Posts made by Bobotron
RE: Do you Tabletop?
You MES? Huh. I wonder if we've ever crossed LARP-paths.
Also, the MES is kinda... meh... nowadays, sadly. -
RE: Do you Tabletop?
@tragedyjones said:
I have often said that I approach MUSHing from a tabletop background. But I know that some people, perhaps even a majority of us, don't have access to or never have tabletopped, or don't anymore.
So a quick survey, my answers to follow.
Do/did you play in a tabletop game now or in the past?
Both. I currently run a homebrew Final Fantasy d6 game and play in a BESM game, and am planning to help with a youkai-based BESM game when the other one ends. Past games include lots of D&D and Rifts and VtM in high school, then a dry spell, then back to WoD in 2004 with a long-term NWoD mortals-only game.
What games(s) do/did you play as tabletop?
D&D2e, Rifts, Macross/Robotech, Final Fantasy RPG homebrew, Vampire the Masquerade, Vampire the Requiem, Werewolf the Forsaken, Changeling the Lost, NWoD Mortals, Mage the Ascension, mixed nWoD, an aborted attempt at Exalted, Sailor Moon RPG, BESM, Star Wars SAGA, NWoD homebrew Fallout, NWoD homebrew Crimson Skies...
Are/were you the GM/ST/DM at your tabletop?
I have been before. D&D2e, Macross, FFRPG, Requiem, Forsaken, Lost, Sailor Moon RPG
Would you tabletop if you had the opportunity?
I would and I still do biweekly.
Do you have the opportunity but choose NOT to tabletop?
RE: Let's Talk Metaplot
Do you want this limited to only WoD games or can we list games that had metaplot outside those genres?
RE: Paradox Buys White Wolf, All Included.
There hasn't been anything concrete said because they're probably still working out contracts with/for various people. They have a community manager internally for the brand, and OPP is still doing dev announcements. I don't see there being a whole lot of changes, except for maybe consolidating everything under WW again by taking OPP and BNS and just flat-hiring them into the new WW brand.The only way I see changes happening is if they can't hammer out a workable contract regarding OPP and BNS's licenses. I honestly don't see anything changing there and us getting more digital stuff like video games.
ETA: They keep talking about a 'One World of Darkness' and everything I keep reading, to me, seems like that's their design brand for their video games as that is the main company's business model anyway. It looks like they're also going to be pushing LARP books heavily (which is okay by me) and working with BNS (one of the few things they've definitively said about their licensees). Like, here:
RE: Organization resources
My only concern about it might be the spreading out of the playerbase across multiple orgs. Now, if it was say, groups within an organization that had reason to work together and not just be 'my own peeps,' it might be more viable. -
RE: Paradox Buys White Wolf, All Included.
Probably by continuing to license them to OP and BNS. -
RE: Good TV
People are still watching Gotham?
I kinda got tired of it when I realized that all the villains EXCEPT Selina will be elderly when this Batman actually is of age to fight them.
Two codebits: Connection Machine and Friend System
Because I am in a code blitz mode and am fixing up old code for TheatreMUSH to round out some stuff, I figured I'd post two pieces of code here. These are written and tested in PennMUSH so I cannot guarantee that they will work at all with TinyMUX, though I use mostly common functions and commands so there SHOULD be little issue (maybe with the mail display method, but...).
First, the connection machine. It utilizes a couple of custom functions, header() and isadmin(). header() is pretty straightforward:
And isadmin() is also easy.
You can substitute these in the raw code or install them as those functions for shorthand.
First, the connection machine. This controls global aconnect and adisconnects from the Master Room, enabling staff to make things like special messages (MOTDs), a notice when someone logs in every time, wiping guest @mail and +bboards (so guests see all posts as unread) and a lot of other stuff. It includes a default notice (easy to edit), an MOTD command that goes into the notice, guest conn/disconn functions and friend system (further below) conn/disconn messages. As well, if someone sets &bbscan me=1 it'll automatically +bbscan upon connection. This version also includes a mail display of how many mail messages you have.
Probably not something someone already using Theno's codesuite will need, but feel free to pick it apart.
@@ Connection Machine <CM> (#4) @create Connection Machine <CM> @link Connection Machine <CM> = #2 @lock/Basic Connection Machine <CM>=me @lset Connection Machine <CM>/Basic=no_inherit @set Connection Machine <CM> = OPAQUE @set Connection Machine <CM> = WIZARD @set Connection Machine <CM> = SAFE @power Connection Machine <CM> = Cemit @power Connection Machine <CM> = No_Pay &ACONNECT Connection Machine <CM>=@dol lattr(%!/c_*)=@tr %!/%i0=%# @set Connection Machine <CM>/ACONNECT=no_command prefixmatch &ADISCONNECT Connection Machine <CM>=@dol lattr(%!/d_*)=@tr %!/%i0=%# @set Connection Machine <CM>/ADISCONNECT=no_command prefixmatch &AMOVE Connection Machine <CM>=@tel %#=#2 @set Connection Machine <CM>/AMOVE=no_command prefixmatch &C_FRIENDNOTE Connection Machine <CM>=th [iter([mwho()],[if([and([match([xget(%i0,stat`friends)],%0)],[match([xget(%i0,stat`fnotify)],1)])],[pemit(%i0,[ansi(h,<)][ansi(g,Friend System)][ansi(h,>)] [name(%0)] has connected.)])])] &C_GUEST Connection Machine <CM>=th [if(haspower(%0,guest),[wipe(%0/bb_read)][cemit(Guest,<[ansi(hg,Guest)]> [name(%0)] has connected.)])] &C_MAILNOTICE Connection Machine <CM>=th [if([haspower(%0,guest)],,[pemit(%0,[ansi(hb,MAIL: You have [elements(mail(%0),2)] new mail messages.)])])] &CMD_SETMOTD Connection Machine <CM>=$+motd/set *:th [if([isadmin(%#)],[set(%!,motd:%0)][pemit(%#,MOTD: You have set the Message of the Day to '[ansi(hb,%0)]')].,[pemit(%#,MOTD: You are not a member of [mudname()] staff, and cannot do this.)])] &C_NOTICE Connection Machine <CM>=th [pemit(%0,[header(Welcome!)]%R%R[center([ansi(hr,Welcome to [mudname()]!)],78)]%r%R[xget(%!,motd)]%R%R[center(Please keep up with the bboards!,78)]%R[center((+bbscan for unread messages | +help general/bboard for help),78)]%R[header(+help for help)] &C_BBSCAN Connection Machine <CM>=@switch [xget(%0,bbscan)]=1,{@fo %0=+bbscan} &D_FRIENDNOTE Connection Machine <CM>=th [iter([mwho()],[if([and([match([xget(%i0,stat`friends)],%0)],[match([xget(%i0,stat`fnotify)],1)])],[pemit(%i0,[ansi(h,<)][ansi(g,Friend System)][ansi(h,>)] [name(%0)] has disconnected.)])])] &D_GUEST Connection Machine <CM>=@switch [haspower(%0,guest)]=1,{@tel %0=#94;@fo %0=@chan/title guest=} &D_PLACESCLEANUP Connection Machine <CM>=@fo %#=cleanup(%0) &MOTD Connection Machine <CM>=Testing!
Setting a function is as simple as setting a c_attr for connection, or d_attr for disconnect; everything is then parsed with the enactor (the person connecting in 99% of cases) as %0.
Part of this ties into the OTHER piece of code I'm going to post, the Friend System.
The Friend System is pretty much what it says on the tin: you can add/delete people from a specialized friends list, and the connection machine has the added benefit of telling you when they connect/disconnect if it's installed. It'll also give you a master list of all people you've added and if they're connected or not, AND if you want to deny someone, you can deny someone from adding you to their friend list notifications.@@ Friends System v1.0 <FS> (#351) @create Friends System v1.0 <FS> @link Friends System v1.0 <FS> = #2 @set Friends System v1.0 <FS> = WIZARD &AMOVE Friends System v1.0 <FS>=@tel %#=#2 @set Friends System v1.0 <FS>/AMOVE=no_command prefixmatch &CMD Friends System v1.0 <FS>= &CMD`FRIEND_ADD Friends System v1.0 <FS>=$+friend/add *:th [switch([setr(0,[pmatch(%0)])],#-1,[pemit(%#,[ansi(h,<)][ansi(g,Friend System)][ansi(h,>)] That is not a valid player.)],#-2,[pemit(%#,[ansi(h,<)][ansi(g,Friend System)][ansi(h,>)] Too many matches.)],[switch(1,[match([xget(%q0,stat`denyfriend)],%#)],[pemit(%#,[ansi(h,<)][ansi(g,Friend System)][ansi(h,>)] Unable to add that person to your Friends List.)],[match([xget(%#,stat`friends)],%q0)],[pemit(%#,[ansi(h,<)][ansi(g,Friend System)][ansi(h,>)] [name(%q0)] is already in your Friends List.)],[set(%#,stat`friends:[xget(%#,stat`friends)] %q0)][pemit(%#,[ansi(h,<)][ansi(g,Friend System)][ansi(h,>)] [name(%q0)] added to your Friends List.)])])] &CMD`FRIEND_DEL Friends System v1.0 <FS>=$+friend/del *:th [setq(0,[pmatch(%0)])][if([match([xget(%#,stat`friends)],%q0)],[set(%#,stat`friends:[remove([xget(%#,stat`friends)],%q0)])][pemit(%#,[ansi(h,<)][ansi(g,Friend System)][ansi(h,>)] [name(%q0)] removed from your Friends List.)],[pemit(%#,[ansi(h,<)][ansi(g,Friend System)][ansi(h,>)] That person is not in your Friends List.)])] &CMD`FRIEND_DENY Friends System v1.0 <FS>=$+friend/deny *:th [switch([setr(0,[pmatch(%0)])],#-1,[pemit(%#,[ansi(h,<)][ansi(g,Friend System)][ansi(h,>)] That is not a valid player.)],#-2,[pemit(%#,[ansi(h,<)][ansi(g,Friend System)][ansi(h,>)] Too many matches.)],[if([match([xget(%#,stat`denyfriend)],%q0)],[pemit(%#,[ansi(h,<)][ansi(g,Friend System)][ansi(h,>)] [name(%q0)] is already in your deny list.)],[set(%#,stat`denyfriend:[xget(%#,stat`denyfriend)] %q0)][pemit(%#,[ansi(h,<)][ansi(g,Friend System)][ansi(h,>)] [name(%q0)] added to your friend denial list.)])])] &CMD`FRIEND_DENYLIST Friends System v1.0 <FS>=$+friend/denied:th [pemit(%#,[header([ansi(g,Friends Denied)])]%R[table([iter([xget(%#,stat`denyfriend)],[name(%i0)])],38,78,|)]%R[header()])] &CMD`FRIEND_LIST Friends System v1.0 <FS>=$+friends:th [pemit(%#,[header([ansi(g,Friends List)])]%R[align(25 12 25 10,Name,Status,Name,Status)]%R[table([iter([xget(%#,stat`friends)],[ljust([left([name(%i0)],25)],26)][if([hasflag(%i0,connected)],[ansi(hg,ONLINE)],[ansi(hr,OFFLINE)])],%b,|)],38,78,|)]%R[header()])] &CMD`FRIEND_NOTIFY Friends System v1.0 <FS>=$+friend/notify:th [if([match([xget(%#,stat`fnotify)],1)],[pemit(%#,[ansi(h,<)][ansi(g,Friend System)][ansi(h,>)] Friend connection notification turned off.)][set(%#,stat`fnotify:0)],[set(%#,stat`fnotify:1)][pemit(%#,[ansi(h,<)][ansi(g,Friend System)][ansi(h,>)] Friend connection notification turned on.)])] &CMD`FRIEND_UNDENY Friends System v1.0 <FS>=$+friend/undeny *:th [setq(0,[pmatch(%0)])][if([match([xget(%#,stat`denyfriend)],%q0)],[set(%#,stat`denyfriend:[remove([xget(%#,stat`denyfriend)],%q0)])][pemit(%#,[ansi(h,<)][ansi(g,Friend System)][ansi(h,>)] [name(%q0)] removed from your friend denial list.)],[pemit(%#,[ansi(h,<)][ansi(g,Friend System)][ansi(h,>)] That person is not in your deny list.)])]
Commands are pretty straightforward. If you need assistance, post here. Feel free to use or pick apart.
RE: Enforced line returns in say/pose?
It's also pretty simple just by itself.
&posebreak Hook Database <HD>=[if([match([xget(%#,posebreak)],1)],[pemit(%#,%b)])] @hook/before (or @hook/after) say=<DBREF of Hook Database>,posebreak
From there, a player can just &posebreak me=1 to turn it on, or 0 to turn it off. Or you can make a command that does it for them as well. Or you can just remove the necessary attribute if you don't want it turned off, like so...
&posebreak hd=[pemit(%#,%b)]
Then @hook it appropriately before or after.
RE: Comparing and Contrasting the Clans of VTR2
The benefits of Dominate are not inconsequential. The benefits of Dominate, however, are hard to handle on a MU* because of all the crazy we have all discussed time and again. It's not a stick to beat someone with like other Disciplines can be used for.
The benefits of Dominate, however, go beyond just 'what you can do to a PC' with it directly.
- Jane has a ghoul, Tony. You get ahold of Tony and you spend some time talking to him and putting in Dominate triggers for a variety of things that are innocuous but will be ways you can get information and one-up Jane later.
- You hate Jane and dominate a number of gangbangers to attempt a not-so-discrete assassination attemption, giving them the plausible internal story of 'their gang rivals were there and they saw an opportunity' if someone questions them on the mortal side, and taking care to remove the memories of you talking to the couple of Dominates gangbangers in such a way that people won't see there was a Dominate command used.
- You dominate the zoning commission to destroy the old Landers estate, which you happened to find out from Tony is where Jane's Super Secret Haven is. Bonus is that you can have this done during the day and ensure that the location of Jane's personal sleeping quarters is uncovered and exposed to the sun.
- You Dominate the head of LexCorp into investing in the project that you want him to fund, during a meeting at a posh restaurant between the two of you.
Dominate is a great Discipline; you just have to use it as less of a stick, and as more of a tool to get things done in sidelong ways.
RE: RL things I love
They still make those? Wow.Also...
Blue gatorade. So easy on the stomach and so cold on my empty hateful belly.
RE: Kinds of Mu*s Wanted
@Ghost said:
- Matrix
I could jibe to this.
- Pacific Rim
I could jibe to this.
- Mad Max
I could jibe to this.
@Misadventure said:
I can't really see the movie properties as a good game setting. Maybe Mad Max. The rest deal with the very special, very singular character(s) at the focus of an entire setting and how they come into their destiny.
So you won't be Neo with powers. You'll be doing hit and run missions into a virtual space, to what end?
There was a Matrix MUSH long ago, back before the second and third movies came out. It was pretty fun, actually. The staff had built up their own 'here's what the One is, here's what the real world backstory is' and it was things like sabotage missions, extractions and such. It came from some of the people who worked in the Transformers/Megaman MUSH circuit, so it was very faction-based with human groups (including a Cypher-inspired 'return to the Matrix, stop Zion' angle). They didn't allow FCs; the FCs were major NPCs, but they didn't end up overshining things too terribly, and people had stuff to do as it was one of the first games that I was ever on that had some clearly defined 'here's a list of bad guy machine things you can pull out to run'.
Pacific Rim, do we all get to be Mecha-Buffy, or can we be the support team? The tiny, tiny, never in the fight support team who will never learn anything meaningful because that's what the movie is about?
You could get a lot of mileage out of it, treating it like, say, Evangelion and expanding on your own. Don't limit yourself to the exact damn details of the source material and it's a fine setting.
RE: RL things I love
@hedgehog said:
Yeah. Your friend's doing the cybermuppet look. I'm pretty sure the whole gas mask thing was started by my old friend Andrew back in the early '90s because he got sick of breathing in all of the smoke at Kontrol Faktory. Somehow people decided this was a good look and perpetuated it through all sorts of weird permutations. Especially since the fashion ones are generally completely non-functional. Just like the fashion goggles with spikes all over the lenses and shit. Ugh.
Less tired/trendy male equivalent: tight black t-shirt, cropped/rolled black cargo pants, combat boots/Doc Martens, welding goggles, again with the shaved sides and back of the head. Wrist or upper arm cuffs. You could do the hanging down suspenders, too. There really isn't much of a need to go as all-out as your friend is, unless you've got a need to. The actual subculture seems to have propogated itself just fine with guys dressing more subtly and girls going out looking like Lip Service and Cyberdog threw up on them. But if that's what you really want to go for, you can improvise mesh/fishnet shirts out of a pair of tights by cutting the crotch and toes out of them. Wear that under the other things I advised you on. (This will be somewhat uncomfortable on your arm hair and upper chest, just fyi. ) You could use styling glue and temporary hair coloring to do something prickly and colorful to your hair.
People also really love Covenant. Who dress in suits and ties onstage. Tyske Ludder and FGFC820 wear military gear. Front 242 and Haujobb wear hoodies and cargoes. Einsturzende Neubauten and Clock DVA and William Control also go for suits and ties. Kevorkian Death Cycle and Assemblage 23 favor t-shirts and cargoes. Throbbing Gristle and Monte Cazzazza, the progenitors of the genre, wore either everyday clothes or industrial coveralls (before they switched to a more fetishistic military look, and well before Genesis was an intentional polygender). There are a ton of different looks out there, each one of them genuine to the scene.
Since I'm going for costume kitsch, it looks like, pulling from my friend's loaners:
- Oversized black cargo pants
- My Harley boots
- Black mesh shirt
- Black A-shirt with a glow-in-the-dark blue tribal symbol
- leather forearm cuffs
- leather upper arm bands
- black goggles
LOL. I love you; I needed a laugh this morning. -
RE: RL things I love
It'll be cold; it's already colder now than it should be this season (I live in Kentucky, so ultimately our weather is wonky anyway). I was hoping to find something to match a friend of mine who is in the industro-goth mode. She has something kinda like this going on: -
RE: Kinds of Mu*s Wanted
@Wodchelle said:
- I actually think a MU set in one of the Magic the Gathering settings could be great. Dominaria or Ravnica.
I would play the hell out of this. Particularly if it wasn't 'everyone's a planewalker' and you could do things like in earlier MtG novels and play bog-standard wizards and the people that work with them and in some cases the things they summon.
RE: Good films
Eh. Very little happens/atmospheric movies are generally some of the best.