@ThugHeaven said in RL Anger:
I can't even call it bad luck because, it didn't even bleed that much. We're in the bathroom staring at my wrist waiting for blood to come gushing out and it never did.
Nnnngh, those wounds are somehow the creepiest sometimes.
I had a bizarre yarn-related injury like that once. (What? Like this surprises anyone.) I have a motorized winder that whips around like a windmill very, very fast -- and they warn you to keep your hands well away from the feed, but I wasn't paying attention, and it looped around the first knuckle on my pinky. ZZZZIP. Was I using something less thick and soft it likely would have taken the top part of my finger off before it caught and stopped, and as it was, it went straight down to the bone all the way around in a loop. (That knuckle is creepiest knuckle, while it's easy to miss now, it spent a good year looking like a doll joint.)
Not a single drop of blood, though, as it zipped by so fast and compressed so tight it sealed off all the things. I just sort of sat there staring at it, wobbling on my feet, tried to bend it (and it worked), threw a band-aid on it, and while it stung like a bitch for a week... it was pretty much fine.
So, weirdly enough, it probably will heal up OK, but if you're at all worried, do see a doc. If you're not up on your tetanus shots (not fun), it may be a good idea to look into that, though, as a just in case.