@Ganymede I will definitely look into that.
I am still sorta seething that I spent the major part of the day (literally from 8am EST until about an hour ago) fending off shrieking phone calls about 'that's just what you doooooooo'!
If that's just what I did I would be going under general anesthesia, always a risk, would be spending more days in the hospital with zero notice to that effect, and would have had to front $2k+ (which we don't have) in tests this guy wanted in hopes of being reimbursed by the insurance later, all for surgery that no one bothered to mention on an organ I no longer even have.
I mean, the mind just fucking reels.
In true MSB spirit, though, the folks still would not admit, even after this came to light, that they could possibly be wrong about the whole 'you just do whatever they tell you to do!' thing.
...two more weeks, and I can drink. I'm really gonna need it by then, I can tell.