MU* Partner: Are you a changeling?
MePC: in paranoid rage turns and strikes for 6L! Oh, I'm so sorry! I didn't mean to break half of your ribs!
MU* Partner: Holy shit! I'm glad I didn't ask about your spending habits!
And the day's young.
MU* Partner: Are you a changeling?
MePC: in paranoid rage turns and strikes for 6L! Oh, I'm so sorry! I didn't mean to break half of your ribs!
MU* Partner: Holy shit! I'm glad I didn't ask about your spending habits!
And the day's young.
@arkandel said in The Basketball Thread:
As for the rest, I don't know that I necessarily like where basketball is going at the moment, where shooting threes and length trumps all else. The strategy overvalues role players, but that's not great to watch - when I think of basketball I think of crossover dribbles and dunks, isolation defense and one on ones, not thirty corner threes a game.
This is what happens when college ball dominates and kids only stick in it for a year.
@quinn said in Cupcake Dream Project - Feedback Wanted.:
Check with your local synagogues and rabbis as well, a lot of them do trips and may be able to offer some kind of scholarship or point you towards things that can help even if you don't do some kind of project around it.
Also, your city may have a local film bureau, or something that promotes filming in the city (even my little city does). They may be able to sponsor your trip as a city-citizen, and provide a venue later for you to show it!
I think this is a great idea. I'd contribute to it.
@surreality said in Real World Peeves, Disgruntlement, and Irks.:
Oh, this was extra special. They just wanted to keep living here rent-free while getting ready to put a mortgage on a place, and hadn't found one they liked yet. Not that they were spending much time looking.
Yeah. Not like the rest of us, who have to save up for a mortgage while making all other payments in life.
No, seriously, you're a bad person for letting a couple of ingrates occupy your living space for, what, a year?
For shame.
@surreality said in Real World Peeves, Disgruntlement, and Irks.:
Half the board hated me for 'crushing her dreams of home ownership' (see Spider thread).
Half the board were neurotic, entitled douchebags.
I feel fine crushing people's dreams of owning houses. I've done it. A lot. And, frankly, if you're living at someone else's place for free, you can't fucking complain when they want you out after two or three days, and cry about "crushing your dreams."
Like, bitch, get a better paying job.
(Note, this criticism is aimed at Spider alone, really. Homeownership is a precious thing that is hard to lose.)
@miss-demeanor said in Dead Celebrities 2018:
Take an undead upvote.
And the daffodils look lovely again.
@surreality said in Real World Peeves, Disgruntlement, and Irks.:
It is, however, very frightening to think we might have someone in this community who might, in fact, go out and commit necrophilia for the express purpose of harassing someone they did not like on a game, and if it sounds like that may have been the case, yeah, I'm going to want to know about that immediately.
To be fair to anyone who thinks that your interpretation is a bit bizarre, I'll be the first to say that early incarnations of this place did have posters that conceivably may have violated a corpse to make material to post up there.
@lithium said in CoD/W:tF 2E?:
I want to have to deal with protecting territory, expanding territory, making sure your Locus is safe, facing off against the Pure and everything else, and not really knowing if I can trust the neighboring packs or not without a greater threat to us all in play.
Fair enough. I'll ask, but the project will back-burner.
I just don't think a lot of people want to run a W:tF 2E game right now, partly because some of the interests you've raised haven't been handled well in the past or there's no code to assist in it.
@arkandel said in The Basketball Thread:
The whole team is genuinely scary. But every time Embiid goes down I cringe - it's hard to tell if he can stay on the court, or for how long. As they say in the NBA, the best ability is availability.
Still better than Greg Oden.
Fallen World had W:tF 2E. You might be able to nab that from its owner, if she were willing to give it to you?
@derp said in Health and Wealth and GrownUp Stuff:
I fucking wonder how that happened, grams.
Fuck you, gramma. I have diabetes because of you.
Fuck you, gramma.
@thenomain said in Real World Peeves, Disgruntlement, and Irks.:
We won.
To be honest, 2girls1cup never freaked me out. Nor did countless links friends sent to me of purportedly "disturbing, sick hentai."
This is when I knew that my journey to the Dark Side was complete.
I became a lawyer.
@derp said in Real World Peeves, Disgruntlement, and Irks.:
Real world peeve bordering on actual anger: people who think that you are being rude because you can split your attention effectively and multi-task.
Aren't you heading into the legal field?
Don't read your smartphone e-mails while at a deposition or with a client.
Just don't.
You're not as good at it as you think you are.
Sorry. I have the transcripts to prove this.
@kanye-qwest said in Coming Soon: Arx, After the Reckoning:
Where's that eyeroll gif Roz is always posting when you need it?
Which one?
There's the classic Iron Man eyeroll:
I'm partial to this one:
@kanye-qwest said in Coming Soon: Arx, After the Reckoning:
How big of you!
We could move this thread to the Hog Pit, if you deem it more appropriate.
@admiral said in Changeling the Lost 2e: The Huntsman Chronicles:
Win the lottery? Lose your job? Clarity loss. Getting married? Getting commended for ten years on the job? Gain clarity.
The system doesn't look or sound any different than any other 2E Integrity system.