This kitten has been the bane of my existence. Like, I know kittens. They're little terrors. I've hand-reared so many. AJ goes... above and beyond. He has frustrated me to the point of tears a few times this past week. He has broken things that are very important to me.
At one point, I was cleaning up the broken shards of one and he promptly ran into the bathroom and pulled down the shower curtain. As I was trying to put it up? He ran up my back and leapt onto the curtain to drag it back down.
If I don't lock him out of the room at night, he will climb on my face... or the window above my head. If I do lock him out, he spends the whole night clawing at the door and yowling.
I have given honest consideration to surrendering him back to the humane society, except he has bonded to me, so I know it'd be traumatizing for him. And he is so difficult I honestly don't think he'd make it with any other family.
And please, don't give me any patronizing 'oh kittens are hard.' I can train cats. Like literally train cats to follow simple commands and hand signals. I know kittens can be hard and little terrors.
AJ is leagues beyond any cat I have ever, ever dealt with and I am at my wit's end some days.