@mietze Send the spouse and the kids to a movie or something some time. Everyone needs alone time.
RL things I love
@mietze Send the spouse and the kids to a movie or something some time. Everyone needs alone time.
@Pandora I may have to do just that on a semi regular basis. I had no idea how much stress and burnout I was carrying until this week! And I found a wonderful drop in daycare that the 3 year old loves!
When you have barely anything in pantry(and haven't gone for gorceries in over two months) and is able to put something together using ingredients you wouldn't normally combine and it turns out being pretty damn good.
Omg, so, I learned a new word today:
It's a german word that means 'a gift you give someone who is angry at you to make them less angry at you'.
It literally means 'Dragon Food'.
I'm going to be using this absolutely everywhere I can think to fit it in.
@Derp said in RL things I love:
It literally means 'Dragon Food'.
Dragon fodder, actually. I learned the hard way as a child not to refer to humans eating as "futtern".
The holiday greater than Chirstmas, Free Comic Book day. Free stuffs and most comic shops have great sales for the occasion.
I hate to laugh at someone else's worst moments but it's hard to feel sympathetic for this guy given how it all ended.
WHY DID YOU KILL MOCCHI!?!?!?!?!?! Now he can't fight Mu any more! GENKI WILL BE SO SAD! (+1000000 upvotes to the person who gets this). -
These were not pink nor monster ranchers --- it was a penguin!!!
I couldn't eat them too cute, but OMG where were you and how did you get them and OMG. There is much OMG in my world right now.
+100000 internets for you!They are adorbs though. I was thinking about making onigiri with pickled plums in it sometime, these are cute enough to make. These or pandas.
@Catsmeow said in RL things I love:
I couldn't eat them too cute, but OMG where were you and how did you get them and OMG. There is much OMG in my world right now.
I went out for dinner.
Lularoe and Disney are partnering for a Disney clothing line!
I am full of squee.
@Cupcake said in RL things I love:
Lularoe and Disney are partnering for a Disney clothing line!
I am full of squee.
The only thing about it that makes me angry is I don't need to spend more money on LLR.
@Catsmeow said in RL things I love:
I don't even know how to buy LLR. Like where and how do I do it and.. ugh.
If we were FB friends, I could help you join a group or two and help you out. But that's really it: you find consultants on FB and buy through them.
Caveat; I haven't played either of the Injustice games.
However I just watched - as a movie - the cut scenes from Injustice 2... holy shit. It's on youtube, and it's good as anything DC has put out there.
That Superman alternate ending (you might have to search for it separately)... damn.
@Arkandel I want this gaaaaame!