@Pyrephox said in Fallen World MUX!:
Because if you don't have enough characters to fill all the niches in your system, you're going to be actively trying to pull people in, and more accommodating to them. Because you NEED them. Otherwise, it's Applicant #25 of 450, all applying for the same data entry job - you're looking for a reason to REJECT them, not to bring them in.
(I like this topic ).
I dunno. It seems like a very specific way of looking at roleplaying to me - the idea that you're defined by your concept, and if you can't have a unique role the character is redundant.
It just doesn't mesh with me - PCs are more than hackers, warriors, chefs, aspiring writers or car mechanics. These are plot devices that might be invoked in different ways or degrees by char A and B:
A is always broke since he's trying to become a writer and stubbornly refuses to get a 'real' job. B is obsessively trying to improve, willingly making deals with the devil to buy himself some talent.
A is a chef so she opens a restaurant which serves as a hangout for the sphere. B is a Crone Acolyte searching for ways to find enlightenment through rarefied food recipes.
A is a retired US Marine suffering from PTSD and tries to escape a life of violence but it keeps finding him. B is a cocksure arrogant Rahu trying to get that perfect, glorious death to exonerate the shame on his family.
And so on... the same very general concept can be played in a bunch of different ways, some of which will become tired, predictable cliche and some may be brilliant depictions because of they way they are done, not what they are.
And on top of it there is a pretty specific number of useful 'roles' available to begin with... and the prototypes will be taken very quickly in a game of any real size. The week after a MU* launches there will be hackers around, and at least a few people will play the 'hangout' concepts (brewers, bar and restaurant owners, etc); in most systems there are also only so many powers; a few Arcana, a few Disciplines, and someone is getting specialised in them. That doesn't mean the ones coming after that don't have a place.
Oh, before I forget - you know how every time staff is asked "hey, what kind of character should I make? What's needed?" the stock response is "whatever you'll enjoy"? That's absolutely the right answer. The beer brewer who rolled two weeks before you might not even be logging on two weeks from now so your concept is rare again, but if you pick one you won't thoroughly find fun you're stuck with it.
In other words: In a RL company you have every reason to reject Data Entry Guy #11 if you only need 10, you're right, but in RP there's no such thing as a redundant character role.