm less satisfied with it. It gets cheesy and predictable for my tastes sometimes, with characters doing stupid shit obviously to serve the plot ("I won't tell <X> about <Y> although now is a great time to do it so later on they can be pissed off at me for hiding things from them"). It's the kind of writing that drove Arrow off a cliff in the last season.
Good TV
@tragedyjones I've been watching Flash since episode 1 but lately I'm less satisfied with it. It gets cheesy and predictable for my tastes sometimes, with characters doing stupid shit obviously to serve the plot ("I won't tell <X> about <Y> although now is a great time to do it so later on they can be pissed off at me for hiding things from them"). It's the kind of writing that drove Arrow off a cliff in the last season.
I'm just in it for Kara.
Arrow grew on me over time despite how cheesy it got. (Plus whatsherface the bad guy's daughter is hot!)
While I though Flash was cute in Arrow I couldn't make it past the first episode in the new series.
@tragedyjones said in Good TV:
So I watched my first episode of Flash today. Because Supergirl. Crossover is fun so far even if the "4 night event" was a little disingenuous of the advertising.
But Part One of the crossover is the most true to comics thing ever put on TV.
Very Minor Spoiler: Despite the Crossover hype Supergirl was a normal Supergirl ep with the cross over only happening in the last scene.
Trust me this is how a metric shit ton of first parts of actual cross overs are, not to mention all the times a guest appear gets hyped on a cover to literally last a page or two.
While it most likely mildly deceptive advertising, I like to think of it as an homage to the medium that spawned the characters. -
As long as it wasn't Atlantis Attacks.
@Misadventure said in Good TV:
As long as it wasn't Atlantis Attacks.
Hey I liked Atlantis Attacks, but that is mostly because I am a sucker for anything involving the Serpent Crown since most of that history played out in the old Marvel-Two-in-One title and in Suby's vastly underrated 60s solo series, which was thankfully reprinted in the late 70s.
Nyssa al-Ghul? She also played in Spartacus. She was nekkid a lot. -
@Bobotron There's a lot of Spartacus cast members showing up on Arrow in particular. Naviah 2.0 played Amanda Waller, Spartacus 2.0 played Weather Wizard, and Crixus played Deathstroke, just off the top of my head.
Yup. Ashur was also Captain Boomerang. -
Vikings is back!
I'll await the influx of even more viking PCs.
I watched Justified recently at the reccomendation of a friend, it's an amazing show and anyone who hasn't seen it should give it a try.
@Olsson I loved the seasons up to the last one. The last... not as much. Thoughts?
Also I thought the first seasons' villains were better than the second half of the series.
I've actually gotten to the final season and stopped marathoning there, so I guess it's quite telling I agree with you there.
As for villians, I didn't find Gio particulary amazing. I was much rather a fan of the Dixiemafia stuff. Wynn Duffy was probably my favourite villian who wasn't a main character (aka Boyd).
@Olsson Mags Bennett was, hands down, my favorite villain in the show, but that's because Margo Martindale is an amazing actress.
If you want to watch something...similar though, try Banshee. Again, the first couple of seasons are much better than the last.
They had the first season of Banshee for free on Amazon. I really enjoyed it, but then I was like "Do I really want to pay twenty bucks for this?" And I never got into the rest of the series.
Anyone watch Black Sails? Have you noticed every single mirror in every shot on the show is dirty? Even in spotless homes?
@ArmedCarp Their everything is dirty. The wallpaper is extra special like that to a degree that bothers me on some level (though it's a neat look).
The mirror thing isn't too unrealistic, though -- they're actually pretty dead on with that quirk. They didn't have the kinds of materials we do to make or seal them against degrading; they wouldn't get even remotely close for another 100 years or so. Typically, they would essentially rust out or tarnish, especially in hot, humid climates, and would need to be recoated/restored/etc. with some frequency.
(Font of useless knowledge, I know; every art project fills my head with some other bit of trivia I will really never, ever need again.)
The hubs and I totally called the finale forever ago but...
I think it cashed those written checks...
Yes? No? Maybe?
Westworld, I mean...