Class this month is another short film script. My film, in brief...
Backstory (pre-film):
Girl and her father were in a horrible car accident. Girl's father died. Girl lost (part of) her leg. She's got a prosthetic, has been re-learning to walk... the film, she wants to run in a charity marathon. For people with disabilities. She has a severely (due to the accident) overprotective mother who doesn't think she's ready. The film is about her basically proving to her mother (and, by extension, herself) that she is ready and able to do this thing.
So the end of it is her successfully running the marathon, heartwarming bit with her mother, etc, etc...
...Everyone in my class loves it. Actually have a classmate who does have a prosthetic limb who really digs it and has offered to give me direct feedback with it.
Except my instructor. My instructor thinks the story has absolutely no "structure."
Her reason?
"No mother would ever discourage their child from trying something new."
That's it. That is her entire reason my story idea doesn't work. And now, tonight, for our weekly lecture/call, the whole class has to sit through her 'workshopping' my film because she alone thinks it doesn't work.
I've been miserable for days over this.