Holy shit how can people be so monstrous
I blame the lack of Witchers going about killing monsters.
Holy shit how can people be so monstrous
I blame the lack of Witchers going about killing monsters.
@alamias said in The Work Thread:
Yeah, and people wonder why teachers are going into work sick. This is why, they can't afford to take days off even if they want to.
I swear, with what they are doing to nurses and teachers, I would burn some motherfuckers down.
In the context of conversation it doesn't matter to me who I'm talking to; it's irrelevant if I like you or you like me, what your race or political affiliations are, if we have a past or not... I strive to be civil not for your sake or for my own but because that's the only way I know to be respectful to the act of exchanging ideas and viewpoints itself. I'd like to think that expecting the same courtesy isn't done out of spite or entitlement but perhaps I am wrong.
You're not wrong for wanting civility, but I think you ought to expect that these sorts of topics will involve entering into a dialogue with people that have been systematically and violently suppressed. As such, if there is a genuine desire to help, then one must absorb the occasional unleashing of negative emotion.
Actually, historically, socialc hange comes from the oppressed being angry enough to act beyond the constraints and acceptance of the oppressors.
It depends on whether you are willing to accept social change for what it is, or whether you want lasting social progress, which is entirely different. For example, the French Revolution brought social change, but Robespierre and friends ensured that there would be no social progress. The same can be said about the October Revolution.
Foucault states what I believe to be the phenomenon succinctly: if you do not transgress within the confines of machine, you will remain marginalized and forever under the whims of the oppressor. MLK, Jr. is an exemplar: by advocating and acting within the confines of what was socially-acceptable at the time, he shed light upon inequality in a manner that inspired the existing, oppressive machine to change. Malcolm X, by contrast, advocated a more violent, more unacceptable path to change, and was relatively marginalized by the mainstream, even if his message and teachings were embraced by the oppressed minority.
Regardless, I sit on my point. I don't expect anyone on the side of the oppressed to be as civil or genial as I can be at times. What I can point out is that I tend to understand folks better where they communicate in a more civil or genial manner, but I think this is a truism that neither needs to be explained nor used as a crutch or shield against attempting to understand.
So, opinion: social upheaval and change is substantially different than social progress; and the latter occurs where the oppressed become part of the majority, and re-define the construct of power and meaning.
That's good. There's hope.
This taps into a peeve of mine: a large one. It goes to the whole "zealously advocating" thing. Many attorneys seem to think this means that you have to roadblock everything I try to do, or attempt to convince me of the merits and strengths of their clients' cases.
The thing is, if I'm looking to settle a case, I don't give a shit what you think of the merits and strengths. I am clearly trying to figure out a cost-effective way of resolving our clients' interests. This can be done if the other attorney isn't a fucking moron, but many of them seem entrenched in the idea that making my life difficult will make me want to settle things faster. This is not at all true, as I am backed, most of the time, by an insurance company.
I pretty much have unlimited resources and funds to tap into. If you want to play the game like that, fine. But realize that your client probably wants money as soon as possible, and to move on with their lives, you prick. And I'm willing to do that, if you just fucking cooperate with my requests for information. I haven't lost a motion to compel in my entire career because I only ask for shit that I know I am entitled to through the discovery process.
Just give me the damned documents.
@Vorpal said in Good or New Movies Review:
Maybe one of the next Marvel phases will include Kamala Khan's Ms. Marvel or the Young Avengers. That would be cool, especially if they have a good America Chavez.
I'm personally satisfied with what they are doing with Marvel TV.
Daredevil and Jessica Jones are so good it hurts.
@Luna said:
For every woman (and man for that matter) that doesn't need to check with a spouse, there are businesses dealing with credit card disputes and canceled checks for spouses who spend the last of the money. Yeah there's no need to be a dick about it but there's a lot of dysfunction in relationships and money.
My dysfunction is as follows:
We handle our own finances. Fuck this presumption that couples need to share everything. Some couples are better off not doing so -- especially couples that consist of attorneys.
@surreality said in RL Anger:
Q: What do you have to offer a woman? Even ignoring Chad for a minute - how would you sell yourself to a potential gf?
I have a stable, full-time job, coverage, a good credit score, my own car, my own house, and only one cat.
Boys are so stupid these days.
@Miss-Demeanor said in RL Anger:
That you are even acknowledging your dog having an issue and working towards taking him/her back to obedience training (or to initial obedience training) immediately puts you head and shoulders over 80% of the dog owners I personally know. Its disgusting and sad, but I honestly know more people who would rather let their dogs chew up all their furniture/get into things than take a few hours out of their tv watching schedule to get their dog properly trained. And it drives me nuts.
Remove the word "dog" and put in "kid," and you have my complaint about parents.
And, yes, I believe that obedience training can work for kids.
@surreality said in Health and Wealth and GrownUp Stuff:
The Meds are with you, and you are one with the Meds.
@mietze said in RL things I love:
I think the other thing that you have to look at is that huge swaths of the country, especially those left behind, have not been living under "liberal" governance.
I think the point of the article is that this doesn't matter.
In the heartland of America, the ideals that most left-wingers fight for simply don't exist. It is quite literally a step back in time. This is not a bad thing, but it is a thing which, as a nation, we must respect and try to understand.
In this area of America, people have been left behind. Corporations had their way, and deserted it. Farms are being taken over by corporations. Old labor -- coal mining, cattle-herding -- is being put out of business. And these people -- these proud, wonderful people -- look to the federal government as the cause.
Of course, the federal government isn't to blame for what's happening, but the federal government has done nothing in the past eight years to assist the heartland. So, rather than put faith in the system again through Clinton, they decided to try to blow it all to Hell with Trump.
There are many, I'm sure, who are just as anxious as we are. And they cling to hope, as we do, for something better. Best thing to do is go back, reach out, and figure out how we can all help each other without the government because, from the way things are going, it's going to fucking shitballs in a second.
@Ghost said in State of Things:
I hear ya on those points. Maybe I'm slightly nihilistic about this, but even for the people who want all people to matter, there will always be a leaning towards but I should matter more than that guy.
You're not being nihilistic here. It appears that you are being willfully ignorant.
There is any of a million difference potential sources for this information, but let me try to repeat what @Thenomain said, but differently. Black Lives Matter was a movement to protest how the death of black people at the hands of law enforcement was being swept under the rug or chided without consequences. The purpose was to shed light on something which is horribly ignored out of spite or contempt.
This isn't in the same league as Trophies for Everyone! or White Privilege Sux!!!. Minorities of all stripes can live with being beleaguered, underappreciated, and unpinned, but when you cannot live there is a problem that needs to be addressed.
I seriously wonder if you've been living under a rock or something.
@ThatOneDude said in RL Anger:
How come these have not gone the way of the drive in movie (yes I know some are around but they are now a novelty).
There is no substitute for watching Guardians of the Galaxy, Vol. 2 on a screen that is roughly double the size of my house's walls in a comfy chair away from my children.
It won't be awkward at all. I was planning on getting a couple of box seat tickets to the Blue Jackets, and hauling your ass over there when I'm twelve drinks in.
@Apos said in Date Thenomain:
I lived in Columbus for almost my entire life and have never heard of Giant Butter Jesus. Or Jesuses. Jesusi.
Butter Jesus, or Touchdown Jesus, or "My Dick Is This Big" Jesus, was named so due to its awful color, after years of exposure to Ohio elements.
New Butter Jesus is exaggerating his dick size even more now.
But people just claim he wants a hug.
Where did anyone say that you /must/ be offended by that?
I didn't catch that either.
I know that @kk was saying that she didn't think it was something appropriate to say to another person. And I'm pretty sure @saosmash was expressing her distaste for it and offense of it. But that's about it.
If someone were to tell me that I should be offended by something, that's why I sort of wave them off. You do you, I'll do me, and I don't need anyone to tell me who or what I should be offended by.
The splinters discourage me.
@surreality said in RL Anger:
I'd say accusing someone of doing something constitutes an attack, YMMV.
You're making me agree with @Kanye-Qwest on this one. I think you need to re-read what @kk wrote:
I believe that you argued that threads shouldn't be derailed over this stuff and yet here you are four days later on another thread still complaining that people didn't like that word being used.
I also don't recall anyone outright saying or even implying that people have to be offended by cunt.
I don't think @kk's assessment in the first part is correct, but I believe the second is. In either case, I don't see a personal attack in there at all.
People can be mistaken about what a person is or is not doing, and I don't believe that is, rhetorically or otherwise, a personal attack.
@surreality said in RL Anger:
Basically, she's trying to pull a cheap 'gotcha', as I expressed irritation that the game-related bitching and peeves thread was getting derailed on the regular with RL social justice arguments for pages on end, and I'm frankly just not inclined to put up with anybody's petty grudgewanky bullshit today.
As far as I can tell, the reason why this back-and-forth has been going for so long is because, apparently, no one's willing to put up with anybody's petty grudgewanky bullshit. This bullshit seems to include innocuous, but erroneous statements, and the mere whiff of disagreement.
I don't often hold up a sign and suggest someone chill out, but we're at the point where @Ghost is pausing and attempting to be constructive in a thread titled "RL Anger."