So I'm messing around with some stuff for chargen and thinking about things like alt limits, XP transfer, XP floor and such things like that. In my MU* history, most of the games I've ever played on required email apps and this was what was used to track apps/characters/alts, more or less (again, different groups from the WoD crowd, so we got lots of less 'fake throwaway emails' mostly).
I'm thinking about, when people go into chargen the first time, generating a unique ID that's tied to their characters (more or less an account ID), and have that be required to utilize stuff with alts, in order to better facilitate this for staff.
I'm not completely set on doing it, but I'm curious how some of the other MU*s out there, both current and developing, handle stuff like this. Or is it something you throw under the 'trust methodology'?