Kinda feel like the likelihood of someone apping 60+ year old Aunt May, Alfred, and Uncle Ben? pretty low.
I mean, maybe Marisa Tomei Aunt May but really, non-hero supporting cast members with no superhero skills (though some would argue that raising a teenager made Aunt May a superhero!) aren't likely to ever be apped.
My Spider-Senses detect shenanigans. What made staff stamp down so hard on this particular player? Did staff really side J Jonah Jameson-style on "HEY SOMEONE MIGHT APP THAT 65 YEAR OLD MATRON LADY THAT HELPS OUT IN THE SOUP KITCHEN! RULES ARE RULES! YOU CAN PICK UP YOUR CHECK ON THE WAY OUT!"?
Seems a little excessive to me. I mean, it could be exactly what it is at face value, but in the past I've seen stuff like this as a vehicle for: Staffer wants the character, staffer friend wants the character, staffer doesn't like player, behind the scenes rudeness between staff and player, etc.
Whenever I see such a staunch ruling on something somewhat minimal, I can't help but feel like there's gotta be a hot scoop for the Daily Bugle.
EDIT: Added more Spider-references.