@Arkandel said in MU Things I Love:
@Ganymede http://www.businessinsider.com/the-worlds-first-artificially-intelligent-lawyer-gets-hired-2016-5
All I can tell is that the thing can do research. Not sure what else it can do.
@Arkandel said in MU Things I Love:
@Ganymede http://www.businessinsider.com/the-worlds-first-artificially-intelligent-lawyer-gets-hired-2016-5
All I can tell is that the thing can do research. Not sure what else it can do.
@Cupcake said in MU Things I Love:
...I could probably make an entire playlist based around my characters' romances.
... me?
@GangOfDolls said in Health and Wealth and GrownUp Stuff:
Hmmm. Like some sort of iron issue?
More like "some sort of diet issue." I'm a proponent of eating a variety of foods in order to get proper nutrition, and when we eschew certain foods out of choice or circumstance we risk unsettling our body's chemistry.
It's just a thought.
Might want to think of eating not-chicken and not-fish meat. I'm not joking.
See if your doctor will put you on trazodone.
I surmise you have probably tried melatonin.
@Monogram said in Mental Health and Grown Up Stuff:
I've been told that that's one of the hardest steps.
It is.
It is difficult for me to respond because I believe everyone is different. What may work for me probably will not work for the next person. And I don't want to post something that sounds condescending or belittling. My partner suffers from some mental health issues, and is currently under the sort of stress that triggers her constantly.
Me, I'm a brick. I'm a goddamn brick. When I get stressed, I work out. And I work out persistently. I play video games. I watch TV. I go and get a drink or two. But I'm a brick, and, because I'm a brick, I think people would characterize me as "stable." And maybe I am.
But I just am. I have no trick to it. It's how I am, and, I suppose, that means, relative to others, I don't suffer from mental health issues.
@surreality said in Health and Wealth and GrownUp Stuff:
I agree with some general premises I extract from the quote: "don't specialize yourself into such a corner you can do nothing else", "people should be encouraged to know how to handle a variety of life skill basics broadly to at least some extent", and "don't hesitate to learn something just because its outside your area of focus," -- all of which I think are useful concepts that people sometimes struggle with.
I got a simpler message: humans have the capacity to be many things, so you don't need to specialize. Also, in the context of fiction, I believe this is the trope of the competent man/woman.
@Arkandel said in Health and Wealth and GrownUp Stuff:
With lifting, especially at first, it's addicting. You struggle to lift 20 pounds then the next week it's 25. Then it's 30. Then 35. And for the first few months it can go almost lineary like that - until you start getting really, actually, honest-to-god fit - so that what you couldn't even pick up from the rack a while earlier has magically become unworthy of even warming up with. It's amazing.
I like lifting. I'm pretty good at it. It's also the most demoralizing thing I do in the gym because if I don't keep up, I see substantial performance drops within 2 to 3 weeks. That's a tough feeling.
I'm getting into cardio more these days. I do it because I know I can lift, but that's not my goal: shedding fat and water is.
But, yeah, the human body is amazing. I'm just responding to @Catsmeow to encourage her more because I'm good at workout slogans. ^.^
@Catsmeow said in Health and Wealth and GrownUp Stuff:
I bumped up my 30 minutes of cardio by a whole speed step on the treadmill tonight. Also started easy strength training.
You've been at this for 2 weeks? 3? Let's say it's three.
If you started at a pace of 2.0 miles per hour, then after 6 months, you'll be closer to 3.0 miles. You will have increased your ability by 50%. Go for a full year, and you will be at 4.0 miles, which is a 100% increase.
Find something else whose performance improves by 100% in a year. It's a hard search. So, you're doing kickass. Never forget that.
-- Ganymede, the Eunuch of You Can Do Eet.
(Edited because I'm an idiot.)
@RnMissionRun said in RL Anger:
We learned about budgeting, mortgages, checking accounts, paying bills and similar things in Math class.
We learned how to calculate our interest payments and the like in mathematics.
What we never learned was what we would need to sign, how lenders collect in the event of default, how to negotiate a better interest rate, how to calculate a better interest rate, how MPI works, what programs are available to obtain better rates, and so on.
And, yes, I believe these are things that the average homeowner should know about.
I took Home Economics in school.
I did not. My school didn't offer it. It was a nerd school; I guess no one expected us to actually have a home.
I'd expect such a subject to include modules on:
You know, the useful shit you really ought to know coming out of high school.
I'd volunteer to teach this kind of course. I'd call it 'Real Shit 101'.
I'm more put off a bit that someone in a school would be giving my child dating advice, not really what it is.
A school can teach "home economics" without giving dating advice. It's not difficult.
@Thenomain said in Searching for Star Wars RPI:
Checking the Three (or Four) Laws of Robotics, I don't see anything in there about a robot not being mean. Also, you break the 2nd Law pretty much constantly. Therefore, not only can you be mean, but you do not even follow Asimov's laws, QED.
No. You're wrong. The Russians said otherwise. I'm not taking any questions from you any more.
@Thenomain said in Searching for Star Wars RPI:
You lie; @faraday is physically incapable of being mean.
As the only robot-lawyer here, I am the only person physically incapable of being mean, pursuant to Asimov's laws.
@Thenomain said in Searching for Star Wars RPI:
This is a 100% valid way to do it. This is how we did it in WoD, and some people still do. There is nothing wrong with it, the question is always where to put the bulk of the work.
Will you make an Earthdawn chargen for me? @faraday is being mean.
@Tinuviel said in Searching for Star Wars RPI:
You're gripping the wrong bit.
That's not what he said.
@faraday said in Searching for Star Wars RPI:
But to illustrate my point - doing the die rollers in both Earthdawn and FFG took about half an hour each. Doing chargen or an advanced system like combat/space/econ? Many many hours. (So, no, not something I do for a random fun challenge, sorry @Ganymede :))
Clearly. I'm trying to use my Force Choke command on you, and it's not working.