You're not the crazy one.
Posts made by Ganymede
RE: New/Old mush now hiring staff!
If I explain my humor, it will cease being funny.
RE: RL Anger
@Admiral said in RL Anger:
Months after my family cut me off I get a text today from my mom saying she is 'praying for me'.
So few Christians seem to understand that Jesus told you to pray for people because they were already damned. Once damned, only through prayer and forgiveness could you be welcomed back to God.
It tickles me in the irony when people say that they are praying for another person to receive good fortune, because that's clearly not how it goes.
Thank God I'm Catholic.
RE: Where do you draw the line in having your character take what would otherwise be an "IC" action for them?
@Wavert said in Where do you draw the line in having your character take what would otherwise be an "IC" action for them?:
For example, maybe I logically know my PC would seek out PC X for further details about some plot thread they have, but I don't like X's player and find them grating to roleplay with, so I'd rather find another way. Or maybe my PC is the sort to jump headfirst into situations without thinking about, but I know staying true to that behavior in this particular instance would mean RPing something i'm not ever comfortable with (Maybe it would just get me into something that's too dark or stupid than I wanna engage with).
Use @mail to send an IC letter to PC X requesting information, if he or she has it. If PC X provides the information, then you have acted to your satisfaction in an IC way and avoided RPing with PC X's player.
Winner, winner, chicken dinner.
RE: Gamertags
PS4: LowVirtualMemory
Steam: LowVirtualMemory (or Metamonkey, I can't remember) -
RE: RL Anger
I didn't say that the movie wasn't scary. It was. So is being in a pitch black room with random gunshots going off. Which would have been more entertaining to me.
RE: What locations do you want to RP in?
@Duntada said in What locations do you want to RP in?:
Does that sound like a kind of place that would be acceptable, or would the "high stress" you think be too much for most characters?
And why would the supernatural characters go there? That is, why that place in particular?
Nothing above really answers that question.
RE: RL Anger
My short review of Equilibrium:
Ah, what is there left to say about this cult-classic? Visually-impressive. Stimulating ideas. All good bits for a good movie. And, really, Equilibrium is a good movie.
Yet much about it seems fashioned from the same puerile sense of style that followed The Matrix. Allusions to Christian myth -- John Preston / Prester John -- aren't easily overlooked, especially when the "soldiers" are called clerics. The whole idea is a mish-mash of nerd fantasy -- oh, let's use angles and mathematics to explain this gun kata martial arts crap! Yay! Woo! At least The Matrix didn't demean us with that crap.
There's little I liked in Equilibrium that I didn't find and enjoy in Tank Girl, but that movie didn't try to keep things serious for us, and wallowed in its comical nature. In the end, all of the glitzy coolness of Equilibrium is eaten up by the banality of its over-wrought polemic: that its wrong to tamp down creativity and emotion in favor of logic and formula.
So, aside from the visuals, it's hard to truly marvel at the movie, which gets consumed by its own sense of self-importance. It's almost enough to drown out the ironic play between the message and the movie's similarities to The Matrix.
RE: RL Anger
My short review of The Matrix:
For the sake of brevity, I'm going to stick with the first movie, which is, for me, the only movie I care to recognize when asked about my thoughts on the trilogy. "There were three movies? Pretty sure there was one movie and two pointless, boring, overwrought wankfests that make the Twilight series seem watchable." Which it isn't, by the way.
I liked the movie. I liked the premise, and I like the execution. To say that the entire concept of existence within a machine is novel or ground-breaking is akin to saying that you only heard that there could be more than two genders in the past couple of years thanks to Caitlyn Jenner. That is, if you so believe, then you probably haven't been paying attention to the very genre that The Matrix attempts to rise from: science-fiction.
The idea of being trapped in a contrived universe is a trope used in various genres and settings, from ST:TNG (Ep. 82 -- Future Imperfect) to The Truman Show. References to Plato's Allegory of the Cave and other sources makes The Matrix about as new as dirt. The difference, however, is that The Matrix is able to take those ideas and present them in a wholly ground-breaking way. It's not the ideas or the message, but how it is shown.
I'll admit I was entertained, but I was also entertained by Final Fantasy: The Spirits Within, which also broke ground in how it presented its poorly-written plot. Still, it would be wrong to hate hard on something presented with such glitz and glamour that so many others would attempt and fail to replicate. This is a movie to be watched for what it is, not what it says. And for that, we thank you, Wachowski Brothers.
RE: RL Anger
Then keep 'em coming. But try to skip movies this year. I've seen a lot of good movies this year.
RE: New/Old mush now hiring staff!
@Lithium said in New/Old mush now hiring staff!:
Most of them used some version of the Amber Diceless RPG which works very well for a MU* setting, if you're dealing with adults.
... so not a MU*?
RE: POLL Gothic Fantasy System
@ZombieGenesis said in POLL Gothic Fantasy System:
This is NOT a game that is in progress. Just some discussion among friends about what may or may not work on a theoretical game.
What are the players to do on the game? Is it a "kill monsters!" game or a political game? A survival game or a story-based game?
RE: RL Anger
My short review of Paranormal Activity:
If your idea of a good time is having loud noises and sudden movement startle you, then you are either a house cat or someone who liked Paranormal Activity. The fact that this series got several sequels/installments serves to reinforce my belief that ill-educated people will always confuse pornography for sex.
I sort of understand why this is the case. This movie came out around the same time that YouTube got kind of popular, and porn tubes started to proliferate. People like to have what they want immediately, and to have it be as gratifying as possible. I shouldn't say "people", though; rather, this is the common perception of what we are entitled to, as this is as horrifyingly incorrect as labeling Paranormal Activity as entertaining.
The only thing paranormal about the movie is its popularity. It's spooky. Whereas horror fans could have enjoyed gems like The Orphanage (Il Orphanato) or [REC], they instead found themselves adulating this awful cinematic abortion that's about as fun as voyeur porn at a convenience store: something exciting might happen if you lower your standards enough, but you're probably better off buying a subscription to BangBros., which produced more films that are more entertaining, humorous, and tongue-in-cheek than Paranormal Activity.
It'd probably make more sense too.
RE: What locations do you want to RP in?
@Pyrephox said in What locations do you want to RP in?:
I would definitely like to see a WoD game that played up how fundamentally corrupt the world was, without making it 'and everyone is always miserable forever'.
People should try making characters with some depth, then.
Or learn how to perform improv.
Or, you know, have a wit of awareness for the world, which is pretty corrupt as it is and makes many of us miserable forever.
The conceit in the World of Darkness isn't that it's different; it's that it's not different.
RE: RL Anger
My short review of Insidious:
The first half of the movie is what you come for. The script is solid, the performances good, and the material interesting. Watching a family struggle with the haunting of a child is harrowing, and Byrne and Wilson play fine in the roles of the concerned, scared parents.
But, as usual, Hollywood tries to tie up what never needs to be tied. Dread is a funny feeling, one that Hollywood seems doomed to never understand. Effective horror movies make you wonder; they don't come to a conclusion. And that's why the second half fails utterly.
About the only frightening thing in the second half is realizing that the villain is really Darth Maul with goat legs, which reminds you have how terrifying Star Wars: The Phantom Menace was. It's like remembering how badly your childhood memories were hobbled and raped by Lucas' horrid inability to create dialogue, names, dialects, and interesting situations. And then, like in this movie, you wake up, shivering, wondering what the fuck happened and why you're missing enough money to get you a passable meal at the local Texas Roadhouse.
I can write these all night.
RE: RL Anger
Ironically, the first remains the best.
Like Sinister, which is a far better movie.
RE: What locations do you want to RP in?
No more businesses for individual PCs.
If you're going to make a location, make it significant. A tur; an Elysium; a sanctum.
And then, make it something cheery or mundane as a veneer. Like an Olive Garden Elysium. Or a Chuck-E-Cheese Tur.
RE: Star Wars: Dawn of Defiance
@Mercutio said in Star Wars: Dawn of Defiance:
In regards to the idea of older characters having more power - this is indeed the case. But there is a hard level cap. And while there are side-upgrade options, the costs climb heavily after a certain point. It's not perfect, but not the worst as a system. It's something we watch.
It's good to know that you're watching this, but I don't think it helps, really.
I think the game has run into a typical problem: over-dinosauring. No one's done anything wrong intentionally, or even unintentionally. Lots of games, however, reach an end cycle where several PCs have hit some sort of level cap, but continue on because, so the theory goes, new players will eventually reach the same level if they devote the same amount of time to the game. My understanding is that some of the PCs on DoD are 3 years old or older.
This is an eternity for many gamers. Sure, other players can get to where the oldbies are, but who wants to wait until then? I have no interest in being a side-character for someone else's story, or playing the plucky sidekick for three years or more. As a player, I want to play with peers in power, even if not in title.
I played on this game with a troupe of others, and we had a good, but limited run on the game. Staff was helpful, given that we were WoD'ers, but, in the end, I felt like a subordinate speck in a large game that had either reached its end game or had passed me by. This may not have been the case, but this was the impression I got from sifting through the Wikis and listening to channel chat.
RE: RL Anger
If it's me I will ruin it in like, 30 seconds. Don't worry.
If it's me, I'll disappoint you in less time than that.