RL Anger
@ThugHeaven said in RL Anger:
I can't even call it bad luck because, it didn't even bleed that much. We're in the bathroom staring at my wrist waiting for blood to come gushing out and it never did.
Nnnngh, those wounds are somehow the creepiest sometimes.
I had a bizarre yarn-related injury like that once. (What? Like this surprises anyone.) I have a motorized winder that whips around like a windmill very, very fast -- and they warn you to keep your hands well away from the feed, but I wasn't paying attention, and it looped around the first knuckle on my pinky. ZZZZIP. Was I using something less thick and soft it likely would have taken the top part of my finger off before it caught and stopped, and as it was, it went straight down to the bone all the way around in a loop. (That knuckle is creepiest knuckle, while it's easy to miss now, it spent a good year looking like a doll joint.)
Not a single drop of blood, though, as it zipped by so fast and compressed so tight it sealed off all the things. I just sort of sat there staring at it, wobbling on my feet, tried to bend it (and it worked), threw a band-aid on it, and while it stung like a bitch for a week... it was pretty much fine.
So, weirdly enough, it probably will heal up OK, but if you're at all worried, do see a doc. If you're not up on your tetanus shots (not fun), it may be a good idea to look into that, though, as a just in case.
@GangOfDolls <clinks bottles> Salut!
Over a week of severe, vertigo & nausea-inducing headaches/migraines.
Every. Day. At best the pain will ebb off a bit.
Seeing an optometrist Friday as I'm overdue and eye strain could be it. If not, at least when I go to the doctor I can say I ruled it out.
@surreality Oh believe me, I stared at it for a long time too. You're right, it is kind of surreal. I was waiting for....something, immense pain or lots of blood. Never happened, which is good, I chalked it up to shock. The crazy thing is when it happened it was a deep hole, now it's a dent with a scab and it still doesn't hurt. So I'l just count my blessings and if I start trembling or twitching, then I'll call up the doc!
My RL Anger for the day. I do remote office work for a security company. My boss has us use a program that lets us, as a bonus feature, track the phones of our technicians. He is constantly calling me to get their locations -after he has talked to them and knew where they were- and because the program sometimes futzes up he then has me call them to reset their phones via the old 'turn it off and on' technique. Which doesn't work. Which he's been told doesn't work. And he's been told the program isn't meant to replace actual GPS tracking software, as it only updates when the techs use the app for field work.
I have fielded more calls today from him wanting to know where techs are than I have taken phone calls from clients.
Grr bosses.
Gods help me.
My dad has been busy as fuck since I was a baby, and is now nearing retirement age. Currently, his schedule is pretty empty, so for the last few weeks he's done nothing but sit in front of his TV with his cell phone and blather on about politics on Facebook. I don't want to block his posts, because he also posts family stuff, but it's a nonstop tirade of the following:
Took him 60+ years, but my dad just now discovered what internet trolling is.
SocialFixer for Facebook. Chrome add-on, so it won't work if you just FB from mobile. But it's got an option built-in to hide all political posts.
I see so much more of what family/friends are actually doing and suffer much less rage.
@Arkandel I KNOOOOOW, but my dad's typing is very ineloquent and filled with spelling errors.
Example: "MAGA! Trump firs people that don't do there job, Obama didn't!"
...And it's hard, Ark. It's hard to read.
@Ghost So your dad has turned into @ThatGuyThere?
@Arkandel oh shit. Burrrrrrrrn.
Hey now if that is a shot at my typing, guilty as charged. If it was a political shot you are woefully misinformed of my beliefs.Also I have zero family friended on FB. I take the real meaning of the word and only am FB friends with people I am RL friends with, so much less spam.
Edit to correct: I am only FB friends with people I was RL friends with when I friended them; there are college people on there i haven't seen in a decade.
@ThatGuyThere said in RL Anger:
Hey now if that is a shot at my typing, guilty as charged. If it was a political shot you are woefully misinformed of my beliefs.(It is the former)
Unfollow him and then just go click on his page directly every week or so when you're ready to sift through. It's worked wonders for me for the edgelords and obnoxious relatives in my FB friends list.
Also if most of his commentary is on shared links, if you block the news sites that it's shared from they don't tend to show up in your feed. That's cut down on the irritation towards folks who post half and half crap news and family updates.
When you are in a situation that feels larger than you can handle and you aren't sure what to do. I hate those moments.
@Arkandel I KNOOOOOW, but my dad's typing is very ineloquent and filled with spelling errors.
Example: "MAGA! Trump firs people that don't do there job, Obama didn't!"
...And it's hard, Ark. It's hard to read.
Well it is hard for us older folks with yuge hands to type on unbigly devices.
Then again I've never posted a political thought on facebook, mostly because I still like to work. -
@Tyche just wants to brag about 'big hands'.
Well played.