Giving no consideration to how good or bad an idea it might be, here's a link to a folder I share with people who play Arx, full of about 200+ possible PB pics that I have given a cursory cropping to. Most suitable for something low-tech, nature of the beast, but still.
Best posts made by Kanye Qwest
RE: Help With Played Bys
RE: Blood of Dragons
But why can't there be female fighters? Game of Thrones has tons of females who fight.
RE: The Makeup Thread
BH Cosmetics has a decent formula and is always affordable. Moreso now with a big BF sale. This one has some very neutral olives, but they have a lot of palettes:
RE: Coming Soon: Arx, After the Reckoning
We are trying to get around to different players and offer them hooks and NPC interaction and GMing. We've had a bit of a flood of new players, though, and I know for me personally I am not even close to being familiar with all of them. I have a feeling I might know which @org you are talking about, but if not, mind telling me which it is? I don't want anyone floundering lonely, and maybe there's something we can do!
RE: Blood of Dragons
@yyrqun said in Blood of Dragons:
but we are based on a strict canon within the books that depicts sexism in this world.
That's cool. Not for me, but cool.
It's usually something that's important rather than limiting though
and explored through female PoVs quite tactfully
wait, what? You mean in game there are guidelines to make sure this happens? Because it definitely isn't the case in the source material
RE: Good Music
I can echo (from a year ago) St vincent and pomplamoose, and I think anyone in the world should listen to Gogol Bordello - Start Wearing Purple, Dogs were Barking, American Wedding, Illumination, I Just Realized...also the best live show I have ever been to, even in a small DC club.
RE: Sensitive cultural/political/religious aspects of game themes.
@surreality said in Sensitive cultural/political/religious aspects of game themes.:
<raises a hand> I am a little testy because painkillers and, well, pain. Just want to note this because I may be coming off snarlier than I intend, since it's kinda hard to see straight at the moment and I'm keeping things a bit short (for me anyway).
Yeah, a little snarly for a thread you opened up for discussion. Hope you feel better!
@GangOfDolls - Aha. That does make more sense, as one scenario was at least a series of scenes/events.
RE: NOLA 2: Back in the Vieux
Yeah, don't you dare try to think of ways to improve experiences. What a waste.
RE: Podcasts
@testament said in Podcasts:
I also really love comedian podcasts, and they fill a lot of hours during my workday.
I think I rotate through four currently.
The Joe Rogan Podcast
Listen, this is an intervention. Please sit down, we want to tell you that we care about you.
RE: Sensitive cultural/political/religious aspects of game themes.
@Thenomain said in Sensitive cultural/political/religious aspects of game themes.:
@Ganymede said in Sensitive cultural/political/religious aspects of game themes.:
@Thenomain said in Sensitive cultural/political/religious aspects of game themes.:
Throwing someone's dissatisfaction in their face is not good behavior.
It's also not good behavior to step into someone's house and begin to criticize their décor.
Double post! (Because tablet.)
I feel that This is a bad comparison. It's like starting a club and not allowing your members to criticize the decor.
It's a good comparison! Sorry, I felt your statement could use some clarification.
RE: Reno is closing! ....Or is it?
@pyrephox said in Reno is closing! ....Or is it?:
@arkandel Which is why one of the things that is really, absolutely needed, is for staff to have a clear, strong, well-communicated vision of what a specific game is about. WoD games have an unfortunate tendency to regress to the mean because everyone just kinda dumps their own assumptions in and you get a muddled mess where people kinda just do their own thing until they get bored and drift away.
A strongly themed game will not be for every player, or every character, but the players that it IS for will be more engaged, excited, and active with one another.
all the upvotes
RE: Real World Peeves, Disgruntlement, and Irks.
@Sparks said in Real World Peeves, Disgruntlement, and Irks.:
Medications with a lengthy list of possible side effects.
Doubly so if you end up with roughly 80% of that lengthy list.
Quintuple-y so if those side effects include making the original problem way worse. (For instance, an antidepressant should ideally not cause 'increased depression and potential suicidal ideation'.)
Bonus if surprise snow kept the doctor's office closed so you couldn't call and get permission to stop taking said medication.
oh NO. God, the medication roulette can be so scary.
RE: Coming Soon: Arx, After the Reckoning
@Goyim No need to save that for a courtesan character, as they aren't sex workers. There are no sex workers. Everyone is free to have all the sex they want, so there's no need to make it any poor soul's job.
RE: Thundergulch
The site is pretty lite on game setting information. What are the guidelines around making pcs that aren't men? Can they hold any job or are they relegated to period accurate things?
RE: Coming Soon: Arx, After the Reckoning
People making out is probably not that impressive to a millennia old lunatic.
RE: Coming in 2016 - Bump in the Night
@Roz said:
@Thenomain said:
I fixed 'request <title>=<content>' from submitting jobs titled 'uest <title>'. I will miss that little bug.
I am transparently downvoting you because obviously that was a feature, not a bug.
In more general news, I successfully made it through my first WoD chargen here and everyone is very nice.
WoD chargen is the worst. I just went through it awhile ago, got all excited about my character (BLATANTLY STOLEN) concept, and then I get in game and no one roleplays.
It's really turned me off to most sandbox games, and even though I got all excited about BITN's concept I have to remind myself that 100% of my experience with WoD games so far has been a simple flowchart.
deal with obnoxious charcreation/app process
Wait for char to be approved. Hang out in the OOC room with the intention of making friends to play with despite not really being much for OOC chatting with strangers.
Begin to hate the OOC room, myself, and everyone else in it.
Get approved! Get 1 scene with whoever talked me into trying game.
Realize the bulk of the game just hangs out in that OOC room waiting for something to happen to go IC for. Despair of ever running into cool random RP (which is the only way I make friends in RP communities - still not much for ooc chatting)
Stop logging in. REPEAT WITH NEW GAME. -
RE: The Dog Thread
to be fair, they are not cheap dogs to KEEP, either. Vaccines and medications for braum are expensive because he weighs 170lbs (most pyrs do not weigh 170 lbs, more like 110).
I mean he is so very much WORTH it, but I am glad I have the income to take care of these things and also spend $100 on treats and food every week or so. They are fantastic, wonderful dogs, but they are not right for everyone's life.
@moth omg sleepy sunshine doggo
RE: Coming in 2016 - Bump in the Night
@Arkandel said:
@Kanye-Qwest said:
It's really turned me off to most sandbox games, and even though I got all excited about BITN's concept I have to remind myself that 100% of my experience with WoD games so far has been a simple flowchart.
Let's take a look at it.
deal with obnoxious charcreation/app process
What do you find particularly obnoxious about it? Like,what's the worst part about WoD CGen as opposed to other systems' (assuming there is an approval process of course for them, CGen-less MU* don't count).
But why not be the change you want in the world? Make something happen, get a story going. Run a PrP if need be, get your character in some trouble then ask your friends (or find some) for help, get in a faction and do something unexpected, start a group (coterie/cabal/pack/etc) if you can't find one. You know? Be proactive, make some ripples and pull others into that madness.
These things are tied together. The character creation for me is obnoxious because not only have I never played WoD tabletop, I've never really played ANY tabletop outside a couple cool one-offs my friends have done on game nights. I don't have a good knowledge of the mechanics (ok I have NO knowledge of the mechanics)
Which might make you ask why I'd want to play these games, and the answer is I love modern supernatural/horror settings.
@Derp said:
So, this might be a dumb question, but have you considered, you know... asking people if they want to play? Because from your flowchart it sounds like a whole lot of passive, and not a lot of active. And active is really the key to finding stuff.
Again, the real issue here is my lack of familiarity with the setting. I have no trouble being active to find RP (or, have never had an issue with this before) but my preferred style is the kind that happens organically - that just never seems to happen without an IC grid people want to hang out on more than the OOC rooms. Then, when I have a good feel for characters in my newly-known group, I can come up with a plot that helps advance them/appeals to their chars or personalities. That's the storytelling I like.
I hated, on the last game I staffed for, that we were expected to run bullshit scenes anyone and everyone could participate in. Generic fires. Rat swarms. Whatever. HATE.
@ThatOneDude said:
I feel you on this. Or I get busy with RL/Work and then look back and missed that chance to jump into a plot or whatever thing is getting going on the fly. Hit me up in the OOC and we'll do this thing! Just don't be like @Derp and try to hit on my PC right out the gate... Creeeeepy.
I only participate in sexytime rp or rp deep interpersonal relationships. I have striking looks 2 and you are obviously already in love with my PC.