@mietze said:
Man, the longer I am a parent the less tolerance I have for shitty parenting that sets up innocent children to be entitled, socially blind asshats.
There is no such thing as an innocent child.
Then again, I'm Catholic, so --
@mietze said:
Man, the longer I am a parent the less tolerance I have for shitty parenting that sets up innocent children to be entitled, socially blind asshats.
There is no such thing as an innocent child.
Then again, I'm Catholic, so --
The Witcher III Sountrack.
This version: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=G6FotzVt9Ak
Unbelievably good.
@Derp said:
If you want to make a Lords and Ladies in Space game that still has some action and appeal or whatever, consider making a game set in the Pitch Black universe. Necromongers game could be pretty awesome.
That's low-science-fiction-fantasy. And it's pretty awesome. Also, take inspiration from the Aliens series.
@Admiral said:
And I was told if I file a lawsuit against her, I'm fired. This is Texas, so yes. They can do that.
Depending on your state's laws, it may be required that you report a felony. And what she did may qualify, so you may be legally obligated to file a criminal complaint against her.
If you get fired for filing a criminal complaint for a felony, you can likely seek recourse, despite Texas being an at-will jurisdiction. I believe there's a public policy exception to that rule where you are required by law to take an action, and are fired for it.
@Vorpal said:
There is, of course, the strict religious harassment: The comments that you will go to hell because you don't accept Jeebus squarely qualify as religious persecution and harassment, whether or not she's going for the gay angle.
The only problem is that there is a specific defense for religious beliefs in most employment discrimination laws, in accordance with the First Amendment. It muddles the issue when it comes to religious discrimination.
@Roz said:
Sexuality isn't a protected class everywhere, unfortunately, so it's state by state.
This is true, kind of. The federal law prohibits discrimination based on gender, and some circuits have held that discriminating against someone because they are not attracted to the opposite gender is a form of gender discrimination.
@Admiral said:
I'll have to talk to my employer about recording equipment. There's a strict no-recording equipment policy at my workplace, we have to sign a little sheet promising to record nothing. Maybe they'll make an exception for personal safety.
If you get fired because the woman at issue lied, then you probably don't need to worry about whether your violation will result in your termination.
What the recording will do, however, is provide cause for the EEOC to pursue an investigation into whether you were harassed or subjected to a hostile work environment based on your race, gender, or religion.
Plus, even were your employer to bring up the policy, I doubt they would be able to prove damages resulting from the violation, so a civil suit would likely be of no avail.
@Admiral said:
Odds are she won't get in trouble, though. Like I said, it's my word against hers and she's a conservative-christian church lady. Hell she might lie and say I was the one threatening her and get me fired. We'll see how it goes.
That's the great part about smartphones and recording events with it surreptitiously. It may not be admissible evidence, but it's certainly good enough to get the EEOC snooping.
@Taika said:
I also liked the raised cost for things. I can't remember what interval it was... Every 50 xp?
That's how it was done on RfK. As a suggestion, if you keep track of Beats only, then it's easier for you to implement the XP system; however, you would have to calculate where the breaks are in the future. So, if you make each XP cost 6 beats after 50 XP, and incrementally raise the cost by an additional beat every 50 XP, your chart looks something like this:
250 beats --> 6 beats per XP
550 beats --> 7 beats per XP
900 beats --> 8 beats per XP
1300 beats --> 9 beats per XP
1750 beats --> 10 beats per XP
And then, I'd just cap the beats-per-XP conversion there. You could still implement a 10 beats per week system, plus beats for aspirations, conditions, and PrPs.
You have been civilly-assaulted. If you are in Ohio, then you have been the victim of menacing.
Your employer may not be held liable under a theory of vicarious liability for your co-worker's threats; however, they could be held negligent if they take no steps to address the situation and the behavior persists. Under a negligence theory, the issue would be whether a reasonably-prudent employer would take steps to ensure no further harm was done. And, yes, being the target of verbal threats of bodily harm does constitute "harm," even if the monetary figure may be low.
No employer wants to be the target of an employment-related lawsuit. Might want to look into plaintiff's employment attorneys in your area to consult.
@Arkandel said:
It even has a diluting effect on other kinds of rewards - if I can get a Beat for 30 seconds' worth of typing an one-line justification and you have to run a multi-hour PrP with several players in it it's the same incentive being applied, but one action helps the game a great deal more than the other.
I know this. There is no perfect system. Sorry. There just isn't, and there never will be. That does not mean we should not install some sort of system, consequences known and damned. I will note that the reward for running a scene can be greater than what you'd get by fulfilling an aspiration or resolving a condition. And people won't engage in a behavior if the reward is too low.
Presuming that aspirations create RP, though, you are still engaging correctly in positive reinforcement. Giving people more for STing or participating in PRPs is a good idea. Cap your gain or make XPs cost more beats as one gets more XP, and that's about the best you can do to achieve balance.
@bored said:
Without some kind of sane cap on it, its a real turnoff to me.
And this is what RfK did.
When I said that they gave the system a lot of thought, I'm not kidding. They capped your Beats per week gained from pursuing Aspirations, short or long-term. You got more Beats from engaging in scenes with others, which is what you probably want people to do.
@Coin said:
Then you need to point out when you file for the asp that this is how your vampire operates. Because your opinon is just that--and not everyone else's. So we're back to context.
I am hesitant to pass judgment on player's reasoning when it comes to aspirations. I see your point, but it borders on violating the "wrongfun" doctrine. I realize that GMC/CoD encourages greater ST participation in the crafting of a PC, but I am cautious, in a MU* context, of setting up a system where staff has to constantly question why a player is requesting something.
@Coin said:
But how? There's no context. How? Why? How does it further your character in a way that isn't commonplace? Notice I gave an alternative I found acceptable that was more detailed than just "fuck every neonate".
In my opinion, vampires having coitus with other vampires isn't commonplace -- at least, it shouldn't be. In a society of apex predators, getting up close and personal is a catastrophe waiting to happen, and is a profound vulnerability where the person you want to fuck ends up tearing your head off because killing another vampire ain't against the Traditions.
@Coin said:
Because it's a commonplace ocurrence of your Requiem and, while important inasmuch as establishing the night-to-night activities, it doesn't actually further your characterization--it simply marks the status quo of it, much like the "dude who goes fighting every saturday" or "rave-a-holic". If it's part of your every day life, it's not progression, it's reinforcing the status quo.
While I would agree that all Aspirations should represent a change in the status quo, I disagree with your conclusion that setting short-term aspirations for each of the people you want to sleep with is not reasonable, especially if they are PCs. On a MU*, this could have profound consequences. While "getting laid" with mortals is likely inconsequential, shacking up with every neonate may very well be.
I would likely require "Get laid by <PC name here>" as a short-term aspiration. I don't think "Get laid by every neonate" is a good long-term aspiration.
Regarding a fight, "getting into a fistfight with <X>" doesn't ring right for me either. "Defeat <X> in a fist-fight" is more appropriate, even if you want to defeat everyone in a fist-fight. Seems to be perfectly within theme to want to dominate all other vampires physically, if you're a physical vampire.